FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 23, 2021 

HONOLULU – The Hawaii State Energy Office is seeking candidates to fill three full-time AmeriCorps VISTA positions to continue building its capacity to serve vulnerable and underserved communities. “We are seeking candidates who want to tackle the climate crisis at its roots – energy, and equity to create a better quality of life for all of us here in Hawaii,” said Hawaii’s Chief Energy Officer Scott Glenn. 

The Energy Office, in partnership with the Hawaii Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Commission, is hiring for the second year of its mission-oriented Climate Ready Hawaii VISTA Corps to create job opportunities while building capacity to achieve an equitable 100% clean energy Hawaii. “The second generation of the Climate Ready Hawaii Cohort will carry forward the important work we’ve started to develop more equitable and resilient ways to help underserved communities,” said Glenn.  

“Our VISTA program members gain valuable experience working with experts in the energy field while supporting the Energy Office’s mission to help build a resilient, clean energy, decarbonized economy in Hawaii,” said Deputy Energy Officer Kirsten Baumgart Turner. The three Energy Office positions, along with their counterparts in the Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority, the Hawaii Department of Health, the Hawaii Department of Transportation, and neighbor island County agencies will also work together on statewide decarbonization projects that promote equity under the direction of the State Climate Change Commission’s staff. 

The three Energy Office VISTA openings are for: 

  • An Energy Climate Communication Associate to help the Hawaii State Energy Office develop targeted outreach initiatives to better inform, educate and engage vulnerable communities in energy project decision making, access to energy conservation and clean energy resources to lower costs, increase living wage employment, and improve health and welfare outcomes.  
  • An Energy Affordability and Climate Associate to help the Hawaii State Energy Office lift vulnerable and underserved communities out of poverty by lowering their energy costs, decreasing the potential negative impacts and improving the benefits of clean energy projects, and providing higher wage, long-term employment opportunities. Play a key role in helping us build equity into our policies and programs to ensure “no one is left behind.” 
  • A Transportation Energy and Climate Associate to help the Hawaii State Energy Office lift vulnerable communities out of poverty by lowering their transportation costs, decreasing the potential negative impacts and improving the benefits of transportation energy projects, and providing higher wage, long-term employment opportunities. 

The VISTA members will join the Energy Office for at least one year. Applications will be accepted through October 04, 2021. For more information or to apply go to www.climate.hawaii.gov /hi-vista/2022-climate-ready-corps/



About the Hawaii State Energy Office 

The Hawaii State Energy Office (HSEO) is an attached agency of the state’s Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism. The HSEO’s mission is to promote energy efficiency, renewable energy, and clean transportation to help achieve a resilient, clean energy, decarbonized economy. Toward this end, the HSEO is developing policies and programs to achieve our energy and climate change goals while identifying strategies that create jobs, lower costs, and improve quality of life in Hawaii. For more information, visit www.energy.hawaii.gov 



Kirsten Baumgart Turner 

Deputy Energy Officer 

Hawaii State Energy Office 

[email protected] 



HONOLULU — Hawaii got some good Earth Day news Thursday when officials received word that the Federal Highway Administration approved the Kauai Alternative Fuel Corridor, a move that will bring a host of benefits to the Garden Island including streamlined access to potential funding for electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

Kauai’s designation means all six major islands in Hawaii now have alternative fuel corridors, solidifying the state’s commitment to transforming the national transportation outlook and setting a precedent on EV integration. The nomination of the Kauai corridor was coordinated by the Hawaii State Energy Office in cooperation with the Hawaii Department of Transportation, the County of Kauai, the Kauai Island Utility Cooperative, the Ulupono Initiative, and the Sustainable Transportation Coalition of Hawaii.

“Ground transportation accounts for nearly one-quarter of Hawaii’s energy emissions so efforts to expand the use of EVs are central to achieving the state’s commitment to a zero- emissions clean economy by 2045,” said Scott Glenn, Hawaii’s Chief Energy Officer “We were grateful to have such committed and supportive partners for this project that will help reduce petroleum consumption and emissions in the transportation sector,” Glenn added.

“Availability of EV charging infrastructure is crucial in encouraging EV adoption and decarbonization of transportation,” said Ed Sniffen Hawaii Department of Transportation Deputy Director for Highways. “The approval of the Kauai Alternative Fuel Corridor positions our State’s clean energy partners to improve the infrastructure support of sustainable energy.”

Kauai Mayor Derek Kawakami welcomed the federal approval. “Electric vehicles coupled with increased opportunities for walking, biking and transit are at the heart of our county transportation policies.” Kawakami said. “We greatly appreciate the strong partnerships we have to realize these objectives. This federal EV corridor designation is key to moving ahead on needed EV infrastructure for our Island.

