HSEO Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Tracker

Welcome to HSEO’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) Tracker! Below you will find a list of IIJA programs that HSEO is interested in pursuing. This is not a comprehensive list of all IIJA programs. Please note, our IIJA Tracker is a work in progress and will be updated as more information is released.

HSEO Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Tracker

Please feel free to explore our IIJA Tracker by searching, filtering, and downloading this table. If you are unable to locate a specific program by searching, please consider using alternative keywords. For your convenience, links are provided for programs where available. If you have any questions, concerns, comments, or suggestions, please reach out to: [email protected].

We released a survey to get public feedback about interest in IIJA grant opportunities and also about HSEO partnerships or support. The survey deadline was October 19, 2022.

Tracker Last Updated: January 22, 2025.

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Advanced Energy Manufacturing and Recycling GrantsApril 22, 2024 - Concept Papers Due; July 01, 2024 - Full Applications Due$0.75 Offers grants to small and medium-sized manufacturers to enable them to build or retrofit existing manufacturing and industrial facilities to produce or recycle advanced energy products in communities where coal mines or coal power plants have closedManufacturing firm—subject to size limitationsSee link in "Name of Program"DOE Clean Energy and PowerCompetitiveNot specified3/18/2024
Advanced Energy Security Program$0.05 To increase the functional preservation of electric grid operations or natural gas and oil operations in the face of threats and hazards.Utilities, National Labs, Bulk Power System VendorsSee link in "Name of Program"DOEResilienceCompetitiveTBD6/26/2023
Advancing Equity through Workforce PartnershipsJune 2023 - Awards announced $0.01 Funds the development of workforce programs and partnerships that will facilitate the continued deployment of solar energy technologies.States, local governments, Tribes, Institutes of higher education, for-profit entities, nonprofit entitiesAwardsDOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveEncouraged but not required6/26/2023
Airport Infrastructure GrantsDecember 2025 - Awards announced$15.00 For investment in runways, taxiways, safety and sustainability projects, as well as terminal, airport-transit connections and roadway projects.Public agencies, private entities, state and Tribal government owning a public use National Plan of Integration Airport Systems airport.See link in "Name of Program"USDOT-FAAAirports and Federal Aviation Administration FacilitiesCompetitive/formula5-25% non-federal match for allocations, no match for contract tower grants. Waivers are not available.12/20/2024
Airport Terminal ProgramOctober 2024 - FY25 awards announced$5.00 Provides competitive grants for airport terminal development projects that address the aging infrastructure of the nation’s airports.Public agencies, private entities, state and Tribal government owning a public use National Plan of Integration Airport Systems airport.See link in "Name of Program"USDOT-FAAAirports and Federal Aviation Administration FacilitiesCompetitiveLarge/Medium Hub 20% non-federal match; All others (Small, Non and Non-Primary) 5% non-federal match. Waivers are not available.11/4/2024
Battery Manufacturing and Recycling GrantsJanuary 9, 2024 - Concept Paper due; March 19, 2024 - Full Application due $3.00 To provide grants to ensure the US has a viable domestic manufacturing and recycling capability to support a North American battery supply chain.State and local governments, non profits, higher ed, etc.
Funding Opportunity Announcement (Battery Materials Processing and Battery Manufacturing Grants)
Notice of Intent
DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitive50% or above federal cost share11/20/2023
Battery Recycling Best PracticesReport to Congress in November 2023$0 The Environmental Protection Agency will develop best practices that may be implemented by State, Tribal, and local governments with respect to the collection of batteries to be recycled.EPAOtherN/ANo non-federal cost share6/26/2023
Bioproduct Pilot ProgramAugust 31, 2022 – Applications closed$0 Determine the economic, social, and environmental benefits of using materials derived from agricultural commodities (bioproducts) in the development and manufacturing of construction or consumer products.Bioproduct Research Facilities funded in part by a state with other restrictionsFunding Opportunity Announcement (closed)USDA - Office of the SecretaryOtherCompetitiveNo non-Federal cost share required6/26/2023
Building Energy Codes Implementation for Efficiency and ResilienceSeptember 2024 - Awards announced$0.23 A competitive grant program to enable sustained, cost-effective implementation of updated building energy codesStates and State PartnershipsFunding Opportunity AnnouncementDOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitive9/23/2024
Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (Robert T Stafford Act Section 203(i))April 18, 2025 - Applications due for FEMA's FY24 Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Program$1.00 State/Local Government/Territories/TribesSee link in "Name of Program"DHS - FEMAResilienceCompetitive75% Federal / 25% non-Federal; 90 percent Federal / 10% non-Federal for economically disadvantaged rural communities; 100% Federal on management costs for all.1/22/2025
Building, Training, And Assessment CentersAugust 15, 2023 - Applications due$0.01 To provide grants to institutions of higher education to establish building training and assessment centers to educate and train building technicians and engineers on implementing modern building technologies.Institutions of Higher Education- Funding Opportunity Announcement
- Notice of Intent and Request for Information
DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD7/24/2023
Buses and Bus Facilities Program (Competitive)July 2024 - Awards announced$1.97 Provides capital funding to replace, rehabilitate, purchase, or lease buses and bus related equipment and to rehabilitate, purchase, construct, or lease bus-related facilities.States, counties, cities/townships, special districts, Tribal Governments (federally recognized)Funding Opportunity AnnouncementUSDOT-FTAPublic TransportationCompetitiveVaries. Waivers are not available.7/22/2024
Buses and Bus Facilities ProgramApril 25, 2024 - Applications close for combined NOFO for Low or No Emissions Program and Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Program$3.16 Provides capital funding to replace, rehabilitate, purchase, construct or lease buses and bus related equipment and to rehabilitate, purchase, construct or lease bus-related facilities.States, Tribal Governments (federally recognized) county, cities/townships, special districtsSee link in "Name of Program"USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationFormulaVaries. Waivers are not available3/11/2024
Capital Investment Grants Program (Fixed Guideway)June 4, 2024 - Comments due in response to FTA's proposed new guidance for its Capital Investment Grant Program$8 bn (an additional $15 billion is authorized but not appropriated)Discretionary grant program funds transit capital investments, including heavy rail, light rail, commuter rail, streetcars and bus rapid transit. Includes a pilot program for Expedited Project Delivery for new high-capacity transit projects.States, local governmentsUSDOT-FTAPublic TransportationCompetitiveMax allowed 80% federal/20% non-federal OR 60% federal/40% non-federal depending on project type. Waivers are not available.5/6/2024
