Legislative Testimony

The Hawaiʻi State Energy Office engages on all relevant legislative and policy issues during the session. This page displays testimony and comments filed in advance of the hearing date. Please check back often for updates.

2022 Legislative Testimony

Transportation represents about half of the energy consumed in Hawai‘i, with about 90 percent of that split between aviation and ground transportation. The prospective growth of electrification of transportation will greatly expand the electricity sector for the foreseeable future. 

MeasureTitleHearing CommitteeHearing DateKeywords
SCR 103 SD1 HD1Support Requesting A Working Group To Examine Issues And Barriers To The Installation Of Electric Vehicle Charging Systems In Multi Unit Dwellings And Make Recommendations Regarding Changes To Statutes, Rules, And Other Guidance To Help Clarify And Facilitate The Installation Of Electric Vehicle Charging Systems In Multi-Unit DwellingsCPC4/21/22
SCR 108 SD1 HD1Affirming Hawaii's Ongoing Commitment To The Goals Of The Paris Climate Agreement And United Nations Sustainable Development Goals And Endorsement Of The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation TreatyJHA4/21/22
SCR 103 SD1 Support Requesting A Working Group To Examine Issues And Barriers To The Installation Of Electric Vehicle Charging Systems In Multi Unit Dwellings And Make Recommendations Regarding Changes To Statutes, Rules, And Other Guidance To Help Clarify And Facilitate The Installation Of Electric Vehicle Charging Systems In Multi-Unit DwellingsEEP4/14/22
SCR 108 SD1Support Affirming Hawaii's Ongoing Commitment To The Goals Of The Paris Climate Agreement, The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals And Endorsement Of The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation TreatyEEP4/14/22
SCR 242 SD1Support Requesting The Public Utilities Commission, In Collaboration With The Department Of Commerce And Consumer Affairs' Division Of Consumer Advocacy, To Convene A Working Group To Create A Hawaii Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program To Assist Low-Income Households With Paying For Their Home EnergyEEP4/14/22
SCR 48 SD1Support Requesting The Public Utilities Commission, In Consultation With The Division Of Consumer Advocacy, To Consider Efforts To Mitigate High Energy Burdens For Low- And Moderate-Income Customers And Investigate How To Integrate Considerations Of Energy Equity And Justice Across Its WorkEEP4/14/22
SCR 94 SD1Support Requesting The Hawaii State Energy Office To Engage The United States Department Of Energy To Establish A Permanent Presence Within The State Of HawaiiEEP4/14/22
GM 0754Governor's Message Support Naomi Kuwaye to the Public Utilities CommissionCPN4/14/22
SB 3337 SD2 HD1Support Relating to the EconomyFIN4/6/22
SB 2196 SD2 HD2Support Relating to Electric Vehicle Charging StationsFIN4/6/22
SB 2478 SD2 HD1Support Relating to TaxationFIN4/6/22
SB 2483 SD2 HD1Comments Relating to EnergyFIN4/6/22
SB 2510 HD1Support Relating to Renewable EnergyFIN4/6/22
SB 2511 SD2 HD1Comments Relating to TaxationFIN4/6/22
SB 2963 SD2 HD1Support Relating to Energy Efficiency FIN 4/6/22
SB 3195 SD1Support Relating to the Department of Hawaiian HomelandsFIN4/6/22
SB 3229 SD2 HD1Comments Relating to Geothermal RoyaltiesFIN4/6/22
SB 2510 SD1Oppose Relating to Renewable EnergyWAM2/24/22
SCR 242/SR133Support Requesting The Public Utilities Commission, In Collaboration With The Department Of Commerce And Consumer Affairs' Division Of Consumer Advocacy, To Convene A Working Group To Create A Hawaii Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program To Assist Low-Income Households With Paying For Their Home EnergyCPN3/24/22
