The U.S. Department of Energy (USDOE) prepared the Hawai‘i Clean Energy Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) to analyze, at a programmatic level, the potential environmental impacts of clean energy activities and technologies in the following clean energy categories: (1) Energy Efficiency, (2) Distributed Renewables, (3) Utility-Scale Renewables, (4) Alternative Transportation Fuels and Modes, and (5) Electrical Transmission and Distribution. The project was completed in 2015.
As stated in the Federal Register, page 56451, “DOE’s purpose and need is to support the State of Hawaii in its efforts to meet 70 percent of the State’s energy needs by 2030 through clean energy. DOE’s primary purpose in preparing this PEIS, which is not required under NEPA, is to provide information to the public, Federal and State agencies, and future energy developers on the potential environmental impacts of a wide range of energy efficiency activities and renewable energy technologies…”
Links to the summary (61 pages) and full document (1568 pages) are provided below.