Carbon Capture Demonstration Projects ProgramMarch 21, 2025 - Concept papers due for Carbon Capture Demonstrations Program; July 1, 2025 - Applications due for Carbon Capture Demonstrations Program$2.54 Establishes a carbon capture technology program for the development of 6 facilities to demonstrate transformational technologies that will significantly improve the efficiency, effectiveness, cost, emissions reductions, and environmental performance of coal and natural gas use, including in manufacturing and industrial facilitiesState and local governments Tribes, technology developers, industry, utilities, universities etc.See link in "Name of Program"DOE - OCEDClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD1/13/2025
Carbon Capture Large-Scale Pilot ProgramsMarch 21, 2025 - Concept papers due for Carbon Capture Demonstrations Program; July 1, 2025 - Applications due for Carbon Capture Demonstrations Program$0.94 To establish a carbon capture technology program for the development of transformational technologies that will significantly improve the efficiency, effectiveness, costs, emission reductions, and environmental performance of coal and natural gas use, including in manufacturing and industrial facilitiesState and local governments Tribal governments, technology developers, industry, utilities, universities etc.See link in "Name of Program"DOE - OCEDClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD1/13/2025
Carbon Dioxide Removal Measurement, Reporting, and Verification Best Practices and Capabilities (Technology Commercialization Fund)March 17, 2023 - Full Application due; January 20, 2023 - Letter of Intent due; 0.9% of DOE's Research, Development, Demonstration and Commercial Application funding Lab call aims to support the development of measurement, reporting and verification tools and protocols to enable carbon dioxide removal commercialization at scale.DOE national laboratories and facilitiesNotice of IntentDOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitive100%6/26/2023
Carbon Dioxide Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation ProgramOctober 31, 2024 - Applications due for CIFIA: Future Growth Grants$2.10 To establish and carry out a carbon dioxide transportation infrastructure finance and innovation programState / Local / Public AuthorityFunding Opportunity Announcements
DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD10/21/2024
Carbon Reduction ProgramOctober 2023 - FY 2024 Apportionments released$6.40 Formula grants to States to reduce transportation emissions or the development of carbon reduction strategies.States, D.C.- Guidance
- FY24 Apportionment
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsFormulaTypically 80% federal/20% non-federal (for interstate projects, 90% federal/10% non-federal). Waivers are available in some circumstances10/23/2023
Carbon Storage Technology Operations & Research (CarbonSTORE)January 09, 2023 - Request for Information responses due To establish best approaches and options for developing field laboratories to catalyze the rapid development and field testing of technologies that would support a safe and affordable CCS industry. Request for InformationDOEClean Energy and Power6/26/2023
Carbon Storage Validation and Testing (CarbonSAFE)October 2024 - Awards announced$2.50 Establish a program of research, development and demonstration for carbon storageTechnology developers, industry, utilities, universities, national laboratories, engineering and construction firms, state and local governments.- Funding Opportunity Announcement
DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD11/4/2024
Carbon Utilization ProgramApril 30, 2024 - Application close $0.31 To establish a grant program for State and local governments to procure and use products derived from captured carbon oxides.State / Local / Public UtilityFunding Opportunity AnnouncementDOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitive50%8/7/2023
Carbon Utilization Program - Clean Fuels & Products Shot: Supporting Carbon Utilization Products via Electrochemical Conversion and Refinery RetrofittingApril 30, 2025 - Full Applications due (extended); Concepts may be submitted anytime during the application phase$0.31 To establish a grant program for State and local governments to procure and use products derived from captured carbon oxides.State / Local / Public UtilitySee link in "Name of Program"DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitive50%10/21/2024
Career Skills TrainingMarch 6, 2025 - Applications due$0.10 Provides a grant to pay the federal share of career skills training programs under which students concurrently receive classroom instruction and on-the-job training for the purpose of obtaining an industry-related certification to install energy efficient building technologiesnon-Profit PartnershipsFunding Opportunity Announcement
DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitive50%1/22/2025
Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Grants (Community Charging) - NEVI CompetitiveJanuary 2025 - Awards announced $1.25 Funds available each year for to install electric vehicle charging and alternative fueling infrastructure (hydrogen, propane, and natural gas) on public roads, schools, parks and in publicly accessible parking facilities.States, territories, tribes, local governments, MPOs, certain SPDs or public authoritiesUSDOT-FHWAElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesCompetitive80% federal/20% non-federal. Waivers are not available.1/22/2025
Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Grants (Corridor Charging) - NEVI Competitive January 2025 - Awards announced $1.25 To deploy electric vehicle charging and hydrogen/propane/natural gas fueling infrastructure along designated alternative fuel corridors and in communities.States, territories, local governments, tribes, MPOs, certain SPDs or public authoritiesUSDOT-FHWAElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesCompetitive80% federal /20% non-federal. Waivers are not available.1/22/2025
Clean Hydrogen Electrolysis ProgramMarch 2024 - Awards announced; April 19, 2023 - Concept Paper due; July 19 2023 - Application due $1.00 To establish a research, development, demonstration and deployment program for purposes of commercialization to improve the efficiency, increase the durability and reduce the cost of producing clean hydrogen electrolyzers.Nonprofit and for-profit private entities, institutions of higher ed., national laboratories, consortia, state and local governments, tribes and tribal organizations, and other entities deemed eligible by the Secretary.Funding Opportunity AnnouncementDOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD3/18/2024
Clean Hydrogen Manufacturing Recycling Research, Development and Demonstration Program (now part of the $1.5 billion Clean Hydrogen, Manufacturing and Recycling Program)March 2024 - Awards announced; April 19, 2023 - Concept Papers due for DOE's Clean Hydrogen Electrolysis, Manufacturing and Recycling ProgramJuly 19, 2023 - Full Applications due for DOE's Clean Hydrogen Electrolysis, Manufacturing and Recycling Program$0.50 Provides federal assistance to advance new clean hydrogen production, processing, delivery, storage, and use equipment manufacturing technologies and techniques.Nonprofit and for-profit private entities, institutions of higher ed., national laboratories, consortia, state and local governments, Tribes and Tribal organizations, and other entities deemed eligible by the Secretary.Request for Information
