HONOLULU —The Hawai‘i State Energy Office and its partners have submitted a full application to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Clean Hydrogen Hub programs.

The Hawai‘i Pacific Hydrogen Hub (H2Hub) authored one of 33 concept papers nationwide that was encouraged by the U.S. Department of Energy to apply for funding through the program. The agency has said it plans to choose six to 10 applications to share a total of $7 billion available through the Inflation Reduction Act.

“Regardless of the outcome, we now have a much clearer picture about how hydrogen will be part of Hawai‘i’s future as we expand our portfolio of energy resources,” said Governor Josh Green, M.D. “We submitted an entirely green hydrogen proposal and, if we are successful, it could be a real game-changer that launches hydrogen technology and the hub as a key part of a diversified and integrated economic portfolio.”

The Hawai‘i State Energy Office convened a group of stakeholders to develop and submit a $2.1 billion proposal. If selected for an award, the projects within the Hawai‘i Pacific Hydrogen Hub are subject to a rigorous four-phased funding process over a 10 – 12-year period. Each of the first three phases requires the completion of a series of milestones in order to be eligible for federal funding in the next phase. 

“We submitted an excellent package that we believe deserves funding,” said Hawai‘i Chief Energy Officer Mark B. Glick. “More importantly, the process to develop a full proposal brought together energy stakeholders throughout Hawai‘i and beyond, to assess and refine our state’s overall energy strategy and understand how hydrogen contributes to our renewable energy and decarbonization goals. Whatever happens with this proposal, we are grateful for the dozens of collaborating organizations in the public and private sectors who co-designed the roadmap and are fully committed to making it a reality.”

The Hawai‘i proposal aligns existing and new infrastructure to build out a new green regional hydrogen production, distribution, and use network to serve the state and military locations on Guam and Kwajalein Atoll. The hydrogen is called “green” because it would be produced from a diverse and distributed portfolio of renewable energy sources in accordance with Hawai‘i state law and other supportive policies, instead of fossil fuels.

The mission and purpose of the H2Hub is to seed a transition to hydrogen-powered operations across all sectors of Hawai‘i’s energy ecosystem and economy for the next decade to: 

  • Eliminate price volatility and reduce energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions in high-value transportation, energy storage and electric power applications; 
    • Serve as the linchpin in accelerating Hawai‘i’s renewable energy and decarbonization strategy, thus contributing to energy security and national security;
    • Provide significant net benefits to Hawai‘i’s diverse communities through green jobs, higher wages, and delivery of reliable, secure, clean and affordable energy;  
    • Match and phase in appropriate end users from ground-transportation, maritime, and aviation sectors operating locally, to ensure supply and demand balance; and 
    • Focus on hard-to-electrify or hard-to-abate sectors first, including heavy- duty ground and marine transportation and aviation. 

Informed by the islands’ Native Hawaiian host culture, the H2Hub embraces kuleana—responsibility to ensure projects are culturally and environmentally responsible and all project funding benefits island communities, with at least 40% benefitting disadvantaged communities as required by the federal government.

The H2Hub promotes economic development, workforce training and community benefits for all residents with targeted benefits for areas populated by disadvantaged and Native Hawaiian communities to increase ownership, employment, and income associated with the H2Hub enterprise. 

Proposal details will remain confidential through the competitive national selection process which is expected to conclude this fall.



HONOLULU — The United States Department of Energy (DOE) has encouraged the Hawai‘i State Energy Office and its consortium of partners across government, community, industry, and academia to submit a Full Application for the Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub (H2Hub) program.  

The consortium concept paper details the potential for an integrated Hawai‘i Pacific Hydrogen Hub that aligns multiple existing, in-development, and proposed new hydrogen production pathways to deploy hydrogen across all sectors of Hawai‘i’s energy ecosystem and economy over the next decade.   

“Hawai‘i’ has long supported the development of clean hydrogen and we believe this proposal has significant economic and strategic value to Hawai‘i’ and the entire Indo-Pacific region,” said Chris Sadayasu, Director, Business, Economic Development, and Tourism. “Strengthening our energy security is fundamental to enhancing our food, transportation, housing, and national security. We are thrilled that the DOE has chosen this Hawai‘i-based proposal to advance to the next round of this very competitive process.” 