In addition to paving the way for potential EV infrastructure funding, the alternative fuel corridor designation will:

  • Help coordinate actions needed to effectively identify and deploy EV infrastructure across Kauai County.
  • Highlight the importance of clean transportation roadways and charging locations.
  • Facilitate increased coordination between state and local government agencies, Hawaii’s businesses, and social communities; and
  • Incentivize vehicle dealers to increase EV availability and encourage rental car agencies to add vehicles to their fleet.

The highway segments that make up the alternative fuel corridor are called the “Perimeter Route” running 71.3 miles from Haena along Highway 560, Highway 56 and Highway 50 through to West Kauai.

The Hawaii State Energy Office is committed to continued collaboration with stakeholders including local, state, federal, and international entities to advance the development of DC fast charging infrastructure on Kauai to support the state’s clean energy and climate goals. To achieve those ends, HSEO has committed to allocate up to $50,000 to the deployment of a DC fast charger on Kauai through its role as administrator for the State of Hawaii Volkswagen Settlement funds.

Support from the County of Kauai and the Kauai Island Utility Cooperative were critical in obtaining the alternative fuel corridor designation. Also key were the backing of the Hawai‘i Department of Transportation and financial support of the Ulupono Initiative. Consistent with its
mission, Ulupono allocated $25,000, or 20 percent of the cost of deployment, for a DC fast charger on Kauai.

Hawaii has a solid track record of promoting clean transportation. In 2017, the four counties of Hawaii committed to a shared goal of reaching 100 percent renewable ground transportation by 2045. In their proclamations, the County of Kauai, the City and County of Honolulu, and the County of Maui pledged to lead the way by transitioning all of their fleet vehicles to 100 percent renewable power by 2035.

In 2018, Hawaii created the Zero Emissions Clean Economy Target, which states: “Considering both atmospheric carbon and greenhouse gas emissions as well as offsets from the local sequestration of atmospheric carbon and greenhouse gases through long-term sinks and reservoirs, a statewide target is hereby established to sequester more atmospheric carbon and greenhouse gases than emitted within the State as quickly as practicable, but no later than 2045.”

In 2020 Hawaii joined with 14 other states and the District of Columbia as signatory states to the Multi-State Medium- and Heavy-Duty Zero Emission Vehicle Memorandum of Understanding which, among other things, is an agreement to strive to make sales of all new medium- and heavy-duty vehicles in their jurisdictions zero-emission vehicles by no later than 2050.


About the Hawaii State Energy Office
The Hawaii State Energy Office (HSEO) is an attached agency of the state’s Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism. The HSEO’s mission is to promote energy efficiency, renewable energy, and clean transportation to help achieve a resilient, clean energy, decarbonized economy. Toward this end, the HSEO is developing policies and programs to achieve our energy and climate change goals while identifying strategies that create jobs, lower costs, and improve quality of life in Hawaii. For more information, visit energy.hawaii.gov


Chris Yunker
Managing Director, Resiliency, Clean Transportation, and Analytics
Hawaii State Energy Office
[email protected]



HONOLULU – Today President Biden signed an executive order allowing the United States to rejoin the Paris Agreement. The United States officially withdrew from the landmark climate agreement on Nov. 4, 2020, under the previous presidential administration.

Following is a statement from Scott Glenn, chief energy officer for the State of Hawaii:

“Hawaii welcomes the federal government’s return to the climate table with President Biden’s executive order to rejoin the Paris Agreement. Working with like-minded states in the bipartisan 25-state U.S. Climate Alliance and governments around the world through the Under 2 Coalition, Hawaii held steadfast in its leadership in tackling the climate crisis. Partnering now with the Biden Administration, together we will grow our clean energy economies and create new jobs while we reduce air pollution, improve public health and build more resilient communities.”



Alan Yonan Jr.
Public Affairs Officer
Hawaii State Energy Office
(808) 291-3543
[email protected]



HONOLULU — A resort on Hawaii Island that converted its gasoline-powered canal boats to electric propulsion, a Maui resort that increased its photovoltaic rooftop array to 2,138 panels to produce clean power, and another that switched to using municipally treated greywater to irrigate 14 acres of its property grounds are among the recipients of this year’s Hawaii Green Business Program (HGBP) awards. A total of 20 businesses, venues and events were recognized today for undertaking energy efficiency and sustainable business practices that will help their bottom line while advancing Hawaii’s clean energy and sustainability goals.