Funding Opportunity Announcement
DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD3/25/2024
Clean School Bus ProgramJanuary 9, 2025 - Applications due for Clean School Bus Program$5.00 50% of funds are for zero-emission school buses and 50% for alternative fuels and zero-emission fuel busesStates, local governments, eligible contractors, nonprofits etc.See link in "Name of Program"EPAElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesCompetitiveNo non-federal cost share required10/7/2024
Commercial Direct Air Capture Technology Prize CompetitionFebruary 7, 2025 -Submission deadline for Commercial Direct Capture Pilot Prize$0.10 Reauthorization of program to support large-scale pilot projects and demonstration projects and test carbon capture technologies.Industry Partner
Funding Opportunity Announcement
DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD10/21/2024
Communities Taking Charge AcceleratorMay 20, 2024 - Concept paper due; July 16, 2024 - Full applications due$0.05 Fund innovative approaches to expanding EV adoption and charging access, particularly at the local level in urbanized areas where land use, density, car ownership rates, grid considerations, and other factors create unique needs and considerations for electrifying the transportation network where the demand for transportation access is at its highest densityState, local, NPO, for-profit, higher eduSee link in "Name of Program"DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveVaries between 0% - 50% cost share4/23/2024
Community Safety GrantsMay 5, 2023 - Applications due for Hazardous Materials Transportation Training Grant Program (also known as Community Safety Grants (CSG)) $0.04 To enhance the capability of communities to prepare for and respond to hazmat accidents and incidents and supports the training of state and local enforcement personnel Higher education institutions, certain non-profitsSee link in "Name of Program"USDOT-PHMSASafetyCompetitive6/26/2023
Consumer Electronics Battery Recycling, Reprocessing, and Battery Collection September 16, 2024 - Full applications due$0.13 Seeks applications to address the recycling of consumer electronics batteries and battery-containing devices to support the establishment of a robust domestic critical material supply chain for EV batteries.State and local governmental entities, Tribal Nations, Institutions of higher ed., for-profit entities, non-profit entities.Funding Opportunity AnnouncementDOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitive0% - 50% depending on Topic Area 8/5/2024
Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience ResearchResearch, Development, Test, and Evaluation efforts are ongoing in Q1 2023$0.07 Oversees activities performed under the IIJA and reports to Congress on the progress of Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Research program’s research and development activities.National labs, federally funded research, development centers, academia, industry, etc.DHSResilienceCompetitive6/26/2023
Cyber Response and RecoveryFunding triggered by Secretary's determination of a Significant incident$0.10 Establishes the Cyber Response and Recovery Fund that the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency can tap into in the event of a significant cyber incident when other resources are insufficient.Federal, State, local, tribal, and territorial, public and private entitiesDHSResilienceN/ANo non-federal cost share required6/26/2023
CybersecurityResearch, Development, Test, and Evaluation efforts are ongoing in Q1 2023$0.01 Researches, analyzes, and develops technologies to strengthen defensive cybersecurity capabilities in a spectrum of strategic technical areas to mitigate risk to the Nation’s critical infrastructure, Federal departments and agencies, as well as State, territorial, Tribal and local organizations.National labs, federally funded research, development centers, academia, industry, etc.DHSResilienceCompetitive6/26/2023
Cybersecurity for the Energy Sector Research, Development and Demonstration ProgramEstimated opening date, 2023. $0.25 To support development and deployment of advanced cyber applications, technologies, and threat collaboration efforts with the U.S. energy sector.Utilities, National Labs, Manufacturers and VendorsSee link in "Name of Program"DOEResilienceCompetitive6/26/2023
Dam Safety ProgramNo new allocations planned in 2023$0.50 Reclamation's Dam Safety Program is in place to ensure reclamation dams do not present unreasonable risk to people, property, and the environment.State and localDOIWaterDirect Federal 85% Federal, 15% non-Federal, in lieu of project specific statute. Waivers are not available.6/26/2023
Electric drive vehicle battery recycling and 2nd life appsSeptember 20, 2024 - Notice of Intent released$0.20 For research, development, and demonstration of electric vehicle battery recycling and second-life applications for vehicle batteries.States, local governments, Tribal Nations, non-profit entities, for-profit entities, US citizens and lawful permanent residentsNotice of IntentDOEElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesCompetitive9/23/2024
Electric or Low-Emitting Ferry Program September 2024 - FY 2024 awards announced$0.25 Supports transition of passenger ferries to low or zero emissions technologies.States, territories, Tribal governments etc.USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationCompetitiveVaries. Waivers are not available.9/23/2024
Emergency Preparedness Grants Hazardous Materials and Emergency Preparedness Grants (ALERT)May 5, 2023 - Applications close for Assistance for Local Emergency Response Training (ALERT) Grant
$0.23 The Hazardous Materials and Emergency Preparedness Grants Programs consist of the following grants: Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness; Assistance for Local Emergency Response Training; Hazardous Materials Instructor Training; and Supplemental Public Sector Training.States, territories, tribes, counties, cities/townships, etc.Funding Opportunity AnnouncementUSDOT-PHMSAResilienceCompetitiveSome grants have a cost share requirement of 20 percent. Waivers are available.6/26/2023
Emergency Preparedness Grants Hazardous Materials and Emergency Preparedness Grants (CSG)May 5, 2023 - Applications due for Hazardous Materials Transportation Training Grant Program (also known as Community Safety Grants (CSG)) $0.23 The Hazardous Materials and Emergency Preparedness Grants Programs consist of the following grants: Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness; Assistance for Local Emergency Response Training; Hazardous Materials Instructor Training; and Supplemental Public Sector Training.States, territories, tribes, counties, cities/townships, etc.Funding Opportunity AnnouncementUSDOT-PHMSAResilienceCompetitiveSome grants have a cost share requirement of 20 percent. Waivers are available.6/26/2023
Energy Auditor Training Grant ProgramOctober 2024 - Awards announced$0.04 To provide grants to eligible States to train individuals to conduct energy audits or surveys of commercial and residential buildings to build the clean energy workforce, save customers money and reduce pollution.StatesFunding Opportunity AnnouncementDOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveNo non-federal cost share11/4/2024
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant ProgramJanuary 28, 2025 - Applications due for Community Energy Connectors: Regional Clean Energy & Economic Development Support$0.43 To assist states, local governments and tribes to reduce energy use, reduce fossil fuel emissions, and improve energy efficiency.State/Local Government/TribesSee link in "Name of Program"DOEClean Energy and PowerFormulaNo non-federal cost share required12/9/2024
