This directory provides information on the notable energy projects statewide in all stages of development and operation. It includes current and planned renewable energy projects and existing fossil fuel projects. This directory is updated as new information becomes publicly available.
The Energy Projects Directory is currently being updated. For the most recent information please see the Proposed Energy Projects page.
Energy Project Directory

The Hawai‘i Statewide Energy Project Directory was built in ArcGIS Web AppBuilder and has various functions.
Zoom to specific projects and select individual projects to view project details in the Project Pop-up. Information includes, but is not limited to:
- Project technology type
- Project Description
- PUC docket number(s), if applicable
- Project status (existing or planned)
- Production capacity and storage capacity (expressed in MW and MWh alternating current)
- Historic net generation (updated from the Energy Information Administration annually)
- Coordinates for the estimated center point of the project’s location.
- State and County Land Use Districts and Zones
- TMKs
Turn informational layers on and off. Informational layers include:
- Electric Power Transmission Lines and Substations (sourced from the EIA)
- Roads
- State Land Use Districts (SLUDs)
- Land Study Bureau Agricultural Designation
- Large Landowners Statewide, Government Lands, and DOD Parcels
- Sea Level Rise (SLR) Exposure Areas
- Parcels (TMKs)
HSEO encourages all Hawai‘i residents to engage in the energy project planning process and preferably in the early stages of project design and approval. For those projects submitted to the Hawai‘i Public Utilities Commission (PUC), public comments on individual projects can be submitted anytime to the PUC’s new Case and Document Management System (CSMS) public portal by entering the Docket Number provided by the Directory for each project with a PUC docket. Docket links, when applicable, are also embedded in the directory.

Projects listed in the Directory are based on public information only. Information on individual projects can be found in publicly available sources such as, but not limited to, regulatory agency filings and notices, meeting minutes, media publications, financial filings, landowner records, legislative materials, company communications, and other outlets. To the extent available, official sources of information are used to update the project information. Reasonable assumptions concerning a project’s status may be made based on the information available for evidence demonstrating a project’s progress in key areas of development, including site control, permitting, interconnection, power or fuel off-take, and construction.
The Hawai‘i State Energy Office (HSEO) reserves the right to list projects on the Directory that warrant listing due to a projects’ innovation, uniqueness, and/or alignment with state priority initiatives. Projects may be removed from the Directory if no new information concerning project status is available after a reasonable duration. The Directory is not a complete list of all proposed and existing renewable energy projects in Hawai‘i. It does not include most small solar photovoltaic installations under 500 kilowatts (kW), such as those under net-energy metering, self-supply, grid-supply, or most standard interconnection agreements. In addition, projects subject to an open or ongoing competitive solicitation may not be listed due to outstanding project uncertainty. Some projects may not be listed simply because little or no public information has been made available. Not all projects on the Directory will be developed and become operational for a variety of reasons. Some project announcements may be premature or unfounded, and many proposed projects are discontinued for a variety of reasons.
As the Directory is based on publicly available information, HSEO cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of all information. In certain cases, attempts have been made by HSEO to verify information that has been publicly reported. Interested stakeholders are encouraged to contact individual project developers for the most accurate and current project information. The Directory does not represent an endorsement of any specific project or company by HSEO or the State of Hawai‘i. HSEO strives to provide the most accurate information on each project and encourages users to send project updates and/or corrections to [email protected].