HSEO Inflation Reduction Act Tracker

Welcome to HSEO’s Inflation Reduction Act Tracker! Below you will find a list of IRA programs that HSEO is interested in pursuing. This is not a comprehensive list of all IRA programs. Please note, our IRA Tracker is a work in progress and will be updated as more information is released.

HSEO Inflation Reduction Act Tracker

Please feel free to explore our IRA Tracker by searching, filtering, and downloading this table. If you are unable to locate a specific program by searching, please consider using alternative keywords. For your convenience, links are provided for programs where available. If you have any questions, concerns, comments, or suggestions, please reach out to: [email protected].

Tracker Last Updated: January 22, 2025.

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Assistance for Latest and Zero Building Energy Code Adoption (Formula) October 31, 2025 - Full applications close for DOE's formula funding for building energy codes for eligible states and territories

November 21, 2023 - Letter of Intent application window closed for DOE's formula funding for building energy codesFebruary 9, 2024 - Concept papers due for competitive programApril 30, 2024 Full applications due for competitive program; September 16, 2024 - Full applications for early bonus qualification;
$0.40 Grants to assist states, & units of local gov. that have authority to adopt building codes—(1) adopt: (A) a building energy code (or codes) for residential buildings that meets or exceeds the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code, or achieves equivalent or greater energy savings; (B) a building energy code(s) for commercial buildings that meets or exceeds the ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1–2019, or achieves energy savings; or (C) any combination of building energy codes described above; and (2) implement a plan for the jurisdiction to achieve full compliance with any building energy code adopted in new & renovated residential or commercial buildings, which shall include training & enforcement programs & annual measurement of the rate of compliance.States and local government with authority to adopt building codes.See link in "Name of Program"DOE50131FormulaNo cost share requirement 09/30/24
Assistance for Latest and Zero Building Energy Code Adoption (Competitive) September 2024 - Awards announced (round 1)
September 13, 2024 - Full application deadline
March 2025 - Concept Paper (Round 3); June 2025 - Full Application (Round 3)
$0.53 Grants to assist states, & units of local gov. that have authority to adopt building codes: (1) adopt a building energy code (or codes) for residential & commercial buildings that meets or exceeds the zero energy provisions in the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code or an equivalent stretch code; & (2) to implement a plan for the jurisdiction to achieve full compliance with any building energy code adopted under paragraph (1) in new & renovated residential & commercial buildings, which shall include training & enforcement programs & annual measurement of the rate of compliance. States and local government with authority to adopt building codes.See link in "Name of Program"DOE50131Competitive No cost share requirement 9/9/24
Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles January 2025 - Awards announced$1.00To provide funding to offset the costs of replacing and deploying commercial vehicles with zero-emission vehicles.States, municipalities, tribes, and nonprofit school transportation associations. ELIGIBLE CONTRACTORS: a contractor that has the capacity to: 1) sell, lease, license, or contract for service zero-emission vehicles, or charging or other equipment needed to charge, fuel, or maintain zero-emission vehicles, to individuals or entities that own, lease, license, or contract for service an eligible vehicle; or 2) arrange financing for such a sale, lease, license, or contract for service.See link in "Name of Program"EPA60101CompetitiveTBD1/22/25
Grants to facilitate siting of interstate electricity transmission lines (Transmission Siting and Economic Development Grant Program )January 9, 2025 - R-STEP TA application due$0.76 To facilitate siting of transmission projects by providing grants to siting authorities to expedite the siting and permitting process and providing grants for economic development activities in communities that may be affected by a transmission project.Transmission siting authority, or other state, local, or Tribal governmental entity.Funding Opportunity Announcement for TA
Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (Planning)April 28, 2023 - Deadline for lead organization from MSA to submit notice of intent to participate; May 31, 2023 - Application/workplan deadline for lead organization from MSA$0.25 Planning Grants: Make a grant to at least one eligible entity in each state for the costs of developing a plan for the reduction of greenhouse gas air pollution to be submitted with
an application for an implementation grant. Each such plan shall include programs, policies, measures, and projects that will achieve or facilitate the reduction of greenhouse gas air pollution.