SCR 148/SR 132Support Calling For Immediate Action To Address Rapidly Escalating Costs Of Transportation In HawaiiTRS3/24/22
SCR 145/SR 129Support Urging The State Of Hawaii To Support The Development And Deployment Of Zero Emissions Interisland TransportationTRS3/24/22
SCR 108/SRSupport Affirming Hawaii's Ongoing Commitment To The Goals Of The Paris Climate Agreement, The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals And Endorsement Of The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation TreatyGVO-AEN3/29/22
SCR 103/SR 91Support Requesting A Working Group To Examine Issues And Barriers To The Installation Of Electric Vehicle Charging Systems In Multi Unit Dwellings And Make Recommendations Regarding Changes To Statutes, Rules, And Other Guidance To Help Clarify And Facilitate The Installation Of Electric Vehicle Charging Systems In Multi-Unit DwellingsEET-TRS3/31/22
SCR 99Comments Requesting The Legislative Reference Bureau To Update A Study On The Feasibility Of Undergrounding The State's Utility FacilitiesEET-GVO3/30/22
SCR 94/SR84Support Requesting The Hawaii State Energy Office To Engage The United States Department Of Energy To Establish A Permanent Presence Within The State Of HawaiiEET-PSM4/4/22
SCR048Comments SCR 48 Requesting The Public Utilities Commission To Consider Efforts To Mitigate High Energy Burdens For Low- And Moderate-Income Customers And Investigate How To Integrate Considerations Of Energy Equity And Justice Across Its WorkCPN-EET3/22/22
SB 3363Support Relating to Wastewater Treatment Improvements in the County of HawaiiAEN2/11/22
SB 3337 SD2Support Relating to the EconomyECD3/18/22
SB 3337 SD1Support Relating to the EconomyWAM2/22/22
SB 3337Support Relating to the EconomyEET2/4/22
SB 3311 SD2 HD1Support Relating to Transportation FIN 4/1/22
SB 3311 SD2 HD1Support Relating to Transportation CPC3/21/22
SB 3311 SD2Support Relating to TransportationTRN3/16/22
SB 3311 SD1Support Relating to TransportationWAM2/24/22
SB 3311Support Relating to TransportationTRS2/3/22
SB 3274 SD1Support Relating to TransportationWAM2/24/22
SB 3247Comments Relating to TransportationTRS2/10/22
SB 3229 SD2Comments Relating to Geothermal RoyaltiesHET3/23/22
SB 3229 SD1Comments Relating to Geothermal RoyaltiesWAM2/23/22
SB 3205 SD 1 HD1Support Relating to EnergyFIN4/4/22
SB 3205 SD1Support Relating to EnergyHET3/18/22
SB 3205Support Relating to EnergyWAM2/23/22
SB 3195 SD2Support Relating to the Department of Hawaiian Home LandsJHA3/22/22
SB 3195 SD1Support Relating to Hawaiian Home LandsWAM2/18/22
SB 3163Support Relating to the State Energy OfficeEET - AEN2/14/22
SB 3158 SD2 HD1Support Relating to Transportation FIN4/1/22
SB 3158 SD2Support Relating to Transportation TRN3/16/22
SB 3158 SD1Support Relating to Transportation WAM2/24/22
SB 3057 SD2Support Relating to Renewable Portfolio StandardsEEP3/17/22
SB 3057 SD1Support Relating to Renewable Portfolio StandardsCPN3/1/22
SB 3057Support Relating to Renewable Portfolio StandardsEET1/31/22
SB 2963 SD2 Support Relating to Energy Efficiency EEP3/22/22
SB 2963 SD1Support Relating to Energy EfficiencyWAM3/3/22
SB 2963Support Relating to Energy EfficiencyEET-GVO2/9/22
SB 2865 SD2 HD1Support Relating to the Issuance of Special Purpose Revenue Bonds to Assist DIBSHawaii, LLCFIN4/5/22
SB 2865 SD2Support Relating to the Issuance of Special Purpose Revenue Bonds to Assist Dibs Hawaii, LLCEEP 3/22/22
SB 2865 SD1Support Relating to the Issuance of Special Purpose Revenue Bonds to Assist DIBSHawaii, LLCWAM2/23/22
SB 2865Support Relating to the Issuance of Special Revenue Bonds to Assist DibsHawaii, LLCEET2/4/22
