In 2015, Hawai‘i enacted a law that requires electric utility companies to sell only renewable energy to their customers by 2045 (Act 97) — the first such mandate in the United States.

the first steps in implementing a utility-scale renewable energy project

Although each utility is different, typically the process begins with issuing a request for proposals (RFP) asking developers to submit bids to build a project and sell the energy to the utility. Developers scope out locations and develop cost estimates that conform to the utility’s requirements. The process is reviewed by the Public Utilities Commission through a quasi-judicial public forum. Selected bidders must sign a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) that is reviewed in another public process prior to approval.

The Hawai‘i State Energy Office encourages developers, communities, and affected residents to begin working with each other when projects are in the early scoping phase rather than after a PPA has been executed. This allows communities and residents to contribute meaningfully to all aspects of the project’s development and gives developers the information they need to submit a successful bid and keep their project on schedule. This website provides communities and residents with the information they need to engage in the process and opportunities for public input.


Hawai‘i’s fossil fuel power plants have provided electricity to Hawai‘i residents for decades, but they are old, inefficient, and rely on internationally-sourced imported fuels subject to volatile energy markets. Hawaiian Electric and KIUC need a variety of renewable energy projects to replace these plants.

Each new utility-scale renewable energy project must be submitted to the PUC for review and decision. Some of these projects have been approved by the PUC, others are currently under review. An individual PUC docket has been created for each utility-scale renewable energy project listed on this website.


Hawaiian Electric is seeking new renewable energy solutions to displace the aging fossil fuel power plants that currently serve its customers. The 180-megawatt coal plant at Campbell Industrial Park on O‘ahu closed on September 1, 2022 – representing a step forward in the transition to renewable energy. It was the state’s only coal-powered power plant and provides approximately 16% of Oahu’s electrical energy during peak demand. By the end of 2024, the 38-MW oil-fired Kahului Power Plant, owned and operated by Hawaiian Electric, is scheduled to close. It provides approximately 15% of Maui Island’s 24/7 power generation capacity. In addition, Hawaiian Electric plans to retire its Wai‘au 3 and 4 generators on O‘ahu, totaling 93 MW, by 2024.

Hawaiian Electric is required by the PUC to competitively bid for the new renewable energy power production it intends to buy and sell to its customers. In February 2018 and August 2019, Hawaiian Electric issued Stage 1 and Stage 2 competitive solicitations for new renewable energy generation projects on O‘ahu, Maui, and Hawai‘i Island. Stage 1 produced eight utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) plus storage projects. In August 2019, Hawaiian Electric issued Stage 2 of its competitive solicitation for new renewable energy generation and stand-alone energy storage projects on O‘ahu, Maui, and Hawai‘i Island. Stage 2 produced to date nine utility-scale solar PV plus storage projects and three utility-scale stand-alone storage projects.

The Hawaiian Electric Stage 3 Procurement was approved by the PUC in 2022. Hawaiian Electric is currently underwent competitive project selection and project selection were released in 2023. Projects selected in this process will require PUC PPA approval.

Hawaii Ocean


KIUC is in the planning stages for a solar + pumped-storage hydropower project in the Waimea District of Kauai. As proposed, the project would provide 18%-24% of Kauai’s electric utility needs including long-duration storage. The long-duration storage capacity (approximately 12 hours) will allow the island to run on 100 percent renewable energy for prolonged periods without sunlight and provide additional grid stability.

Hawai‘i State Energy Office’s Comment on the Draft Environmental Assessment published in August 2021 for the West Kauai Energy Project.

KIUC projects are not subject to competitive procurement; however, projects seeking any power purchase agreement require approval from the PUC.

Utility Scale Project Development Process General Summary

The figure shows the general process for a project moving through the competitive bidding framework. It is important to note that the PUC approves both the utilities’ request for proposals (RFP), the guiding document for project selection, as well as the individual project PPAs. Projects that do not go through formal competitive bids generally start the process at step four.

The PUC docket process is an open forum that allows for public comment at any time in the proceeding. In addition, each project must obtain the requisite federal, state, and county permits and approvals, many of which offer the opportunity for public comment. HSEO’s Hawai‘i Statewide Energy Projects Directory and Hawaiian Electric’s Renewable Project Status Board provide additional information on these projects and other utility-scale projects now under development or construction, approved by the PUC, or awaiting PUC approval.


HSEO posts public input opportunities for each project as they are announced. Please contact HSEO if you would like an outreach event about a particular project to be added.

Hawaiian Electric Stage 3 Request for Proposals completed

The Hawaiian Electric Companies have filed RFPs with the Public Utilities Commission in Docket 2017-0352. More information is available on Hawaiian Electric’s Competitive Bidding Webpage. The RFP for Oahu and Maui is combined and was approved by the PUC with conditions. Hawaii Island has been approved by the PUC with conditions.


Project information will be updated as information becomes publicly available.