States, territories, and tribesSee link in "Name of Program"EPA60114FormulaNo cost share requirement 06/26/23
Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (Implementation)July 2024 - Awards announced$4.60 Implementation Grants: Award competitive grants to implement plans developed under a Planning Grant.Those states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico; air pollution control agencies; municipalities; territories; tribes; or groups of such eligible entities that are covered by a plan developed with funding from a planning grant awarded under Phase ISee link in "Name of Program"EPA60114CompetitiveNo cost share requirement 07/30/24
Endangered Species Act Recovery Plans$0.13 To develop Species Status Assessments (foundational information and analysis for recovery planning) and recovery plans for listed species and to conduct recovery implementation actionsStates, Local Governments, Tribes, Private LandownersDOI60301Competitive N/A06/26/23
Environmental Protection Agency Efficient, Accurate and Timely Reviews$0.04 To invest in staffing and equipment that provides more accurate and timely environmental reviewsEPA60115N/A06/26/23
Fueling Aviation’s Sustainable Transition – Technology (FAST-Tech)August 2024 - Awards announced$0.05 To provide grant funding for eligible entities to carry out projects that develop, demonstrate, or apply low-emission aviation technologies.State and local governments; air carriers; airport sponsors; institutions of higher education; research institutions; a person or entity engaged in the production, transportation, blending, or storage of sustainable aviation fuel or feedstocks that could be used to produce sustainable aviation fuel; a person or entity engaged in the development,
demonstration, or application of low-emission aviation technologies; nonprofit entities or nonprofit consortia with experience in sustainable aviation fuels, low-emission aviation technologies, or other clean transportation research programs.
Request for Information
Funding Opportunity Announcement
DOT40007(a)(2)Competitive75% (90% for small hub or nonhub airports)09/03/24
Fueling Aviation’s Sustainable Transition through Sustainable Aviation Fuels (FAST-SAF)November 27, 2023 - Application due $0.24 To provide grant funding for eligible entities to carry out projects relating to the production, transportation, blending, or storage of sustainable aviation fuel.State and local governments; air carriers; airport sponsors; institutions of higher education; research institutions; a person or entity engaged in the production, transportation, blending, or storage of sustainable aviation fuel or feedstocks that could be used to produce sustainable aviation fuel; a person or entity engaged in the development,
demonstration, or application of low-emission aviation technologies; nonprofit entities or nonprofit consortia with experience in sustainable aviation fuels, low-emission aviation technologies, or other clean transportation research programs.
Request for Information
Funding Opportunity Announcement
DOT40007(a)(1)Competitive75% (90% for small hub or nonhub airports)05/28/2024
Funding for Environmental and Climate Data CollectionNovember 22, 2022 - Launch of Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool$0.03 To improve the quality, availability, and use of climate change community impact data; to update and improve the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool; and to identify ways to improve conditions for climate impacted communities.Direct Federal SpendingEPA60401N/A06/26/23
Greenhouse Gas and Zero-Emission Standards for Mobile SourcesApril 2024 - Awards totaling $7B announced$0.01Grants to States to adopt and implement greenhouse gas and zero-emission standards for mobile sources pursuant to section 177 of the Clean Air Act.States and others TBD. The Clean Air Act defines “state” to mean a state,
the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and
American Samoa and includes the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
EPA60105CompetitiveNo cost share requirement 05/06/24
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund - Zero-Emission Technology (General Assistance program) aka Solar for All April 2024 - Awards announced$7.00To provide financial and technical assistance to low-income and disadvantaged
communities to deploy or benefit from zero-emission technologies, including distributed
technologies on residential rooftops, and to carry out other greenhouse gas emission reduction
States, municipalities, Tribal governments, certain nonprofit organizationsFunding opportunity AnnouncementEPA60103CompetitiveN/A04/15/24
High-Efficiency Electric Home Rebate Program (HEAR)January 31, 2025 -Applications due. (Application window open now and will be reviewed on a rolling basis)$4.50Grants to state energy offices to develop and implement a high-efficiency electric home rebate program for: low- or moderate-income households; individuals or entities that own a multifamily building in which at least 50% of residents are low- or moderate-income households; governmental, commercial, or nonprofit entities carrying out an electrification project on behalf of the above beneficiaries.State energy officesSee link in program name for ALRD information