SB 2834 SD1Support Relating to Transportation WAM2/24/22
SB 2834Comments Relating to TransportationTRS2/9/22
SB 2803Support Relating to Climate ChangeTRS - GVO2/8/22
SB 2768 SD2Support Relating to the Hawaii Youth Conservation CorpsFIN4/5/22
SB 2768 SD2Support Relating to the Hawaii Youth Conservation CorpsWAL3/17/22
SB 2768 SD1Support Relating to the Hawaii Youth Conservation CorpsWAM2/24/22
SB 2768 Support Relating to the Hawaii Youth Conservation CorpsAEN - WTL2/16/22
SB 2721 Comments Relating to Energy TaxEET-TRS2/7/22
SB 2720 SD2 HD1Support Relating to EnergyFIN4/5/22
SB 2720 SD2 HD1Support Relating to EnergyCPC3/22/22
SB 2720 SD2Support Relating to EnergyEEP3/17/22
SB 2720 SD1Support Relating to EnergyCPN-WAM2/24/22
SB 2662 SD2Comments Relating to Construction WasteAGR3/15/22
SB 2622 SD1Support Relating to BiofuelsAGR3/16/22
SB 2622Comments Relating to BiofuelsWAM2/22/22
SB 2590Comments Relating to Energy EfficiencyEET-GVO2/9/22
SB 2584 Comments Relating to Energy InterconnectionEET2/16/22
SB 2570 SD2 HD1Support Relating to Zero Emission Vehicle Fueling RebatesFIN4/5/22
SB 2570 SD2 HD1Support Relating to Zero Emission Fueling RebatesCPC3/21/22
SB 2570 SD2Support Relating to Zero Emission Fueling RebatesEEP3/17/22
SB 2570 SD1Support Relating to Zero Emission Vehicle Fueling RebatesWAM2/23/22
SB 2543Support Relating to Sustainable SchoolsEDU-AEN2/7/22
SB 2535 SD2Comments Relating to EnergyEEP 3/17/22
SB 2535 SD1Comments Relating to EnergyJDC3/3/22
SB 2535Support Relating to EnergyEET-WTL2/11/22
SB 2517Comments Relating to Bicycle CommutingTRS2/9/22
SB 2513 Comments Relating to Renewable EnergyWAM2/22/22
SB 2513Comments Relating to Renewable EnergyCPN - EET2/8/22
SB 2511 SD2 HD1Comments Relating to Taxation CPC3/21/22
SB 2511 SD2Comments Relating to TaxationEEP 3/17/22
SB 2511 SD1Comments Relating to TaxationWAM2/22/22
SB 2511 Comments in Consideration of TaxationEET1/31/22
SB 2510 SD2 HD1Support Relating to EnergyCPC3/22/22
SB 2510 SD2Opposition Relating to Renewable EnergyEEP3/17/22
SB 2510Comments Relating to Renewable EnergyWTL-EET2/11/22
SB 2483 SD2 HD1Comments Relating to EnergyCPC3/22/22
SB 2483 SD2Comments Relating to EnergyEEP3/17/22
SB 2483 SD1Comments Relating to EnergyWAM2/22/22
SB 2483Comments Relating to EnergyEET-GVO2/9/22
SB 2478 SD2 HD1Support Relating to Taxation CPC3/21/22
SB 2478 SD1Support Relating to TaxationWAM2/22/22
SB 2478Support Relating to TaxationEET1/31/22
SB 2474Comments in Consideration of Renewable EnergyEET1/31/22
SB 2283 SD2 HD1Comments Relating to the Hawaii Hydrogen Strategic Plan FIN4/5/22
SB 2283 SD2Comments Relating to the Hawaii Hydrogen Strategic PlanEEP3/17/22
SB 2283 SD1Comments Relating to Hawaii Hydrogen Strategic PlanWAM2/18/22
SB 2196 SD 2 HD1Support Relating to Electric Vehicle Charging StationsCPC3/22/22
SB 2196 SD2Comments Relating to Electric Vehicle Charging StationsEEP3/17/22
SB 2196 SD1Support Relating to Electric Vehicle Charging StationsCPN-WAM2/24/22
SB 2196Support Relating to Electric Vehicle Charging StationsEET-TRS2/7/22EV
SB 2111Support Relating to Public NoticesGOV2/15/22
SB 2056 SD1Support Relating to Soil ClassificationsAGR3/23/22
SB2056 SD1Support Relating to Soil ClassificationsWAL3/15/22
SB 2056 HD1 SD1Support Relating to Soil ClassificationsFIN3/31/22
SB 2056Support Relating to Soil ClassificationsWAM2/15/22
SB 2007Comments Relating to a Carbon Tax on Aviation Fuel AEN - TRS2/8/22
HR 181Comments HR 181 Requesting A Working Group To Examine The Impact Of Sustainable Transportation Solutions In The State, Including Ground-Effect Vehicles And Other Innovative TechnologiesTRN3/23/22