The DOE has encouraged applications from 33 entities to establish 6-10 regional clean hydrogen hubs nationwide to create a network of hydrogen producers, consumers, and connective infrastructure to accelerate the use of clean hydrogen across the economy. Winning proposals will receive as much as $1 billion to implement their strategies.  

The initial consortium included 21 contributing organizations, most located in Hawai‘i. While some specific details of the proposal may remain confidential through the highly competitive application process, all consortium participants are committed to working together with communities to develop the components of the H2Hub. The Hub will incorporate proactive workforce development, labor engagement, diversity, equity, inclusion, an accessibility strategy and implementation plan and Community Benefits Plan. 

The deadline for submitting the application is April 7, 2023.


HONOLULU — The Hawai‘i State Energy Office and a consortium of partners across government, community, industry, and academia have submitted an integrated Hawai‘i Pacific Hydrogen Hub concept proposal to the US Department of Energy’s Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub (H2Hub) program.    

As part of the $8 billion hydrogen hub program funded through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the US DOE is seeking proposals to establish as many as ten regional clean hydrogen hubs across the country. The hubs are intended to create networks of hydrogen producers, consumers, and connective infrastructure to accelerate the use of clean hydrogen across the economy. 

“Hawaiʻi is best positioned to demonstrate a Pacific H2Hub to convert our abundant renewable resources of sun, earth, water, wind, and agriculture into locally produced fuels for transportation, storage, grid security, fertilizer, and maritime trade,” Governor David Y. Ige said in support of the proposal. “Our state laws have supported clean hydrogen for two decades. A Hawaiʻi Pacific H2Hub supports local, national, and regional security with a pathway for Indo-Pacific integration.” 

The integrated Hawai‘i Pacific Hydrogen Hub aligns multiple existing, in-development, and proposed hydrogen production pathways that leverage existing energy infrastructure while developing new hydrogen infrastructure, to deploy hydrogen across all sectors of Hawaii’s energy ecosystem and economy over the next decade.   

“This is an important opportunity for Hawai‘i moving toward a clean energy economy. The consortium includes almost two dozen participants ranging from industry leaders to frontline communities, which demonstrates the widespread local support for increasing community resilience and economic prosperity by strengthening local energy systems and reducing reliance on imports,” added Hawai‘i State Chief Energy Officer, Scott Glenn. “The collaboration with partners representing every step in the energy infrastructure supply chain supports the generation of locally produced fuels for transportation, stored energy for utility grid security, and fertilizer for food and agricultural production.” 

The Hawai‘i Pacific Hydrogen Hub proposal also contributes a critical component to national security objectives in the region.  

“Establishing this capability in Hawai‘i further leverages the national hydrogen network into the Asia-Pacific region and supports the national and energy security objectives of the U.S. and its key regional allies,” added Major General John F. Wharton (USA-Ret) now CEO of the Global Connective Center.   

The proposal includes community collaboration and the development and coordination of a carefully crafted community benefits plan grounded in a Native Hawaiian framework to ensure at least 40% of federal H2Hub clean energy investments flow to disadvantaged communities resulting in sustainable living wages and careers in long-term industries that will increase household incomes and stimulate Hawaii’s economy. All of the consortium participants are committed to working together with communities to develop the components of the H2Hub that incorporate proactive workforce development, labor engagement, diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility strategy and implementation plan and a Community Benefits Plan relevant to each phase of the overall project. 

The consortium includes 21 contributing organizations to the 20-page concept paper filed today, most of them located in Hawai‘i.  

“DOE funding will help Hawai’i to become the first decarbonized state in the country, and a model for other communities around the world to replicate,” said Lex Heslin, a consortium member and CEO of Enso Infrastructure, a hydrogen project developer and finance company. 

“Dibshawaii and its association of local businesses and not for profit partners are thrilled to participate, demonstrate, and showcase the capabilities and consistency of our island community partners to innovate and deploy best in class technologies in the emerging industry and the growth of a Hawai‘i Pacific H2Hub.  We will be focusing on a carbon negative energy platform to educate, train, and develop people and places in the most vulnerable and diverse communities to transition to a clean and renewable energy future,” said Keoni Ford, President,  Dibshawaii, LLC. 