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant ProgramOctober 31, 2024 - Deadline extended for local governments (May 31, 2025 - deadline extended for Tribes)$0.01 To assist states, local governments and tribes to reduce energy use, reduce fossil fuel emissions, and improve energy efficiency.Local Government/Tribes NOT Eligible for formula fundsSee link in "Name of Program"DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveNo non-federal cost share required5/6/2024
Energy Efficiency Materials Pilot ProgramJanuary 2025 - Awards announced$0.05 Provides grants to supply nonprofit buildings with energy-efficiency materialsnon-Profit OrganizationsSee link in "Name of Program"DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitive/FormulaTBD1/13/2025
Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund Capitalization Grant ProgramMay 26, 2023 - Applications due for Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund Capitalization Grant Program (deadline extended from April 21)$0.25 To provide capitalization grants to States to establish a revolving loan fund under which the state will provide loans and grants for energy efficiency audits, upgrades, and retrofits to increase energy efficiency and improve building comfortStatesSee link in "Name of Program"DOEClean Energy and PowerFormulaNo non-federal cost share required6/26/2023
Energy Improvement in Rural and Remote AreasFebruary 27, 2025 - Concept Papers due; August 28, 2025 - Full Application due$1.00 In consultation with the Department of the Interior, will provide financial assistance to improve, in rural or remote areas of the US, the resilience, safety, reliability and availability of energy, as well as environmental protection from adverse impacts of energy generationCities, towns, or unincorporated areas with populations less than 10,000 inhabitantsSee link in "Name of Program"DOE - OCEDClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD10/7/2024
Energy Improvement in Rural and Remote Areas (Fixed Grant Amount)March 2024 - Awards announced $0.05This FOA provides funding for clean energy projects up to $5 million that meaningfully benefit rural and remote communities by addressing their energy needs and priorities.Cities, towns, or unincorporated areas with populations less than 10,000 inhabitantsFunding Opportunity AnnouncementDOE - OCEDClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD3/11/2024
Energy Sector Operational Support for Cyber Resilience ProgramEstimated opening date, Q1 2023. $0.05 To support a program to build energy sector operational support for cyber resilience.Small Electric Utilities, National LabsSee link in "Name of Program"DOEResilienceCompetitiveTBD6/26/2023
Energy Storage Demonstration Pilot Grant ProgramOctober 16, 2024 - Applications due; February 13, 2025 - Full Applications due$0.36 To enter into agreements to carry out three energy storage system demonstration projectsState and local governments Tribal organizations, technology developers, industry, utilities, universities etc.See link in "Name of Program"
Funding Opportunity Announcement
DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD9/9/2024
Floating Offshore Wind Energy Mooring and Anchoring (sub-part of sec 41007(b)(1))March 20, 2024 - Notice of Intent released (FOA ETA Spring 2024)$0.00 To advance research, development, demonstration, and commercialization for floating offshore wind mooring systemsFederal, state, and local government, higher education. National Lab, related research agency in territory, tribal energy development, Tribe, Tribal organization, Native Hawaiian community based organization, non profit, industry, etc.See link in "Name of Program"
DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD4/23/2024
Four Regional Clean Direct Air Capture HubsJanuary 31, 2025 - Concept papers due; July 31, 2025 - Full applications due$3.50 Funding for eligible projects that contribute to the development of four regional direct air capture hubs.Technology developers, industry, utilities, universities, national laboratories, engineering and construction firms, state and local governments, tribal, environmental groups and community based organizations.Funding Opportunity AnnouncementDOE - OCEDClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD12/20/2024
Front-End Engineering and Design Program Out Activities Under Carbon Capture Tech Program 962 Of EPA (Sec 40303)February 12, 2025 - Applications due for 4th round$0.10 Expands the Department of Energy’s Carbon Capture Technology program to include a program for carbon dioxide transport infrastructure necessary to deploy Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage technologies.Industry partnerFunding Opportunity Announement

Geothermal Research & Development Enhanced Geothermal Systems and Pilot Demonstration July 18, 2024 - Letter of Intent; September 25, 2024 - Full Application due (Topic Area 4 open)$0.08 To support a program of research, development, demonstration and commercial application for enhanced geothermal systemsNational Labs, Institutes of Higher Education, Multi-institutional Collaborations,See link in "Name of Program"DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD7/9/2024
Grants for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Improvements at Public School FacilitiesApril 3, 2025 - Applications due for Renew America's Schools Prize$0.50 To provide competitive grants to make energy efficiency, renewable energy and alternative fueled vehicle upgrades and improvements at public schoolsConsortium of One Local Education Agency and one or more Schools, non-Profits, For-Profits, and Community PartnersFunding Opportunity AnnouncementDOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD1/13/2025
Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program - Grid Innovation Program (s. 40103) - Topic Area 3August 2024 - Awards announced$5.00 To provide federal financial assistance to demonstrate innovative approaches to transmission, storage and distribution infrastructure to harden and enhance resiliency and reliability and to demonstrate new approaches to enhance regional grid resilience.State, combination of 2 or more States; Indian Tribes; units of local government, and/or public utility commissions.Funding Opportunity AnnouncementDOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveAt least 20% federal cost share for a funded research and development activity, unless the activity is of a basic nature. A 50% federal cost share of total costs for a funded demonstration and commercial application activity.11/20/2023
Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program - Grid Resilience Utility and Industry Competitive Grants (s. 40101(c)) - Topic Area 1October 2024 - Awards announced$2.50 Provides grants to carry out activities that support grid hardening efforts, reduce the risk of power lines causing a wildfire and increase the ability of the eligible entity to reduce the likelihood and consequences of disruptive events. Electric grid operators, electricity storage operators, electricity generators, transmission owners and operators, distribution providers, fuel suppliers.Funding Opportunity AnnouncementDOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitive10/28/2024
Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program - Smart Grid Grants (s. 40107) - Topic Area 2August 2024 - Awards announced$3.00 Investment in qualifying Smart Grid investments that allow buildings to engage in demand flexibility or Smart Grid functions. Eligible investments include metering, control and other devises, sensors, and software, communications and broadband technologies and so forthUtilitiesFunding Opportunity AnnouncementDOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitive50 per cent cost-share of total costs11/20/2023
