The Hawaiʻi State Energy Office engages with all levels of government on all relevant regulatory, legislative, and policy issues.


This table displays testimony and comments filed in advance of the hearing date during the 2024 session.

MeasureTitleHearing CommitteeHearing Date
HB 1687Comments Relating to Energy ResiliencyEEP1/30/24
HB 1692Support Relating to CondominiumsCPC1/30/24
HB 1970Comments Relating to EnergyEEP1/30/24
HB 2100Support Relating to EnergyEEP1/30/24
HB 2296Comments Relating to Renewable FuelEEP1/30/24
HB 2517Support Relating to Renewable EnergyEEP1/30/24
HB 2616Support Relating to Electric VehiclesEEP1/30/24
SB 2102Comments Relating to Renewable EnergyEET-AEN1/30/24
SB 2122Support Relating Energy-Efficiency Portfolio StandardsEET1/30/24
SB 2451Comments Relating to an Atmospheric Carbon Capture PlantEET-AEN1/30/24
SB 2504Support Relating to State ProgramsEET1/30/24
SB 2525Comments Relating to TaxationEET-AEN1/30/24
SB 2768Comments Relating to Greenhouse Gas EmissionsEET-AEN1/30/24
SB 2892Comments Relating to MopedsTCA1/30/24
SB 3021Support Relating to TransportationTCA1/30/24
SB 2070Support Relating to the Department of EducationEDU1/31/24
HB 1828Support Relating to Energy-Efficiency Portfolio StandardsEEP2/1/24
HB 1997Comments Relating to the Interisland Transport of HydrogenTRN2/1/24
HB 2012Support Relating to Electric Vehicle ParkingEEP2/1/24
HB 2103Support Relating to Long Duration Clean Energy StorageEEP2/1/24
HB 2105Support Relating to Renewable EnergyEEP2/1/24
HB 2297Comments Relating to Greenhouse Gas EmissionsEEP2/1/24
HB 2367Support Relating to EnergyEEP2/1/24
HB 2390Comments Relating to Renewable EnergyEEP2/1/24
HB 2767Comments Relating to Renewable FuelEEP2/1/24
HB 2798Comments Relating to EnergyEEP2/1/24
SB 2518Comments Relating to Geothermal Energy ExplorationEET2/1/24
SB 2539Support Relating to Renewable EnergyEET-GVO2/1/24
SB 2986Comments Relating to Energy ResiliencyEET2/1/24
GM 0595Support Governor’s Message 595, James Kunane Tokioka as Director of the Department of Business, Economic Development, and TourismEET2/6/24
HB 1972Comments Relating to Electric vehicle BatteriesEEP2/6/24
HB 2407Support Relating to Wildfire Risk MitigationWAL-EEP2/6/24
HB 2614Support Relating to Renewable EnergyEEP-WAL2/6/24
SB 2727Support Relating to CondominiumsCPN2/6/24
SB 2965Comments Relating to the Interisland Transport of HydrogenTCA2/6/24
SB 3360Comments Relating to Renewable FuelEET2/6/24
SB 2141Comments Relating to Electric Grid ResiliencyPSM-WTL2/7/24
SB 3079Comments Relating to Renewable EnergyAEN2/7/24
HB 1890Comments Relating to Noise PollutionEEP2/8/24
HB 2020Support Relating to Renewable EnergyEEP2/8/24
HB 2801Support Relating to Commercial Property Assessed FinancingCPC2/8/24
SB 2650Support Relating to Geothermal ResourcesHWN-EET2/8/24
SB 3010Comments Relating to Renewable EnergyEET2/8/24
SB 3282Comments Relating to EnergyEET2/8/24
SB 2997Comments Relating to Public UtilitiesCPN2/9/24
SB 3096Support Relating to Wildfire Risk MitigationPSM2/9/24
HB 1997-HD1Comments Relating to the Interisland Transport of HydrogenCPC2/13/24
HB 2089Comments Relating to the State Building CodeWAL2/13/24
HB 2414Support Relating to EnergyEEP-LGO2/13/24
HB 2517-HD1Support Relating to Renewable EnergyCPC2/13/24
HB 2738Comments Relating to Renewable EnergyEEP-WAL2/13/24