“Cyrq Energy, a geothermal focused, renewable energy developer, owner, and operator is pleased to contribute to and support HSEO’s effort to create a Hawai‘i Pacific hydrogen hub,” said Matt Rosenfeld, General Manager, Cyrq Energy. 

“As the only utility gas company in the nation currently blending hydrogen and renewable natural gas in our main utility fuel mix, Hawaiʻi Gas is eager to join with other local companies and organizations to help our state become one of the nation’s Regional Clean Energy Hubs,” said Kevin Nishimura, VP of Operations for Hawai’i Gas. 

“We are happy to partner with the State of Hawai‘i and other leaders in creating a cleaner energy future for our island home,” said Eric Wright, President Par Hawai‘i. 

“174 Power Global is excited for the opportunity to partner with the state of Hawai’i on this very important endeavor to start to fuel Hawai’i’s energy independence with hydrogen.” Larry Greene, VP of Development 

The Hawai‘i Pacific Hydrogen Hub concept paper is pending review and acceptance by the US Department of Energy. If the DOE acknowledges formal interest in the proposal, the consortium will submit a formal application for funding under the program in 2023.  


About the Hawaiʻi State Energy Office 

The Hawaiʻi State Energy Office (HSEO) is an attached agency of the state’s Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism. The HSEO’s mission is to promote energy efficiency, renewable energy, and clean transportation to help achieve a resilient, clean energy, decarbonized economy. HSEO is committed to developing and deploying high-impact solutions that will maximize Hawai‘i’s renewable energy resources and improve efficiency and transportation standards. Through effective policies and innovative programs, HSEO is positioning Hawai‘i as a leader in clean energy innovation, which will generate quality jobs, attract investment opportunities, and accelerate economic growth. For more information, visit   


Claudia Rapkoch 

Public Affairs Officer 

Hawaiʻi State Energy Office 

(808) 460-5998 

[email protected]  


HONOLULU —The Hawai‘i State Energy Office is seeking input on federal funding opportunities under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). The IIJA was signed into law by President Biden on November 15, 2021. The law authorizes $1.2 trillion in infrastructure spending addressing clean energy and power, carbon capture and utilization, clean transportation, resiliency, and more. 

“We have a historic opportunity in front of us to make Hawai‘i more clean energy resilient,” said Scott Glenn, Hawai‘i Chief Energy Officer. “We are looking for insight into potential partners who can help Hawaiʻi put our best foot forward and bring more federal dollars home to diversify our economy, provide more local jobs, help our frontline communities, and drive innovation and investment to address the climate crisis.” 

HSEO is surveying stakeholders in industry, non-governmental organizations, community organizations, and other governmental agencies to gather information that will help identify partnering opportunities and inform HSEO on possible Requests for Interest on competitive IIJA programs. HSEO seeks substantive input for successful IIJA-related partnering opportunities within state and federal rules and regulations. The survey deadline is October 12, 2022. 

Additionally, HSEO has published an IIJA Tracker on its website to provide easy public access to energy-related IIJA programs that are applicable to Hawai‘i. HSEO has identified about 100 potential funding opportunities to date. Users can sort, filter, and download information in the tracker to find opportunities that they may want to pursue.  

Click here to visit the IIJA Tracker 

Click here to take the IIJA Survey 

The tracker and survey are geared only to the IIJA at this time. The recently passed Inflation Reduction Act also has potential funding opportunities for competitive grants and HSEO will provide details as they become available.  



Honolulu – In support of Gov. David Ige’s statement on today’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the W. Virginia v EPA case, Scott Glenn, Hawai‘i Chief Energy Officer, said: 

“Hawai‘i is making strong progress towards our state’s climate and clean energy goals and this decision doesn’t change our commitment or trajectory. In Hawai‘i, eliminating our dependence on fossil fuels is about strengthening our islands’ self-sufficiency, energy resilience and security, and doing our part to fight climate change. To that end, we are continuing to reduce emissions by decommissioning the last coal plant in Hawaii this September and transitioning to clean, renewable energy. Continuing along this path of retiring other fossil fuel power plants lessens the need to rely on the EPA’s ability to regulate emissions in the first place.” 



HONOLULU — The Hawai‘i State Energy Office today unveiled a new logo and website that reflect the agency’s increasing role in achieving Hawai‘i’s clean energy goals.