Early ALRD Guidance Released
RFI for Private Sector
DOE50122FormulaFederal rebates are capped at certain amounts based on project type and may not exceed: 50% of project costs for moderate-income households; 100% of project costs for low-income households07/31/23
Home Energy Performance-Based, Whole-House Rebates (HOMES Rebate)January 31, 2025 -Applications due. (Application window open now and will be reviewed on a rolling basis)$4.30To award grants to state energy offices to develop a whole-house energy saving retrofits program that will provide rebates to homeowners and aggregators for whole-house energy saving retrofits.State energy officesSee link in program name for ALRD information
Early ALRD Guidance Released
RFI for Private Sector
DOE50121FormulaThe lesser of a specified amount or 50%/80% of project costs07/31/23
Increase in Energy Credit for Solar and Wind Facilities Placed in Service in Connection with Low-Income Communities (Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program)August 1, 2025 - Application period closes for 48E(h) Clean Electricity Low-Income Communities Bonus Program for FY2025August 7, 2025 - Application period closes for 48E(h) Clean Electricity Low-Income Communities Bonus Program for FY2026Creates a 40% investment tax credit for solar or wind projects located in a low-income community or on tribal land and 20% for facilities part of low-income residential housing or low-income economic benefit projects.The bonus credit provides a 10 or 20 percentage point increase to the investment tax credit for qualified solar and wind energy facilities with a maximum net output of less than five megawatts (AC). Funding Announcement
Low Emissions Electricity Program - State, Tribal, and Local GovernmentsJanuary 18, 2023 - Request for Information comments due$0.02To assess anticipated greenhouse gas reductions from changes in domestic electricity generation and use and to ensure that reductions in greenhouse gases are achieved.Direct Federal SpendingRequest for InformationEPA60107Competitive06/26/23
Native Hawaiian Climate ResilienceFebruary 29, 2024 - Applications due for the Kapapahuliau Native Hawaiian Climate Resilience Program (D24AS00098)$0.03 To develop and implement a new Native Hawaiian Climate Resilience Program that helps the Native Hawaiian Community cope with the effects of climate change by taking actions that maintain the integrity and identity of the Native Hawaiian Community while also building the capacity for adaptation, learning, and transformationDirect Federal, State/Local Government, Native Hawaiian Community Representatives (Native Hawaiian Organizations), Universities, Non-Governmental OrganizationsFunding Opportunity AnnouncementDOI80002Competitive None11/27/2023
Training for Residential Energy Contractors (TREC) (aka State-Based Home Energy Efficiency Contractor Training Program) FORMULAJanuary 31, 2024 - Application due (extended from September 30, 2023)$0.20To provide financial assistance to states to develop and implement a program to provide training and education to contractors involved in the installation of home energy efficiency and electrification improvements, including improvements eligible for rebates under sections 50121(d) and 50122(d) of the Inflation Reduction Act.StatesALRDDOE50123FormulaNo cost share requirement 10/30/2023
Training for Residential Energy Contractors (TREC) (aka State-Based Home Energy Efficiency Contractor Training Program) COMPETITIVENovember 15, 2024 - LOI due (extended from June 7, 2024); January 15, 2025 - Full Application due (extended from July 12, 2024)$0.20To provide financial assistance to states to develop and implement a program to provide training and education to contractors involved in the installation of home energy efficiency and electrification improvements, including improvements eligible for rebates under sections 50121(d) and 50122(d) of the Inflation Reduction Act.StatesALRDDOE50123CompetitiveNo cost share requirement 7/22/24
USGS 3D Elevation Program (3DEP)$0.02 To help achieve complete national 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) baseline coverage, help to ensure efficient and timely data processing and delivery, and support research and acquisition to help establish the 3D National Topography Model (3DNTM). The 3DNTM is the terrestrial component of the 3D Nation vision shared with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for delivering a continuous information surface from the depths of our oceans to the peaks of our mountains.Cooperative funding and joint funding agreements with federal/state/local
governments/Tribes/private entities; task orders to private mapping firms and other government
contractors via the USGS Geospatial Products and Services Contracts and Technical Services
Support Contract
DOI50271Competitive State and local applicants requesting an award in the form of a
cooperative agreement must contribute a minimum of 25% state and/or local funds to the
collective applicant cost share