Gov. David Ige praised the awardees for their commitment to conserving energy and water, reducing waste and protecting Hawaii’s environment. “This group of Hawaii Green Business Program awardees has put in the time and effort to demonstrate their excellent stewardship of the environment and strong commitment to helping Hawaii achieve energy independence,” Ige said. “They have shown that becoming greener and more sustainable not only benefits the environment, it makes good business sense.”

The awardees were recognized during the annual HGBP awards ceremony, which was held virtually for the first time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The ceremony was hosted by the Hawai‘i State Energy Office, the Hawaii State Department of Health, and the Honolulu Board of Water Supply. The HGBP, which was created by the Hawaii State Energy Office and the Department of Health in 2002, provides technical assistance to businesses, government agencies and nonprofits seeking to operate in a more environmentally and socially responsible manner.

“Especially with what is happening with COVID, we are acutely aware of how vulnerable Hawaii is to things like volatile fuel and electricity prices, energy supply disruptions, rising sea levels and threats to our fragile ecosystem,” said Hawaii Chief Energy Officer Scott Glenn. “The Hawaii Green Business Program helps address these issues by creating a profitable public private partnership between business, government and a concerned public.”

The honorees of this year’s Hawaii Green Business Program Awards are:

  • Alohilani Resort Waikiki Beach
  • The Cliffs at Princeville
  • The Equus Hotel
  • Hale Koa Hotel
  • Hyatt Centric Waikiki Beach
  • Hyatt Regency Maui Resort and Spa
  • The Kahala Hotel and Resort
  • Marriot Maui Ocean Club
  • Outrigger Reef Waikiki Beach Resort
  • The Ritz Carlton Kapalua
  • Hawaii Convention Center
  • Waialae Country Club
  • Hawaii Pacific University, Aloha Tower Marketplace
  • Honolulu Board of Water Supply
  • Pier 9 by Sam Choy
  • Blue Zones Project Worksite Well Being Conference
  • Fall Tourism Update – Hilton Waikoloa Village
  • Forest Bathing Hawaii
  • Kauai Department of Water’s 16th Annual “Make a Splash” Festival
  • Sony Open

The businesses and events honored at this year’s HGBP awards ceremony undertook a wide array of green initiatives that included installing LED lighting and photovoltaic arrays, recycling food scraps, growing their own organic produce, taking steps to reduce water use, and using waste heat from air conditioning systems to heat swimming pools. To view a recording of the ceremony, click here. For more information on the Hawaii Green Business Program, visit greenbusiness.hawaii.gov/


About the Hawaii State Energy Office

The Hawaii State Energy Office (HSEO) is an attached agency of the state’s Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism. The HSEO’s mission is to promote energy efficiency, renewable energy, and clean transportation to help achieve a resilient, clean energy, decarbonized economy. Toward this end, the HSEO is developing policies and programs to achieve our energy and climate change goals while identifying strategies that create jobs, lower costs, and improve quality of life in Hawaii. For more information, visit energy.hawaii.gov.


Alan Yonan Jr.
Public Affairs Officer
Hawaii State Energy Office
(808) 291-3543
[email protected]



HONOLULU — Hawaii’s progress toward achieving its goals in energy efficiency, renewable energy, clean transportation and decarbonization is among the updates detailed in the 2020 edition of Hawaii’s Energy Facts and Figures released this week by the Hawaii State Energy Office.

The 43-page report is a compendium of statistics and information about Hawaii’s energy sector intended to support informed-decision making and a better understanding of the energy landscape in Hawaii. The annual publication is aimed at a broad audience, including policymakers, planners, developers, academics, and the general public.

Among the noteworthy details in this edition of Hawaii’s Energy Facts and Figures:

  • Hawaii’s dependence on petroleum has been gradually trending downward from 90 percent of energy needs in 2003 to 84 percent in 2018.
  • Some 57 percent of Hawaii’s crude oil imports were sourced from Libya in 2019 followed by Russia at 34 percent.
  • Energy efficiency measures continue to offer an attractive return on investment. Each dollar spent on efficiency in Hawaii saves 15 times that amount on energy bills compared to a 10-to-1 ratio nationally.
  • Solar accounted for 12.7 percent of Hawaii’s electricity production in 2019 compared with 2.5 percent nationally.
  • Hawaii State government agencies reduced their electricity use by 17.5 percent between 2005 and 2019.
  • Oahu had 205 miles of bike lanes in 2019, the most of any island in the state.
  • Hawaii electric vehicle ownership soared to 12,716 vehicles in October 2020 from 161 vehicles in October 2010.