Project NameLocationDeveloperCapacity (Megawatts, Megawatt-hours Alternating Current)Utility’s Renewable Energy (%)Project StatusEstimated Completion DateZip CodeTax Map Key(s)PPA Price ($/kWh)PUC DocketInformation Links
Ho‘Ohana Solar 1Kunia174 Power Global, Hanwha Energy USA52 MW + 208 MWh Storage 1.4PUC Approved; Constructing and PermittingMay 202596797(1)9-4-002:0520.0988582018-0431Ho‘Ohana Solar 1
Waiawa Phase 2 SolarPearl City, Waipio VillageAES30 MW + 240 MWh Storage1.2PUC Approved; PermittingOctober 202596797(1)9-6-004:024
0.1241972020-0137Waiawa Phase 2 Solar
Pu‘uloa SolarPearl HarborAmeresco6 MW + 30 MWh StorageTBDProject selected by utility2026(1) 1-1-10-066Under negotiation2017-0352Pu‘uloa Solar
Pu‘uloa EnergyPearl HarborAmeresco99 MWTBDProject selected by utility2027(1) 9-9-001-008Under negotiation2017-0352Pu‘uloa Energy
Mahi Solar and StorageKuniaLongroad Energy120 MW + 480 MWh StorageTBDProject selected by utility2026(1) 9-2-004-010
(1) 9-2-004-003
(1) 9-2-004-006
(1) 9-2-004-012
Under negotiation2017-0352Mahi Solar and Storage
Par Hawaii Renewable Combined Heat and PowerKapoleiPar Hawaii Refining33.9 MWTBDProject withdrew November 1, 20242027(1)9-1-031:003Under negotiation2017-0352Par Hawaii Renewable Combined Heat and Power
Base ProposalKapoleiKalaeloa Partners208 MWTBDProject selected by utility2033(1)9-1-031:023Under negotiation2017-0352Base proposal
Waiau RepowerPearl CityHawaiian Electric253 MWTBDProject selected by utility2026(1)9-8-003:010
Under negotiation2017-0352Waiau Repower
Makana LaPalehuaClearway Energy80 MW + 480 MWh StorageTBDProject withdrew October 7, 20242026(1)9-2-045:007
(1) 9-2-050:008
(1) 9-2-049:013
Under negotiationNot yet availableMakana La
Maui Nui
Kaheawa Wind 1 (repower)Ma‘alaeaTerraform US30 MWProject selected by utility20268-001-001-6001
Under negotiation2017-0352Kaheawa Wind 1
Pulehu Solar & StoragePulehuLongroad Energy 20 MW + 80 MWh StorageProject selected by utility2027(2)2-5-001-003Under negotiation2017-0352Pulehu Solar & Storage
Kuihelani Solar Phase 2Ma‘alaeaAES40 MW + 160 MWh StorageProject selected by utility2027(2)3-8-005-002Under negotiation2017-0352Kuihelani Solar Phase 2
‘Ūkiu EnergyPuuneneAmeresco, Inc.40 MWProject withdrew November 1, 2024202796784(2) 3-8-003:024Under negotiation2017-0352‘Ūkiu Energy
Hawai‘i Island
Hale Kuawehi SolarWaimeaInnergex Renewable Energy, Paniolo Power30 MW + 120 MWh Storage0.8PUC Approved; ConstructingMarch 202596743(3)6-7-001:0250.0873992018-0432Hale Kuawehi Solar
Hamakua Firm Renewable EnergyHonoka’aPacific Current60 MW + 30 MWh StorageProject selected by utility2030(3) 4-5-002-056
(3) 4-5-002-057
Under negotiation2017-0352Hamakua Firm Renewable Energy
Keamuku SolarWaikoloa VillageAES86 MW + 344 MWh StorageProject selected by utility2030(3) 6-8-002-008
(3) 6-8-002-010
Under negotiation2017-0352Keamuku Solar
Puako SolarPuakoClearway Energy60 MW + 240 MWh StorageProject withdrew October 7, 20242028(3)6-8-001:024
Under negotiationNot yet availablePuako Solar
Kaiwiki SolarHiloClearway Energy55 MW + 220 MWh StorageProject withdrew October 7, 20242028(3) 2-6-009-049Under negotiationNot yet availableKaiwiki Solar
All commercial operations dates are subject to change.


Project NameIslandLocationDeveloperEnergy Storage Capacity (Megawatts, Megawatt-hours)
Utility’s Renewable Energy (%)Project StatusEstimated Completion DateZip CodeTax Map KeyPUC DocketInformation Links
Keahole Battery Energy StorageHawai‘iKailua-KonaHawaiian Electric Company, Inc.12 MW / 12 MWh (1 hr) N/AUnder PUC ReviewTBD96740(3)7-3-049:0362020-0127Keahole Project Summary
HE Self-Build Projects
Waena Battery Energy StorageMauiKahuluiHawaiian Electric Company, Inc.40 MW / 160 MWh (4 hr) 0.2Under PUC ReviewNovember 2026N/A(2)3-8-003:023 2020-0132Waena Project Summary
HE Self-Build Projects

Project information will be updated as information becomes publicly available.
