The State of Hawai‘i has a bold energy agenda — to achieve 100 percent clean energy by the year 2045. Along with reducing our islands’ dependency on fossil fuels and increasing efficiency measures, the clean energy plan is also contributing to the state’s economic growth. Because Hawai‘i is committed to re-powering the clean energy market, we have embraced bold solutions that will help develop this competitive industry, making Hawai‘i one of the leaders in the clean energy race.

The Hawai‘i State Energy Office leads statewide energy security and resilience initiatives while catalyzing energy independence and decarbonization.

Hawai‘i’s ENERGY Story

Life on the Hawaiian archipelago has been shaped by elemental energy sources — wind, water, earth, sun, moon, and sky. The Hawaiian creation story told through the Kumulipo tells of the interconnected relationship between humankind and nature. An ancestral link to nature’s life-giving and life-sustaining energy is a core feature of the Hawaiian cultural value system. We often see it expressed through mālama ‘āina: the care and stewardship of the environment and natural resources. Energy is a shared natural resource that connects us to the past and provides our foundation for the future.

HSEO fulfills its mission to residents through strategy and thought leadership; program design and implementation; analysis, reporting, and data collection and sharing; regulatory support; and education, outreach, and community/public engagement.  


Act 238, Session Laws of Hawai’i 2022, tasks the Hawai‘i State Energy Office to “analyze pathways and develop recommendations for achieving the State’s economy-wide decarbonization goals.” Additionally, the study evaluates emission reduction pathways from all emitting sectors economy-wide.

Pursuant to Hawai’i Revised Statutes §225P-5, Hawai’i has a target “to sequester more atmospheric carbon and greenhouse gases than emitted within the State as quickly as practicable, but no later than 2045”, effectively establishing a net-negative emissions target.


Current and open Requests for Interest (RFI) and Requests for Proposal (RFP) issued by HSEO are linked here and on the Hawaii Awards and Notices Data System (HANDS).

Hawaii National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Plan

Read the State Plan that maps out the overall vision and goals for the Hawaii Department of Transportation to deploy charging infrastructure under the NEVI program.

Energy Policy in Hawai‘i

The Hawaiʻi State Energy Office promotes energy efficiency, renewable energy, and clean transportation to help achieve a resilient clean energy economy. HSEO’s primary roles and activities are set forth in Sections 196-71 and 196-72, Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes.

Hawai‘i’s Energy Landscape

Hawai‘i’s embrace of clean energy is rooted in a commitment to end its dependence on fossil fuels. In this section you can learn about the energy sources that are utilized in Hawai‘i, the differences between renewable and non-renewable sources, as well as discover the multitude of energy projects that are currently ongoing in our state.

introducing the new energy data portal

Reliable and high-quality data are increasingly critical to Hawai‘i’s successful transition to a clean energy economy. HSEO is dedicated to fostering trust among all stakeholders as we move towards our goals. Stakeholders and interested citizens can easily view and interact with data to become better educated and informed about Hawai‘i’s energy landscape and the state’s progress towards its clean energy goals. 

Hawai‘i State Energy Office Reports

Annual Report

Resource Quick links

Hawai‘i State Energy
Office Publications

The Hawai‘i State Energy Office offers a database of publications regarding numerous key energy topics such as alternative energy programs and energy legislation written by universities, consultants, industry organizations, and government bodies. Find reports, studies, research papers, resource assessments, and more.

Solar Water Heater Variance

The online application was developed to help expedite the submittal of a request for variance (exemption) from Hawai‘i Revised Statutes §196-6.5, which mandates that, effective January 1, 2010, all new single-family dwellings (which includes Accessory Dwelling Units and similar single-family dwellings) built in the State of Hawai‘i have a solar water heater.

Renewable EnerGIS Map

Renewable EnerGIS is designed to provide renewable energy resource and site information for specific Hawai‘i locations selected by the user. This tool is intended to help landowners, developers, and policymakers understand the renewable energy potential of sites statewide.

Renewable Energy
Permitting Wizard

The Renewable Energy Permitting Wizard tool was developed to help those proposing renewable energy projects understand the county, state, and federal permits that may be required for their individual project. This tool works for projects ranging in size from residential solar installations to large utility-scale facilities.

Hawai‘i Renewable Energy
Projects Directory

The islands of Hawai‘i have abundant natural resources such as wind, solar, geothermal, bioenergy, and hydropower. These precious resources could potentially meet a substantial portion of Hawai‘i’s energy needs. Use this interactive directory to find and learn about renewable energy projects in Hawai‘i.


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HSEO’s quarterly e-newsletter provides updates to Hawai‘i’s businesses and policymakers on HSEO’s clean energy activities and achievements so they can make informed decisions about clean energy investments and policy.

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