“The Energy Office continually strives to improve the quality and timeliness of the data and information we compile and disseminate,” said Hawaii Chief Energy Officer Scott Glenn. “Hawaii’s Energy Facts and Figures is a valuable tool for anyone  to understand more about trends and data related to Hawaii’s energy sector.”

The report, first published in 2012, draws on a wide variety of sources, including the U.S. Department of Energy, the International Energy Agency, private-sector energy companies and various Hawaii State agencies. For this report, the data presented are prior to the impacts of COVID-19. Data showing the impacts of COVID-19 on an annual basis are expected to become available for some data sets with the 2021 report.


About the Hawaii State Energy Office

The Hawaii State Energy Office (HSEO) is an attached agency of the state’s Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism. The HSEO’s mission is to promote energy efficiency, renewable energy, and clean transportation to help achieve a resilient, clean energy, decarbonized economy. Toward this end, the HSEO is developing policies and programs to achieve our energy and climate change goals while identifying strategies that create jobs, lower costs, and improve quality of life in Hawaii. For more information, visit energy.hawaii.gov

Alan Yonan Jr.
Communications Officer
Hawaii State Energy Office
(808) 291-3543
[email protected]



The United States today officially withdrew from the Paris climate agreement making it the only nation in the world to abandon the landmark accord. The duration of the United States’ absence from the agreement will depend on the outcome of the U.S. presidential election, which is still unclear. If a U.S. administration wanted to reenter the accord it would need to send a notice to the United Nations and after a period of 30 days, the U.S. would be readmitted.

Following is a statement from Scott Glenn, chief energy officer for the State of Hawaii:

“With today’s withdrawal of the United States from the Paris Agreement, the need for state and local governments to strengthen their efforts to counter the devastating effects of the climate crisis has never been greater. Hawaii pledges to work on a bipartisan basis with its partners in the 25-state U.S. Climate Alliance to accelerate our ambition and pace of climate leadership. Following science-based climate policies, Climate Alliance states have collectively outpaced the rest of the country in both emissions reductions and economic output. We have shown that building resilient communities and growing a clean energy economy can be achieved. Even as we await the outcome of the U.S. presidential election and the US’ future role in the climate crisis, Hawaii will continue its leadership.”




Alan Yonan Jr.
Communications Officer
DBEDT State Energy Office
(808) 291-3543
[email protected]



HONOLULU — The Hawaii State Energy Office is seeking candidates to fill three new full-time AmeriCorps VISTA positions it created to help the office build its capacity to serve vulnerable and underrepresented communities. “A successful path to 100 percent clean, renewable energy and a carbon free economy requires green economic development innovation that creates and retains living wage jobs while enhancing environmental and social justice,” said Hawaii’s chief energy officer Scott Glenn.

To support this effort, the Energy Office is launching a new mission-driven VISTA program in partnership with the Hawaii Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Commission to create job opportunities while building capacity to reach everyone that must be included to achieve 100 percent clean energy. “The VISTA program members will play a key role in helping HSEO build equity into its policies and programs to ensure project outcomes contribute to the quality of life for everyone in Hawaii” said Glenn.

“The Energy Office is looking for applicants with a passion for social justice and economic equity who are concerned about our climate crisis and want to be a part of the solution,” said deputy energy officer Kirsten Baumgart Turner. “This is a great opportunity to get hands-on experience and take part in the Energy Office’s mission to help build a resilient, clean energy, decarbonized economy in Hawaii.”

The three Energy Office VISTA openings are for:

  • A community engagement and communications specialist to help develop targeted outreach initiatives to better inform, educate and engage the public in energy project decision-making and increase access to energy conservation and clean energy resources with a particular focus on the needs of vulnerable and under-represented communities.
  • An energy affordability specialist to focus on lifting vulnerable and underserved communities out of poverty by lowering their energy costs, decreasing the potential negative impacts and improving the benefits of clean energy projects, and providing higher wage, long-term employment opportunities.
  • A transportation affordability specialist to help develop strategies to work with vulnerable, under-represented and ALICE community partners to develop cost-saving clean transportation projects and increase access to affordable, clean transportation options.

The VISTA members will join the Energy Office for a period of at least one year. Applications will be accepted through Oct. 28. For more information or to apply, go to https://climate.hawaii.gov/hi-vista/.

The three Energy Office AmeriCorps VISTA members will join the state’s six member VISTA Climate Ready Hawaii cohort coordinated by the Hawai‘i Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Commission and includes the state’s Department of Health, and Office of Planning. The Hawai‘i Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Commission’s Climate Ready Hawai`i project is the first coordinated state effort to identify and assess the impacts of climate change and related policies on vulnerable communities.