Hazard Mitigation Revolving Loan Funds / Safeguarding Tomorrow through Ongoing Risk Mitigation (STORM) ActSeptember 2024 - Second round of awards totaling $150 million announced$0.50 Capitalization grants to State and eligible Tribal governments for the establishment of revolving loan funds to provide hazard mitigation assistance to local governments.A State (includes Puerto Rico and District of Columbia) or a Tribal Government that has received a major disaster declaration during the 5-year period ending on the date of enactment of the STORM Act.Funding Opportunity AnnoucementDHS - FEMAResilienceCompetitive90% Federal/10% Non-Federal; however, if a participating entity provides less than the 10% non-Federal share, the grant will be reduced to 10 times the non-Federal share provided by the participating entity9/23/2024
Hydroelectric Efficiency Improvement Incentives Section 243June 20, 2023 - Applications due$0.08 To incentivize upgrades to hydroelectric facilities to increase their efficiency.Owners or operators of hydroelectric facilities at existing damsFunding Opportunity AnnouncementDOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveN/A6/26/2023
Hydroelectric Incentives Maintaining and Enhancing Hydroelectricity Incentives (also known as section 247)September 2024 - Awards Announced. Round 2 application window expected next calendar year$0.55 To make incentive payments to the owners or operators of qualified hydroelectric facilities for capital improvementsNon-Federal owners of qualified hydroelectric facilitiesSee link in "Name of Program"DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveN/A9/9/2024
Hydropower Research, Development, and DemonstrationSeptember 6, 2023 - Awards announced (same program as Water Power Projects: Innovative Technologies to Enable Low Impact Hydropower and Pumped Storage Hydropower Growth$0.04 To fund research, development and demonstration activities to improve hydropower technologiesIndustry partners and National LabsSee link in "Name of Program"DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveN/A9/18/2023
Industrial Research and Assessment CentersAugust 2024 - Awards announced$0.15 The IAC Program advances a clean energy and manufacturing workforce that represents the diversity of America, and a reinvigorated manufacturing base prepared to lead the global clean energy transition.Institutions of Higher Education, Community College, Trade School, Or Union Training ProgramSee link in "Name of Program"DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveNone specified 9/3/2024
Industrial Emission Demonstration ProjectsMarch 2024 - Awards announced$0.50 To fund demonstration projects that test and validate technologies that reduce industrial emissions, including for iron, steel, aluminum, cement, concrete, glass pulp paper, industrial ceramics and chemical production processesState and local governments Tribes, technology developers, industry, utilities, universities etc.Funding Opportunity AnnouncementDOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD4/1/2024
Industrial Research and Assessment Center Implementation GrantsJanuary 10, 2025 - Full applications due$0.40 To fund upgrades for eligible small and medium sized manufacturers to improve energy efficiency, material efficacy, cybersecurity, or productivity, or reduce waste production, greenhouse gas emissions or non-greenhouse gas pollutionSmall- and Medium-Sized ManufacturersFunding Opportunity Announcement

DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitive50%7/9/2024
Industrial Assessment Centers Program - Centers of Excellence January 20, 2023 - Concept Paper due; February 17, 2023$0.02 To establish up to five regional Centers of Excellence at existing Industrial Assessment Centers (IACs) to coordinate with and advise IACs located in the regions of the Centers of Excellence.Institutions of higher education that are currently serving as
Funding Opportunity AnnouncementDOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveNone specified6/26/2023
Joint Office of Energy and Transportation Ride and Drive Electric January 2024 - FY23 Awards for 2023 announced Seek to advance the mission and vision of the Joint Office by
addressing discrete challenges to a convenient, affordable, reliable, secure, and equitable
electric vehicle (EV) charging network by enhancing institutional capacity, encouraging holistic
approaches, fostering inclusive and equitable outcomes, and ensuring a world-class customer
Funding Opportunity AnnouncementDOEElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesCompetitive 1/29/2024
Long-Duration Energy Storage Demonstration Initiative and Joint ProgramOctober 16, 2024 - Concept Papers due; February 13, 2025 - Full Applications due$0.15 To establish a demonstration initiative composed of demonstration projects on the development of long-duration energy storage technologiesTechnology Developers, Industry, State and Local Governments, Tribal Organizations, Community Based Organizations, National Laboratories, Universities, and Utilities.Funding Opportunity AnnouncementDOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD9/16/2024
Low and No Emissions (Bus) ProgramApril 25, 2024 - Applications close for combined NOFO for Low or No Emission Program and Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities$5.63 Provides capital funding to replace, rehabilitate, purchase, or lease buses and bus related equipment and to rehabilitate, purchase, construct, or lease bus-related facilities. Provides capital funding for low or no emissions bus projects.States, counties, cities/townships, special districts, Tribal Governments (federally recognized) Funding Opportunity Announcement USDOT-FTAElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesCompetitiveVaries. Waivers are not available.2/20/2024
Marine Energy Research, Development, and DemonstrationFebruary 20, 2024 - Concept paper deadline for DOE's Marine Energy Foundational R&D Program; April 22, 2024 - Full applications for DOE's Marine Energy Foundational R&D Program$0.07 To fund research, development and demonstration activities to improve marine energy technologies.Industry Partner and National LabsSee link in "Name of Program"DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD1/29/2024
Middle Mile Grants ProgramOnly Round of Funding Allocated / Selections Announced in Summer 2023; 30 September 2022 – Applications closed$1.00 Funding for the construction, improvement or acquisition of middle mile infrastructure.States, territories, ISPs, local entities, tribal governments, Native entitiesNotice of Funding OpportunityDOC - NTIABroadbandCompetitiveFederal award may not exceed 70% of total project cost/At least 30% non-federal7/17/2023
National Dam Safety ProgramApril 25, 2024 - FY 2024 awards announced$0.20 To encourage the establishment and maintenance of effective state programs to ensure dam, safety. A partnership of state, federal agencies and other stakeholders.StatesNotice of Funding OpportunityDHS - FEMAClean Energy and PowerCompetitive/formula 4/30/2024
National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program February 2024 - Awards announced for the Clean bus planning TA program $5.00 Funds the deployment of electric vehicle charging infrastructure along corridors and interstates to establish an interconnected network. 10% of funding is for discretionary grants to states and local governments that require additional assistance.States, D.C., P.R.See link in "Name of Program"USDOT-FHWAElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesFormula80% federal/20% non-federal. Waivers are not available.3/4/2024