The rebranding initiative follows the Legislature’s restructuring of the agency in 2019 that elevated the State Energy Office to have a stronger and more direct voice in state energy policy led by a governor-appointed, senate-confirmed chief energy officer.

“HSEO plays a very important role in developing and implementing state energy policy,” explains Scott Glenn, Hawai‘i Chief Energy Officer. “It is important for us, as a state agency, to honor the role that energy has played within the Hawaiian cultural value system, which has long respected nature’s life-giving and life-sustaining energy. Beginning with land rising from the ocean, to where life flourishes in concert with the sky, the logo depicts the natural and renewable flow of energy that is so much a part of our daily lives.”

In addition, Glenn added the following symbolism associated with the new logo:

The minimalism of the design calls us to conserve energy, as energy efficiency is the most important step we can take to achieve a resilient, clean energy economy.

The blocks symbolize the archipelago of Hawaiʻi. Each island stands alone as an electricity grid, yet interdependent for our overall energy system and livelihood. The Hawaiʻi State Energy Office name is paired with the three blocks, reminiscent of an outrigger to provide guidance and resilience in navigating to Hawaiʻi’s renewable energy future.

The top block symbolizes the morning sun, the bright future and hope. The color matches the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy to show Hawaiʻi’s alignment with the world as well as Hawaiʻi’s global leadership on clean energy.

The middle block symbolizes energy from the earth and life, the vitality of the islands, and our call to be better stewards of our home. The pali is a distinguishing feature of Hawaiʻi, found throughout the islands. While reminiscent of Diamond Head (Lē’ahi) to those passingly familiar with Hawaiʻi, it is not Diamond Head specifically. This is a way to communicate to those outside of Hawaiʻi that this logo is a Hawaiʻi one while not favoring any one island over another.

The bottom block symbolizes the constant flow of energy from the water and wind, and the ocean as the foundation of existence in Hawaiian ʻike.

The blocks also acknowledge the climate crisis and the resulting challenges Hawaiʻi faces with sea level rise, storms, flooding, and hotter days.

The new website ( is designed to make information easier to find and provides a strong platform for new interactive features that will be implemented in the coming weeks to enhance data availability and community engagement.

The logo and website were designed and built by Essense Partners with funding through a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.



HONOLULU — Hawai‘i is among the states with recipients of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) 2021 Diesel Emissions Reduction Action (DERA) School Bus Rebates.

Roberts Hawaii has been awarded $200,000 in the latest round of funding for the long-standing DERA School Bus Rebates program that helps fund the replacement of older-model diesel school buses with cleaner models that meet or exceed current emission standards.

The funding announcement of ongoing school bus rebate opportunities was coupled with the announcement of a new Clean School Bus rebate program through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that will be available later this year. The new program will provide an additional $5 billion over five years to replace existing school buses nationwide with low- or zero-emission school buses — a significant boost compared to the existing programs.

“I am proud that the Biden administration is helping our keiki travel to and from school in buses that will be safer and healthier for them while moving Hawai‘i closer to our goal of ending reliance on fossil-fuels by 2045,” said Governor David Y. Ige.

The DERA grant will go towards the purchase of ten new, more efficient buses serving Hawai‘i Department of Education routes on Maui and Hawai‘i Island.

“We take pride in our responsibility to transport children to their schools, and the DERA School Bus Rebate plays an important role in ensuring that we can continuously provide high quality service and modern school buses to the community,” said Randy Baldemor, executive vice president, Roberts Hawaii.

The DERA award for Roberts Hawaii is part of $17 million in federal funding for schools and bus fleet owners across the United States to replace older diesel school buses. Since 2021, EPA has awarded — or is in the process of awarding — over $73 million to replace more than 3,000 diesel school buses nationwide.



HONOLULU — Hawai‘i Chief Energy Officer Scott Glenn today issued the following statement:

“We strongly support Par Pacific Holdings, Inc.’s decision to suspend purchasing any more Russian crude oil for Hawai‘i. The Hawai‘i State Energy Office has been in close contact with Par and other state and industry partners ever since tensions between Russia and Ukraine arose to assure energy supply for Hawai‘i would not be disrupted.

“While we do not anticipate any supply concerns, HSEO reminds residents that energy prices are likely to remain high and perhaps go even higher due to uncertainty in the global energy markets.

