Aloha and welcome to the Equity Definitions Feedback Survey.
Equity Definitions Feedback Survey
Aloha kākou! We are seeking your important feedback on definitions of energy equity developed in the Energy Equity Framework and Definitions Working Group attended by diverse energy stakeholders across the state. The goal of this project is to create a common understanding of key terms among stakeholders in Hawaiʻi that may be used in formal and informal forums related to energy equity and justice initiatives.
We chose to base our evaluation criteria on an assessment tool created by the ’Āina Aloha Economic Futures here: https://www.ainaalohafutures.com. We used relevant aspects of the tool to focus in further on community equity.
Please read the definition and think about whether it makes sense from a Hawaii perspective. In the response section following each definition, please provide any comments you may have about how the definitions align with your perspectives. If you have any suggestions about rewording or redefining the definitions, please include these suggestions in your response.
Your comments are important to help us guide and refine the definitions to determine areas of consensus and areas where more work is needed. We appreciate you sharing your thoughts and feelings – and we are also hoping to discover new definitions, tools and energy equity partners through your responses.
Mahalo nui loa, and please feel free to ask any questions in the response sections.