HCR 177/HR 177Comments Requesting The Public Utilities Commission To Explore, Through Its Docket Process, The Feasibility Of Relocating Above-Ground Electric Transmission Lines And Distribution Lines Underground In High-Risk Areas On The Island Of Maui.EEP3/24/22
HCR 61/HR 55Comments Urging The Department Of Planning And Permitting Of The City And County Of Honolulu, Mayor Of The City And County Of Honolulu, And The Honolulu City Council To Ensure Greater Public Input Prior To The Construction Of Wind Machines Having A Rated Capacity Of Up To One Hundred KilowattsEEP3/24/22
HCR 55Comments Requesting The Legislative Reference Bureau To Update A Study On The Feasibility Of Undergrounding The State's Utility Facilities.EEP3/24/22
HCR 49/HR44Support Requesting The Public Utilities Commission, In Collaboration With The Department Of Commerce And Consumer Affairs' Division Of Consumer Advocacy, To Convene A Working Group To Create A Hawaii Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program To Assist Low-Income Households With Paying For Their Home EnergyEEP3/24/22
HCR 48/HR 43Comments Requesting The Public Utilities Commission To Consider Efforts To Mitigate High Energy Burdens For Low- And Moderate-Income Customers And Investigate How To Integrate Considerations Of Energy Equity And Justice Across Its WorkEEP3/24/22
HCR47 HD1/HR 42 HD1Support Requesting A Working Group To Examine Issues And Barriers To The Installation Of Electric Vehicle Charging Systems In Multi Unit Dwellings And Make Recommendations Regarding Changes To Statutes, Rules, And Other Guidance To Help Clarify And Facilitate The Installation Of Electric Vehicle Charging Systems In Multi-Unit Dwellings.CPC4/5/22
HCR 47/HR42Support Requesting The Hawaii State Energy Office To Convene A Working Group To Examine Issues And Barriers To The Installation Of Electric Vehicle Charging Systems In Multi-Unit Dwellings And Make Recommendations Regarding Changes To Statutes, Rules, And Other Guidance To Help Clarify And Facilitate The Installation Of Electric Vehicle Charging Systems In Multi-Unit Dwellings.EEP3/24/22
HCR 46/HR 41Support Requesting The Hawaii State Energy Office To Engage The United States Department Of Energy To Establish A Permanent Presence Within The State Of HawaiiCPC4/5/22
HCR 46/HR 41Support Requesting The Hawaii State Energy Office To Engage The United States Department Of Energy To Establish A Permanent Presence Within The State Of Hawaii.EEP3/24/22
HB 2409Support Relating to the EconomyECD2/11/22
HB 2399 HD1 SD1Support Relating to Waste ManagementWAM4/5/22
HB 2399 HD1Support Relating to Waste ManagementAEN-EET3/21/22
HB 2278 HD1Comments Relating to EnergyFIN2/25/22
HB 2278 HD1Support Relating to EnergyCPC2/15/22
HB 2278Comments Relating to EnergyEEP2/8/22
HB 2256 HD1 SD1Comments Relating to a Department of Environmental ProtectionEET3/23/22
HB 2256 HD1Comments Relating to a Department of Environmental ProtectionAEN3/14/22
HB 2256 HD1Comments Relating to Department of Environmental ProtectionFIN3/2/22
HB 2256Comments Relating to A Department of Environmental ProtectionEEP2/10/22
HB 2255 SD1Support Relating to Energy Efficiency WAM4/1/22
HB 2255 HD1Support Relating to Energy EfficiencyEET-GVO3/16/22
HB 2255 Support Relating to Energy EfficiencyFIN2/25/22
HB 2203Support Relating to Issuance of Special Purpose Revenue Bonds to Assist DibsHawaii, LLCEEP2/15/22
HB 2178 Support Relating to Tax Expenditure AccountabilityCPC2/16/22
HB 2120 HD1 SD1 Support Relating to Emergency ManagementWAM4/5/22
HB 2120 HD1Support Relating to Emergency ManagementPSM-AEN3/23/22
HB 2120 HD1Support Relating to Emergency ManagementFIN2/25/22