About the Hawaii State Energy Office
The Hawaii State Energy Office (HSEO) is an attached agency of the state’s Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism. The HSEO’s mission is to promote energy efficiency, renewable energy, and clean transportation to help achieve a resilient, clean energy, decarbonized economy. Toward this end, the HSEO is developing policies and programs to achieve our energy and climate change goals while identifying strategies that create jobs, lower costs, and improve quality of life in Hawaii. For more information, visit energy.hawaii.gov.

Alan Yonan Jr.
Communications Officer
Hawaii State Energy Office
(808) 291-3543
[email protected]


Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism
Hawai’i Technology Development Corporation


HONOLULU –Hawai‘i joins the nation in celebrating the sixth annual National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day, which marks the growth of the industry by raising awareness of the benefits fuel cells and hydrogen technologies provide in generating reliable and resilient power, while increasing energy, environmental, and economic security. National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day is observed annually on October 8, in recognition of the atomic weight of hydrogen – 1.008. Efficient, clean, and quiet, fuel cells generate electricity through a chemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen, without combustion.

Gov. David Ige issued a proclamation declaring October 8 Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day in Hawai‘i. The proclamation reflects nationwide efforts to promote National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day and highlights the growth of hydrogen and its ability to combat carbon emissions as a driving factors. The full proclamation can be found here.

The Hawaii Center for Advanced Transportation Technologies (HCATT) and Hawaii State Energy Office (HSEO), in partnership with the Blue Planet Foundation and Indo-Pacific Command, are hosting a virtual event to mark the occasion. The event showcases Hawai‘i-based hydrogen projects and includes a panel discussion with representatives from the U.S. Department of Energy Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office, the HSEO, Hawai‘i Gas and the Hawai‘i Natural Energy Institute. The event is open and complimentary to the public. For more information and to register, go to: https://bit.ly/hydrogenday

“Being on an island, we all know how important it is to combat climate change and do what we can to eliminate the use of fossil fuels. We need to accelerate our commitment to decarbonization and hydrogen is a big part of Hawai‘i’s sustainable future,” said HCATT Acting Director David Molinaro.

“It’s an honor to be celebrating the first Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day in Hawai‘i. We recognize that hydrogen and fuel cell play an important role in a secure, clean, and resilient energy future,” Molinaro added.

For more information, visit HTDC’s website at https://www.htdc.org/. Contact [email protected] for additional assistance. For more information on National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day, please visit www.hydrogenandfuelcellday.org.


About HTDC (Hawai’i Technology Development Corporation)
HTDC is a state agency, attached to the state Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT). HTDC’s mission is to facilitate the development and growth of Hawai‘i’s high technology industry by developing a flourishing technology industry that produces quality, high-paying jobs for Hawai‘i residents. HTDC is providing capital, building infrastructure and developing talent to foster innovation and diversify Hawai‘i’s economy. www.htdc.org

About HCATT (Hawai’i Center for Advanced Transportation Technologies)
HCATT is a program administered through the HTDC. HCATT is committed to inspiring and transforming Hawai‘i’s clean energy future through hydrogen research, demonstration and education. Through a partnership with the Air Force and the State of Hawai‘i, HCATT helps to advance hydrogen and fuel cell technologies in military and commercial applications.

Media Contact:
Shuk Han Chan
Hawaii Center for Advanced Transportation Technologies
(808) 587-1400
[email protected]



“While the Hawaii State Energy Office is a staunch supporter of energy efficiency as a means of achieving Hawai‘i’s clean energy goals, the language in HB1846 unfortunately could be challenged in court, potentially costing the state further time and money and detracting from achieving our clean energy goals. Vetoing this bill does not preclude the State leading by example or saving taxpayer dollars. The Energy Office will continue working with agencies to identify opportunities to implement energy efficiency measures that can help advance our clean energy goals and realize immediate savings for the state budget.”



Alan Yonan Jr.
Communications Officer
DBEDT State Energy Office
(808) 291-3543
[email protected]



Chief Energy Officer Scott Glenn issued the following statement following Hawaiian Electric’s announcement that its fleet of about 925 vehicles will be plug-in electric by 2035.

“We commend Hawaiian Electric for leading by example as it moves to convert its fleet to all plug-in electric vehicles. Hawaii has a very bold energy agenda – to achieve 100 percent clean energy by the year 2045. It will take private sector leadership to decarbonize our economy, and we are pleased to have Hawaiian Electric as a partner in this effort.”


Alan Yonan Jr.
Public Affairs Officer
Hawaii State Energy Office
(808) 291-3543
[email protected]