This market exposure underscores why Hawai‘i is focused on transitioning as quickly as it can to locally produced renewable energy.”



The U.S. Departments of Transportation and Energy have announced the new National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program that will provide more than $17 million in Hawai‘i over the next five years to fund electric vehicle charging stations statewide.   

“Hawaii has some of the most aggressive clean energy and carbon reduction goals in the nation,” said Hawai‘i Chief Energy Officer Scott Glenn. “We appreciate the federal government’s recognition that we need to move swiftly to build the infrastructure needed to support the adoption of clean transportation in Hawaii which will help us achieve our carbon net-negative goal as soon as practicable and no later than 2045.”   

Nationally, the program enacted through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act makes available nearly $5 billion over five years help states create a network of electric vehicle charging stations along designated Alternative Fuel Corridors in Hawai‘i and nationwide. 

 “The Hawai‘i Department of Transportation and Hawai‘i State Energy Office have worked collaboratively for many years to achieve federally designated Alternative Fuel Corridors on all islands,” said Ed Sniffen, Hawai‘i Department of Transportation Deputy Director for Highways. “Just as our national partners are working together to make these funds available, HDOT and HSEO will be working together with our state and county partners to submit an EV Infrastructure Deployment Plan which is required to access these funds.” 

The total amount available to states in the first year beginning with fiscal year 2022 is $615 million, of which Hawai‘i is slated to receive approximately $2.62 million per the government’s funding formula. A second, competitive grant program designed to further increase EV charging access in locations throughout the country, including in rural and underserved communities, will be announced later this year. For more information on the federal program and the newly formed U.S. Joint Office of Energy Transportation, please visit  



HONOLULU — A total of 14 venues and events were recognized today for undertaking energy efficiency and sustainable business practices that will help their bottom line while advancing Hawai‘i’s clean energy and sustainability goals.

Gov. David Ige and first lady Dawn Amano-Ige praised the awardees for their commitment to conserving energy and water, reducing waste, and protecting Hawai‘i’s environment. “It is an honor to present these awards that recognize the commitment and hard work done by businesses and organizations to make Hawaii more sustainable,” said Ige. “Not only do their achievements keep utility costs down and create a more sustainable environment for them individually as businesses, they also are collectively contributing to Hawaii’s clean energy goals.”

“It is important that we all work together to build a clean and sustainable Hawai‘i, not only for us on this forum, but for future generations. The Hawai‘i Green Business Program is one aspect of this important effort in achieving our goals,” added Amano-Ige.

The awardees were recognized during the annual HGBP awards ceremony, which was held virtually for the second time due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The ceremony was hosted by the Hawai‘i State Energy Office, the Hawaii State Department of Health, and the Honolulu Board of Water Supply. The HGBP, which was created by the Hawai‘i State Energy Office and the Department of Health in 2002, provides technical assistance to businesses, government agencies and nonprofits seeking to operate in a more environmentally and socially responsible manner.

“As we enter into the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, we remain acutely aware of how vulnerable Hawai‘i is to things like volatile fuel and electricity prices, energy supply disruptions, rising sea levels and threats to our fragile ecosystem,” said Hawai‘i Chief Energy Officer Scott Glenn. “The Hawai‘i Green Business Program helps address these issues by creating a profitable public-private partnership between business, government and a concerned public.”

The honorees of this year’s Hawai‘i Green Business Program Awards are:

  • Kings’ Land by Hilton Grand Vacations
  • Outrigger Reef Waikiki Beach Resort
  • Outrigger Waikiki Beach Resort
  • OHANA Waikiki East by Outrigger
  • Waikiki Malia by Outrigger
  • Waikiki Beachcomber by Outrigger
  • The Westin Nanea Ocean Villas
  • The Volcano House
  • Prince Waikiki
  • The Hawai‘i Convention Center
  • University of Hawai‘i, Maui College
  • Honeywell
  • 2021 Sony Open
  • 2021 Sentry Tournament of Champions

The businesses and events honored at this year’s HGBP awards ceremony undertook a wide array of green initiatives that included planting native and endemic plants to reduce the need for excessive irrigation, using low-flow faucets and shower heads to reduce water consumption, installing LED lights and solar panels, recycling paper and food scraps, and implementing incentives to encourage employees to commute by bike.

For more information on the Hawaii Green Business Program, visit 