SB 2311Comments Relating to Electric Vehicle BatteriesAEN-CPN2/13/24
SB 2335Comments Relating to the State Building Code CouncilGVO2/13/24
SB 2537Support Relating to EnergyEET2/13/24
SB 2675Support Relating to Renewable Energy and Food SecurityEET-AEN2/13/24
SB 2770Support Relating to Renewable EnergyGVO-EET2/13/24
SB 2964Comments Relating to Renewable EnergyEET-CPN2/13/24
SB 2994Comments Relating to the State Building CodeGVO2/13/24
SB 3183Support Relating to Road Usage Charge ProgramTCA2/13/24
SB 3357Comments Relating to Renewable EnergyGVO-EET2/13/24
HB 1972-HD1Support Relating to Electric Vehicle BatteriesCPC2/14/24
HB 2012-HD1Support Relating to Electric Vehicle ParkingJHA2/14/24
HB 2614-HD1Support Relating to Renewable EnergyCPC2/14/24
SB 2499Support Relating to a Program to Characterize Carbon Sequestration Potential and Underground Water Resources StatewideEET-AEN-WTL2/14/24
SB 2574Comments Relating to Renewable FuelAEN-EET2/14/24
SB 2894Support Relating to TransportationTCA-LBT2/14/24
SB 3103Support Relating to EnergyEET-LBT2/14/24
HB 1998Comments Relating to TransportationEEP-TRN2/15/24
HB 2407-HD1Support Relating to Wildfire Risk MitigationCPC-JHA2/15/24
SB 2677Support Relating to Energy EfficiencyEET-GVO2/15/24
SB 3195Support Relating to Renewable EnergyEET2/15/24
HB 2523-HD1Comments Relating to Electric Utility LinemanFIN2/22/24
HB 2801-HD1Support Relating to Commercial Property Assessed FinancingFIN2/22/24
SB 3022-SD1Support Relating to TransportationWAM2/22/24
HB 1997-HD1Comments Relating to the Interisland Transport of HydrogenFIN2/23/24
HB 2582Support Relating to Critical Infrastructure InformationJHA2/23/24
SB 2070-SD1Support Relating to the Department of EducationWAM2/23/24
SB 2504-SD1Support Relating to State ProgramsWAM2/23/24
SB 2518-SD1Comments Relating to Geothermal Energy ExplorationWAM2/23/24
SB 2537-SD1Support Relating to EnergyWAM2/23/24
SB 2677-SD1Support Relating to Energy EfficiencyWAM2/23/24
SB 2727-SD1Support Relating to CondominiumsWAH2/23/24
SB 3010-SD1Comments Relating to Renewable EnergyWAM2/23/24
SB 3282-SD1Comments Relating to EnergyWAM2/23/24
HB 2407-HD2Support Relating to Wildfire Risk MitigationFIN2/26/24
HB 2089-HD1Comments Relating to the State Building CodeCPC2/27/24
SB 0370Support Relating to Electric Vehicle Charging SystemsTCA-EET2/27/24
SB 2997-SD1Comments Relating to Public UtilitiesJDC2/27/24
SB 3194-SD1Comments Relating to EnergyCPN2/27/24
SB 3195-SD1Support Relating to Renewable EnergyCPN2/27/24
HB 1828-HD1Support Relating to Energy-Efficiency Portfolio StandardsCPC2/28/24
HB 1829-HD1Support Relating to Electric Vehicle Charging InfrastructureFIN2/28/24
HB 1972-HD1Support Relating to Electric Vehicle BatteriesFIN2/28/24
HB 2020-HD1Support Relating to Renewable EnergyCPC2/28/24
HB 2103-HD1Support Relating to Long Duration Clean Energy StorageFIN2/28/24
HB 2367-HD1Support Relating to EnergyFIN2/28/24
HB 2390-HD1Support Relating to Renewable EnergyCPC2/28/24
HB 2517-HD2Support Relating to Renewable EnergyFIN2/28/24
HB 2614-HD1Support Relating to Renewable EnergyFIN2/28/24
HB2738-HD1Comments Relating to Renewable EnergyFIN2/28/24
HB 2767-HD1Comments Relating to Renewable FuelFIN2/28/24
SB 3103-SD1Support Relating to EnergyWAM2/28/24
SB 3183-SD1Support Relating to Road Usage Charge ProgramWAM2/28/24