Electric Vehicle Charger Reliability and Accessibility Accelerator (NEVI set-aside) November 13, 2023 - Applications due $0.10 Up to approximately $100 million in Federal funding to provide grants to eligible entities to improve reliability of existing electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure by repairing and replacing existing chargers that are broken or nonoperationalState DOTs and local governments See link in "Name of Program"USDOT-FHWAElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesFormula80% federal/20% non-federal. Waivers are not available.9/18/2023
National Marine Energy CentersFebruary 2024 - Awards announced (DE-FOA-0002845)$0.04 To provide financial assistance to establish new National Marine Energy Centers and continuation and expansion of the research, development, demonstration, testing and commercial application activities at existing Centers.Institutions of Higher Education or consortiaSee link in "Name of Program"DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD2/20/2024
National Motor Vehicle Per-Mile User Fee Pilot (set-aside)TBD$0.05 Pilot program to demonstrate a national motor vehicle per-mile user fee to restore and maintain the long-term solvency of the Highway Trust Fund.StatesUSDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsCompetitive80% federal/ 20% non-federal6/26/2023
Natural Gas Distribution Infrastructure Safety and Modernization GrantsOctober 2024 - FY2024 awards announced$1.00 Grant funds will be made available to municipalities or community owned utilities (not including for-profit entities) to repair, rehabilitate, or replace natural gas distribution pipeline systems or portions thereof or to acquire equipment to reduce incidents and fatalities, and to avoid economic loss.UtilitiesFunding Opportunity AnnouncementUSDOT-PHMSASafetyCompetitiveNo non-Federal cost share required11/4/2024
New Solar Research & DevelopmentSeptember 6, 2023 - Letter of Intent due; September 13, 2023 - Concept Paper due; November 28, 2023 - Full Applications due$0.02 To award financial assistance to eligible entities for research, development, demonstration and commercialization projects to create innovative and practical approaches to advance new solar energy manufacturing technologies and techniques.Federal, state, and local government, higher education. National Lab, related research agency in territory, Tribal energy development organization, a Tribe, a Tribal organization, Native Hawaiian community-based organization, non profit, industry, etc.Funding Opportunity AnnouncementDOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD7/24/2023
Physical SecurityResearch, Development, Test, and Evaluation efforts are ongoing in Q1 2023$0.04 Provides a layered and integrated capability to safely screen for potential threat items in unstructured crowds within soft-target venues and crowded spaces without impact to the speed of travel while maintaining individual privacy.Academia, Industry, National lands, Federally Funded Research and Development CentersDHSResilienceCompetitive6/26/2023
Pilot Program for Enhanced Mobility August 30, 2024 - Applications due for competitive funding program$0.03 Competitive program to improve coordinated access and mobilityStates, counties, cities/townships, special districts, nonprofits, Tribal governments (other than federally-recognized)Funding Opportunity AnnouncementUSDOT-FTAPublic TransportationCompetitive80% federal/20% non-federal. Waivers are not available.7/9/2024
Pilot program for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) PlanningNovember 2024 - FY2024 - awards announced$0.07 Provides funding to local communities to integrate land use and transportation planning with a new fixed guideway or core capacity transit capital investmentState or local governmental authorities that are FTA grant recipientsFunding Opportunity AnnouncementUSDOT-FTAPublic TransportationCompetitive80% federal/20% non-federal. Waivers are not available.11/12/2024
Port Infrastructure Development ProgramApril 30, 2025 - Applications close for FY2025 Port Infrastructure Development Program$2.25 Grants to invest in the modernization and expansion of US ports to remove bottlenecks, ensure long-term competitiveness, resilience, cybersecurity, and sustainability while reducing impacts to the environment and neighboring communities.Ports, Port AuthoritiesSee link in "Name of Program"USDOT-MaritimePorts and WaterwaysCompetitive80% federal/20% non federal. Waivers are available for small projects or projects in rural areas.1/13/2025
Pre-Commercial Direct Air Capture Prize CompetitionsSeptember 26, 2023 - Phase 1 Submission due $0.02 Reauthorization of program to advance research, development, demonstration and commercial application of carbon capture technologiesIndustry PartnerNotice of Funding OpportunityDOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD7/17/2023
Preventing Outages and Enhancing Resilience of the Electric GridDecember 17, 2025 - Notice of intent released. Applications expected February 2025$2.30 To make grants to eligible entities to prevent outages and enhance the resilience of the electricity gridStates, Territories, D.C. and Tribes (can subgrant to electric grid operators, electricity storage operators, electricity generators, transmission owners or operators, distribution providers, fuel suppliers).See link in "Name of Program"
DOE announces award for HI
DOEClean Energy and PowerFormulaFederal 85%/States, Territories and Tribes 15% (Federal share is 50% to subgrantees or 66% if a small utility)12/20/2024
Prioritization Process Pilot ProgramMay 1, 2024 - Applications due$0.05 Pilot program to support data-driven approaches to planning that can be evaluated for public benefit.States, certain MPOsSee link in "Name of Program"
Funding Opportunity Announcement
USDOT-FHWAOtherCompetitiveDefault (see sec 233 U.S.C. 120)4/23/2024
Pumped Storage Hydropower Wind and Solar Integration and System Reliability InitiativeDecember 15, 2023 - Full application due; November 17, 2022 - Concept paper due$0.01 Provides financial assistance to carry out project design, transmission studies, power market assessments, and permitting for a pumped storage hydropower project to facilitate the long-duration storage of intermittent renewable energyElectric utilities, State Energy Offices, Tribes, Institutes of Higher Education, or consortium thereofSee link in "Name of Program"DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveMatching funds equal to or greater than the amount of financial assistance provided6/26/2023
Regional Clean Hydrogen HubsNovember 2024 - Funding commitments for 2 hubs totaling $2.2M announced$8.00 To support the development of at least 4 regional clean hydrogen hubs to improve clean hydrogen production, processing, delivery, storage and end use.State and local governments Tribes, technology developers, industry, utilities, universities, etc.See link in "Name of Program"
- HSEO Concept Paper Encouraged
- Awards
DOE - OCEDClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD12/2/2024
Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs (Demand-side support mechanism)July 24, 2023 - RFI response due; June 5, 2023 - Notice of Intent released$1.00To The demand-side support mechanism will provide multi-year support for clean hydrogen produced by competitively selected projects affiliated with H2Hubs. It will facilitate bankable clean hydrogen demand from a diverse set of offtakers. It will help diverse entities leverage the full potential of clean hydrogen, including non-profits, local government, and Tribes, and facilitate the use of clean hydrogen across various sectors of the economy, such as in industrial processes, manufacturing and heavy-duty transportation the development of at least 4 regional clean hydrogen hubs to improve clean hydrogen production, processing, delivery, storage and end use.See link in "Name of Program"