HB 2120Support Relating to Emergency ManagementPDP2/3/22
HB 2119 SD2Support Relating to Emergency ManagementPSM3/22/22
HB 2119 HD2Support Relating to Emergency ManagementWAM4/1/22
HB 2119Support Relating to Emergency ManagementPDP2/3/22
HB 2090 HD1Support Relating to Zero Emission TransportationEET-TRS3/17/22
HB 2090 HD1Support Relating to Zero Emission Transportation CPC2/16/22
HB 2090Support Relating to Zero Emission Transportation FIN 2/25/22
HB 2090Relating to Zero Emission TransportationEEP2/8/22
HB 2089 HD1 SD1Support Relating to Renewable Portfolio Standards CPN3/29/22
HB 2089 HD1Support Relating to Renewable Portfolio StandardsEET3/14/22
HB 2089 HD1Support Relating to Renewable Portfolio StandardsCPC2/23/22
HB 2054Support Relating to EnergyHET2/16/22
HB 2054Support Relating to EnergyEEP2/8/22
HB 2042 HD1Comments Relating to Solar EnergyJHA2/23/22
HB 2042Comments Relating to Solar EnergyEEP2/15/22
HB 2002Support Relating to TaxationECD2/2/22
HB 1989Support Relating to Hawaii Youth Conservation CorpsWAL2/17/22
HB 1937Comments Relating to Hawaii Strategic PlanEEP2/15/22
HB 1936Support Relating to Zero Emission Vehicle Fueling RebatesEEP2/8/22
HB 1811 HD1Support Relating to EnergyCPC2/15/22
HB 1811Comments Relating to EnergyEEP2/8/22
HB 1809 HD3 SD1Comments Relating to TaxationWAM4/1/22
HB 1809 HD3Support Relating to Taxation EET3/14/22
HB 1809 HD2Support Relating to TaxationFIN2/25/22
HB 1809 HD1Support Relating to TaxationCPC2/15/22
HB 1809Support Relating to TaxationEEP2/1/22
HB 1808Comments in Consideration of Geothermal RoyaltiesEEP2/1/22
HB 1807Comments Relating to Energy InterconnectionCPC2/10/22
HB 1807Comments in Consideration of Energy InterconnectionEEP2/1/22
HB 1801 HD1 SD1Support Relating to Energy EfficiencyWAM4/1/22
HB 1801 HD1Support Relating to Energy EfficiencyEET-GVO3/16/22
HB 1801 HD1Support Relating to Energy EfficiencyFIN2/25/22
HB 1801Support Relating to Energy EfficiencyEEP2/1/22
HB 1800 HD2 SD1Comments Relating to Climate MitigationWAM4/5/22
HB 1800 HD2Support Relating to Climate MitigationAEN-EET3/21/22
HB 1800 HD1Support Relating to Climate MitigationFIN3/1/22
HB 1800Comments Relating to Climate MitigationCPC2/10/22
HB 1800Support Relating to Climate MitigationEEP2/1/22
HB 1747 HD2Opposition Relating to the State Building Code CouncilPSM3/22/22
HB 1747 HD1Comments Relating to the State Building Code CouncilFIN3/1/22
HB 1747Comments in Consideration of the State Building Code CouncilCPC2/3/22
HB 1668Support Relating to Soil ClassificationsWAL2/1/22
HB 1639Comments Relating to Carbon Tax on Aviation FuelEEP2/8/22
HB 1637 HD1Support Relating to Renewable EnergyEET-GVO3/16/22
HB 1637Support Relating to Renewable EnergyFIN2/25/22
HB 1637Support Relating to Renewable EnergyEEP2/1/22
HB 1600 HD1Comments Relating to the State BudgetWAM3/22/22
HB 1600Support Relating to the State BudgetFIN3/10/22
HB 1595Comments in Consideration of EnergyEEP2/1/22
HB 1524 Support Relating to Energy ResourcesCPC2/23/22
HB 1524Support Relating to Energy ResourcesEEP2/1/22
HB 804Comments Relating to Environmental ProtectionEEP2/8/22
GM 0683Support Governor's Message 683, Aimee Barnes to the Board of Land and Natural Resources WTL3/21/22
GM 0639Support Governor's Message 639, Richard Wallsgrove to the Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority.EET3/4/22
GM 0638Support Governor's Message 638, Dennis Wong to the Hawaii Green Infrastructure AuthorityEET3/4/22
GM0597Support Governor's Message 597, Patrick McCain as Deputy Director, Department of TransportationTRS3/10/22
GM 596Support Governor’s Message 596, Holly Shikada To The Attorney General Of The Department Of The Attorney General