SB 2122-SD1Support Relating to Energy-Efficiency Portfolio StandardsCPN-WAM3/1/24
SB 2768-SD1Comments Relating to Greenhouse Gas EmissionsWAM3/1/24
SB 2770Support Relating to Renewable EnergyWAM3/1/24
SB 3360-SD1Comments Relating to Renewable EnergyWAM3/1/24
GM 0603Support Governor's Message 603, Submitting for Consideration and Confirmation as the Director, Office of Planning and Sustainable Development, Gubernatorial Nominee, MARY ALICE EVANS, for a Term to Expire 12-31-2026WTL3/6/24
HB 1800Support Relating to the State BudgetFIN3/6/24
HB 2390-HD2Support Relating to Renewable EnergyAEN3/11/24
HB 2523-HD1Support Relating to Electric Utility LinemanPSM3/11/24
HB 2582-HD1Comments Relating to Critical Infrastructure InformationPSM3/11/24
SB 2070-SD1Support Relating to the Department of EducationEDN-LGO3/12/24
SB 2727-SD2Support Relating to CondominiumsCPC3/12/24
SB 2768-SD1Comments Relating to Greenhouse Gas EmissionsEEP3/12/24
SB 3010-SD1Comments Relating to Renewable EnergyEEP3/12/24
SB 3021-SD2Support Relating to TransportationEEP-TRN3/12/24
SB 3022-SD2Support Relating to TransportationTRN3/12/24
SB 3183-SD2Support Relating to Road Usage Charge ProgramTRN3/12/24
SB 3195-SD2Support Relating to Renewable EnergyEEP3/12/24
SB 2504-SD2Support Relating to State ProgramsEEP-HET3/13/24
HB 1828-HD1Support Relating to Energy-Efficiency Portfolio StandardsEET3/14/24
HB 1972-HD1Support Relating to Electric Vehicle BatteriesEET-AEN3/14/24
HB 2103-HD2Support Relating to Long Duration Clean Energy StorageEET3/14/24
HB 2517-HD2Support Relating to Renewable EnergyGVO-EET3/14/24
HB 2614-HD1Support Relating to Renewable EnergyEET-GOV3/14/24
HB 2738-HD2Comments Relating to Renewable EnergyGOV-EET3/14/24
HB 2801-HD1Support Relating to Commercial Property Assessed FinancingCPN3/14/24
SB 2518-SD2Comments Relating to Geothermal Energy ExplorationEEP-WAL3/14/24
SB 2677-SD2Comments Relating to Energy EfficiencyEEP3/14/24
SB 2770Support Relating to Renewable EnergyEEP3/14/24
SB 2922-SD2Comments Relating to Public UtilitiesWAL-EEP3/14/24
SB 2997-SD2Comments Relating to Public UtilitiesEEP-WAL3/14/24
HB 2020-HD2Support Relating to Renewable EnergyEET-WTL3/18/24
SB 2922-SD2-HD1Comments Relating to Public UtilitiesCPC-JHA3/18/24
SB 2997-SD2-HD1Comments Relating to Public UtilitiesCPC-JHA3/18/24
SB 3183-SD2-HD1Support Relating to Road Usage Charge ProgramCPC3/18/24
HB 1829-HD1Support Relating to Electric Vehicle Charging InfrastructureGVO-EET3/19/24
HB 1997-HD1Comments Relating to the Interisland Transport of HydrogenCPN-TCA3/19/24
HB 2012-HD2Support Relating to Electric Vehicle ParkingTAC-EET3/19/24
HB 2089-HD2Comments Relating to the State Building CodeGVO3/19/24
HB 2801-HD1-Proposed SD1Support Relating to Commercial Property Assessed FinancingCPN3/19/24
SB 2537-SD2Support Relating to EnergyEEP3/19/24
SB 3103-SD2Support Relating to EnergyEEP-LGO3/19/24
SB 3194-SD2Comments Relating to EnergyEEP3/19/24
SB 3360-SD1Comments Relating to Renewable FuelEEP3/19/24
HB 1800-HD1Support Relating to the State BudgetWAM3/20/24
SB 2518-SD2-HD1Comments Relating to Geothermal Energy ExplorationCPC3/20/24
SB 2770-HD1Support Relating to Renewable EnergyCPC3/20/24
SB 3021-SD2-HD1Support Relating to TransportationCPC3/20/24
SB 2122-SD1Support Relating to Energy-Efficiency Portfolio StandardsEEP3/21/24