- Notice of Intent and Request for Information
- Informational DOE Video
DOE - OCEDClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD7/10/2023
Rural And Municipal Utility Advances Cybersecurity Grant And Technical Assistance ProgramJanuary 10, 2024 - Pre-Application due; April 24, 2024 - Full Application due $0.25 To provide grants and technical assistance to, and enter into cooperative agreements with, eligible entities to protect against, detect, respond to, and recover from cybersecurity threats.Rural Electric Cooperatives, Municipally-Owned Electric Utilities, Other State-Owned Utilities, Small Investor-Owned UtilitiesSee link in "Name of Program"
Funding Opportunity Announcement
Rural And Municipal Utility Advances Cybersecurity Grant And Technical Assistance Program - Prize CompetitionNovember 29, 2023 - RMUC Program’s ACT 1 Prize is an American-Made Challenges competition application due$0.25 To provide grants and technical assistance to, and enter into cooperative agreements with, eligible entities to protect against, detect, respond to, and recover from cybersecurity threats.Rural Electric Cooperatives, Municipally-Owned Electric Utilities, Other State-Owned Utilities, Small Investor-Owned UtilitiesSee link in "Name of Program"
Funding Opportunity Announcement
Safe Streets and Roads for AllNovember 2024 - Awards announced for thrid and final round of FY2024$5.00 (plus $1 billion authorized but not appropriated)Provides supplemental funding to support local initiatives to prevent death and serious injury on roads and streets, commonly referred to as "Vision Zero" or "Toward Zero Deaths" initiativesStates, local governments, federally recognized Tribal governments, MPOs, multi-jurisdictional entitiesFunding Opportunity AnnouncementUSDOT-SecretarySafetyCompetitive80% federal/20% non-federal. Waivers are not available.11/25/2024
Solar and Wind Grid Services and Reliability DemonstrationNovember 17, 2022 - Applications due; September 15, 2023 - Concept paper due $0.03 To support the development of controls and methods for inverter-based resources like solar and wind to provide the same grid services as traditional generationStates, local, tribal, non-profits, for-profits, education institutions etc. See link in "Name of Program"DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitive7/17/2023
Solar Improvement Research & DevelopmentAdditional Round of Funding Allocated / Selections Announced in May 2023$0.04 To fund research, development, demonstration and commercialization activities to improve solar energy technologies.Federal, state, and local government, higher education. National Lab, related research agency in territory, tribal energy development, Indian Tribe, Tribal organization, Native Hawaiian organization, non profit, industry, etc.See link in "Name of Program"DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitive7/17/2023
Solar Recycling Research & DevelopmentFOA Open on November 2023$0.02 To award financial assistance to eligible entities for research, development, demonstration and commercialization projects to create innovative and practical approaches to increase the reuse and recycling of solar energy technologiesFederal, state, and local government, higher education. National Lab, related research agency in territory, Tribal energy development organization, a Tribe, a Tribal organization, Native Hawaiian community-based organization, non profit, industry, etc.See link in "Name of Program"DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD7/17/2023
State and Local Cybersecurity Grant ProgramDecember 3, 2024 - FY2024 Full applications due$1.00 Makes available Federal funds to State, local, and Tribal governments to address cybersecurity risks and cybersecurity threats to information systems that they own or operate. The Department of Homeland Security is also separately administering the statutory Tribal set-aside funding as its own Tribal Cybersecurity Grant Program under this authority.States, territories, Tribal governments, and multi entity groups of two or moreSee link in "Name of Program"DHSResilienceFormulaFiscal year 2022 for individual recipients: 90 percent Federal; 10 percent Non-Federal; for multi-entity groups: 100 percent Federal
fiscal year 2023 for individual recipients: 80 percent Federal; 20 percent Non-Federal; for multi-entity groups: 90 percent Federal; 10 percent Non-Federal
fiscal year 2024 for individual recipients: 70 percent Federal; 30 percent Non-Federal; for multi-entity groups: 80 percent Federal; 20 percent Non-Federal
fiscal year 2025 for individual recipients: 60 percent Federal; 40 percent Non-Federal; for multi-entity groups: 70 percent Federal; 30 percent Non-Federal. Waivers are available.
State Energy ProgramApril 26, 2024 - Application due $0.50 Funding to states to support electric transmission and distribution planning as well as planning activities and programs that help reduce carbon emissions in all sectors of the economy, including transportation and alternative transportation fuels and electrificationStates, territories, D.C.See link in "Name of Program"DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveNo non-federal cost share required2/20/2024
State Manufacturing Leadership (Sec 40534)September 2023 - Awards announced $0.05 To provide funding to States to provide assistance to small and medium manufacturers to invest in smart manufacturing technologies or access high-performance computing resources for manufacturing analysis.StatesFunding Opportunity AnnoucnementDOEOtherCompetitive30% federal share10/2/2023
Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grant ProgramSeptember 2024 - Second Round of FY2024 awards announced$0.50 Provides supplemental funding grants to rural, midsized, and large communities to conduct demonstration projects focused on advanced smart city or community technologies and systems in a variety of communities to improve transportation efficiency and safety.State; Tribal government, Local, public transit agency or authority, public toll authority, MPO, 2 or more of the above.Funding Opportunity AnnouncementUSDOT-SecretaryPublic TransportationCompetitiveNo non-Federal cost share required9/16/2024
Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBGP) October 2023 - FY 2024 Apportionments released$72.00 Promotes flexibility in state and local transportation decisions and provide flexible funding to best address state and local transportation needs.States, D.C.FY24 ApportionmentUSDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsFormulaTypically 80% federal/20% non federal (For interstate projects, 90% federal/10% non-federal). Waivers are available in some circumstances10/23/2023
Transmission Facilitation ProgramOctober 2024 - Awards announced$2.50 To facilitate construction of electric power transmission lines and related facilities to enable greater clean energy growth and provide low-cost clean energy to more AmericansTransmission DevelopersSee link in "Name of Program"
Request for Proposal
DOEClean Energy and PowerFormulaN/A2/12/2024