HCR 213 - HR 193Support Requesting the Hawaii State Energy Office to Convene a Renewable Liquid Fuels Working Group to Study Local Production, Development, and Incentives for Renewable Liquid Fuels.EEP3/21/24
SCR 76 - SR 63Comments on Requesting the Director of Health and the Chief Energy Officer to Continuously Monitor Air Pollutants Emitted by Waste Incineration Facilities.HHS-AEN3/25/24
SB 2070-SD1-HD1Support Relating to the Department of EducationFIN3/27/24
SB 3183-SD2-HD2Support Relating to Road Usage Charge ProgramFIN3/27/24
SB 2122-SD1-HD1Support Relating to Energy-Efficiency Portfolio StandardsCPC3/28/24
SB 3103-SD2-HD1Support Relating to EnergyCPC3/28/24
SCR 0097 - SR 82Support Requesting the Hawaii State Energy Office to Convene a Renewable Liquid Fuels Working Group to Study Local Production, Development, and Incentives for Renewable Liquid FuelsEET3/28/24
SCR 0134 - SR 116Comments Requesting the Hawaii State Energy Office to Conduct a Study of the Different Energy Consumption Sectors to Determine Which May be Most Quickly and Cost-effectively Decarbonized Through Additional Public Investments in Combustion-free AlternativesEET3/28/24
SCR 0171 - SR 147Comments Requesting the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism to Propose Legislation that Establishes Tax Credits for Firm Renewable Electricity GenerationEET3/28/24
SCR 0089 - SR 75Comments Requesting That The Hawaii State Energy Office And Office Of Planning And Sustainable Development Develop A Plan To Implement A Waste-To-Energy Technology SolutionEET-WTL4/1/24
SCR 0151 - SR 129Comments Requesting The Office Of Planning And Sustainable Development To Convene A Working Group To Develop Recommendations To Expand Blue Carbon Initiatives In The StateAEN4/1/24
HB 1828-HD1-SD1Support Relating to Energy-Efficiency Portfolio StandardsCPN-WAM4/2/24
HCR 0213-HD1--HR 0193-HD1Support Requesting the Hawaii State Energy Office to Convene a Renewable Liquid Fuels Working Group to Study Local Production, Development, and Incentives for Renewable Liquid FuelsCPC4/2/24
SB 2504-SD2Support Relating to State ProgramsFIN4/2/24
SB 2518-SD2-HD1Comments Relating to Geothermal Energy ExplorationFIN4/2/24
SB 2537-SD2Support Relating to EnergyFIN4/2/24
SCR 0126 - SR 108Comments Encouraging The Department Of Agriculture And Hawaii State Energy Office To Increase The State's Usage Of Biodiesel And To Fund Programs That Support The Development Of The Biodiesel IndustryAEN-EET4/2/24
SB 2727-SD2-HD1Support Relating to CondominiumsFIN4/3/24
HB1997-HD1-SD1Comments Relating to the Interisland Transport of HydrogenWAM4/4/24
HB 2582-HD1-SD1Support Relating to Critical Infrastructure InformationJDC4/4/24
HB 2614-HD1-SD1Support Relating to Renewable EnergyCPN-WAM4/4/24
SB 3194-SD2-HD1Comments Relating to EnergyCPC4/4/24
GM 0594Support Submitting for Consideration and Confirmation as the Deputy Director, Department of Land and Natural Resources, Gubernatorial Nominee, Ryan Kanaka‘ole, for a Term to Expire December 7, 2026WTL4/5/24
GM 0705Support Submitting for Consideration and Confirmation as the Deputy Director, Department of Land and Natural Resources, Gubernatorial Nominee, Ryan Kanaka‘ole, for a Term to Expire December 7, 2026CPN4/5/24
GM 0605Support Submitting for Consideration and Confirmation as the Strategic Broadband Coordinator, Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism, Gubernatorial Nominee, CHUNG CHANG, for a Term to Expire 12-07-2026EET4/11/24
SCR 0097Support Requesting the Hawaii State Energy Office to Convene a Renewable Liquid Fuels Working Group to Study Local Production, Development, And Incentives for Renewable Liquid FuelsEEP4/11/24
HCR 0213-HD2Support Requesting the Hawaii State Energy Office to Convene a Renewable Liquid Fuels Working Group to Study Local Production, Development, and Incentives for Renewable Liquid FuelsEET4/17/24
SCR 0097-SD1-HD1Support Requesting the Hawaii State Energy Office to Convene a Renewable Liquid Fuels Working Group to Study Local Production, Development, and Incentives for Renewable Liquid FuelsCPC4/17/24


The Hawai‘i Public Utilities Commission (PUC) regulates utilities in Hawai‘i including the review and approval of certain renewable energy projects and programs. In keeping with its mission, the Hawai‘i State Energy Office provides comment and testimony before the commission on matters of energy assurance, security, and policy.

DateDocket NumberTitle
6/2/20222017-0352HSEO Comments Regarding Hawaiian ElectricCompanies’ Draft Stage 3 Request for Proposals for Oahu and Maui (“RFPs”)
5/19/20222022-0009Independent Facilitator's Advisory Group Report: Advisory Group Comments on Hawaii Gas' Proposed Work Plan
4/22/20222021-0098Joint Letter From: G. Sumida and J. Ono To: Commission Re: Docket No. 2021-0098: In the Matter of the Application of Macquarie Infrastructure Holdings, LLC, The Gas Company, LLC dba Hawaii Gas, and AMF Hawaii Holdings, LLC For Approval of the Transfer of Upstream Membership Interests and Related Matters: Errata and Corrected Request to Enlarge Remaining Procedural Deadline Date
2/22/20222022-2014Division of Consumer Advocacy's Response to the Hawaii State Energy Office's Motion to Participate Without Intervention
1/11/20222020-2018Attachment to Letter From: G. Kinkley To: Commission Re: Refiling of Attachment to Hawaii State Energy Office's Reply to Alliance's Motion for Reconsideration filed January 10, 2022
1/10/20222020-0218The Hawaii State Energy Office's Reply to Po‘ai Wai Ola/West Kauai Watershed Alliance Motion for Reconsideration of the Commission's Order No. 38095, Filed 12-13-21.
11/24/20212021-0173Division of Consumer Advocacy's Response to the Hawaii State Energy Office's Motion to Participate
1/27/20212020-2018Division of Consumer Advocacy's Response to the Hawaii State Energy Office's Motion to Participate
11/17/20202020-0158Hawaii Gas for Approval of Petroleum Feedstock with Par Hawaii; Information Requests


This table displays testimony and comments made before Senate and House Committees.

DateHearing CommitteeTitle
2/10/2014 US Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, Senate Subcommittee on EnergyHearing on Lessons from State Efficiency and Renewable Programs
7/14/2015U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural ResourcesHearing on Islanded Energy Systems, Focusing on Hawaii, Alaska and U.S. Territories
9/19/2023US House Committee on Energy and CommerceHSEO response to Committee's letter regarding the Lahaina fire
09/28/2023US House Committee on Energy and CommerceInvestigating the Role of Electric Infrastructure in the Catastrophic Maui Fire