Transmission Facilitation Program - PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS TO CONNECT MICROGRIDS IN ALASKA, HAWAII, AND U.S. TERRITORIESMay 31, 2024 - Applications due$0.20 This RFP, prepared by GDO, describes the application process and the information necessary for the Secretary of Energy to evaluate DOE’s potential participation in public-private partnerships for projects that seek to connect Isolated Microgrids to Infrastructure Corridors within Alaska, Hawaii, or the U.S. territories, under Section 40106 of the IIJA.States, local governments, Tribes, for-profit entities, non-profit entities, higher edu See link in "Name of Program"
DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitive3/4/2024
Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) 21/12 FY22 Funding Announced (set aside from the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program)10% of Surface Transportation Block Grant Formula funding annuallyTo enhance the intermodal transportation system and provide safe alternative transportation options.States, D.C.USDOTRoads, bridges and major projectsFormula 6/26/2023
Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) Open for applications$1.25 Federal credit assistance to eligible surface transportation projects.State (including D.C. and PR), Local, public authority, certain private entitiesSee link in "Name of Program"USDOT-Build America BureauRoads, bridges and major projectsCompetitive80% federal/20% non-federal1/13/2025
University Transportation Centers July 5, 2023 - Letter of Intent due; August 15, 2023 - Full Application due (for Region 8)$0.50 The UTC Program advances the State-of-the-art in transportation research and technology, and develops the next generation of transportation professionals.Higher Ed.Funding Opportunity AnnouncementUSDOT-SecretaryPublic TransportationCompetitiveIn general, 50 percent Federal share/50 percent non-Federal (100 percent non-Federal matching requirement); 66.7 percent Federal/33.3 percent non-Federal (50 percent non-Federal matching requirement) for Tier 1 UTCs7/24/2023
Water Desalination ProjectsJune 2024 - Awards announced$0.25 Water desalination projects support desalination of ocean or brackish water.OpenFunding Opportunity AnnouncementDOIWaterCompetitive75% non-Federal, up to 25% from Federal. Waivers are not available.6/24/2024
Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Small and Underserved Communities Emerging Contaminants Grant Program Initial non-competitive funds awarded to states and territories in winter/spring 2023$5.00 Provides grants to public water systems in small and underserved/disadvantaged communities that are unable to finance activities needed to comply with drinking water regulations. Bipartisan Infrastructure Law prioritizes the funding to focus on small and disadvantaged communities in addressing emerging contaminants, including PFAS.States initially receive funding, then provide funds through grants to water utilities and other eligible entities in small and/or underserved/disadvantaged communities. Tribes and territories are also eligible to receive funds under this program.EPAWaterFormulaNo non-federal cost share required6/26/2023
Water Power Projects: Innovative Technologies to Enable Low Impact Hydropower and Pumped Storage Hydropower Growth August 7, 2024 - Concept Paper; September 18, 2024 - Applications due for Water Power Innovation Network Program$0.04 To fund research, development and demonstration activities to improve hydropower technologiesStates, local, tribal, non-profits, for-profits, education institutions etc. Funding Opportunity AnnouncementDOEClean Energy and PowerCooperativeN/A7/9/2024
Water Power Projects: Stakeholder Insight into Hydropower R&D IssuesSingle award of $3.7 million announced $0.00 To support the efforts of a diverse group of hydropower stakeholders working together to discuss and address issues regarding the modernization of the U.S. hydropower fleet, the sustainability of hydropower systems, and the impact of hydropower facilities on the environmentStates, local, tribal, non-profits, for-profits, education institutions etc. Funding Opportunity AnnouncementDOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitive6/26/2023
Weatherization Assistance ProgramFebruary 10, 2025 - Full application due for WAP Program year ending March 31, 2025; May 5, 2025 - Full aaplication due for WAP Program Year ending June 30, 2025$3.50 To increase the energy efficiency of dwellings owned or occupied by low income persons, reduce their total residential energy expenditures, and improve health and safety.States, TribesFunding Opportunity Announcement
DOEClean Energy and PowerFormulaNo non-federal cost share required12/2/2024
Weatherization Assistance Program Enhancement and InnovationOctober 11, 2024 - Full applications due (deadline extended from September 27)$0.03To expand the impact of DOE's existing residential weatherization programs by utilizing leveraged resources and enhanced community partnerships to perform deep energy retrofits of low-income residential buildings and empower local community representation within the energy workforce.States, Local, Tribes, NPOFunding Opportunity AnnouncementDOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitive No non-federal cost share required9/23/2024
WildfireFunding likely to be distributed internally at this stage, so not external NOFO at this time$0.05 NOAA will improve weather, smoke, and fire behavior forecasts. Working with federal, state, local, tribal, and academic partners, NOAA will advance tactical fire fighting decisions, improve risk management and resource planning, and increase understanding of the impacts of these fires on human health.DOC - NOAAResilienceDirect FederalNo non-federal cost share required6/26/2023
Wind Energy Tech Recycling Research & DevelopmentFebruary 11, 2025 - Applications due$0.04 To award financial assistance to eligible entities for research, development, demonstration and commercialization projects to create innovative and practical approaches to increase the reuse and recycling of wind technologiesFederal, state, and local government, higher education. National Lab, related research agency in territory, a Tribe, Tribal organization, Tribal energy development organization, Native Hawaiian community-based organization, non profit, industry, etc.See link in "Name of Program"
Funding Opportunity Announcement
DOEClean Energy and PowerFormulaTBD12/20/2024
Wind Energy Technology ProgramSeptember 15, 2022 - Concept paper due in response to Funding Opportunity Request. November 17, 2022 - Full Applications due (combined wind and solar technology programs)$0.06 To fund research, development, demonstration and commercialization activities to improve wind energy technologies.Federal, state, and local government, higher education. National Lab, related research agency in territory, tribal energy development, Tribe, Tribal organization, Native Hawaiian community based organization, non profit, industry, etc.See link in "Name of Program"DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD6/26/2023
Wind Tech Program - to Address Key Deployment Challenges for Offshore, Land-Based, and Distributed WindMarch 24, 2024 - NOI released (DE-FOA-0003345)$0.03 To enable the innovations needed to
advance U.S. wind systems, reduce the cost of electricity, and accelerate the deployment of
wind power, maximize the benefits of the clean energy transition as the nation works to curb
the climate crisis, empower workers, and advance environmental justice.
Federal, state, and local government, higher education. National Lab, related research agency in territory, tribal energy development, Tribe, Tribal organization, Native Hawaiian community based organization, non profit, industry, etc.Notice of Intent
Funding Opportunitiy Announcement
DOEClean Energy and PowerCompetitiveTBD4/30/2024
