The Hawaiʻi State Energy Office engages with all levels of government on all relevant regulatory, legislative, and policy issues.


This table displays testimony and comments filed in advance of the hearing date during the 2025 session.

MeasureTitleHearing CommitteeHearing Date
HB 0243Support Relating To EnergyEEP1/28/25
HB 0342Support Relating To Renewable Gas Tariff.EEP1/28/25
HB 0346Support Relating To Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure.EEP1/28/25
HB 0350Support Relating To Energy.EEP1/28/25
HB 0976Comments Relating To Renewable Fuel.EEP1/28/25
SB 0585Support Relating To The Issuance Of Special Purpose Revenue Bonds To Assist Bana Pacific Inc.EIG1/28/25
SB 0964Comments Relating To Waste-To-Energy.EIG1/28/25
SB 0996Support Relating To Renewable Energy.EIG1/28/25
SB 1068Support Relating To Renewable Energy.EIG1/28/25
SB 0103Support Relating To Electric Vehicle Batteries.EIG-AEN1/29/25
SB 0995Comments Relating To Renewable Fuel.EIG-AEN1/29/25
HB0 338Support Relating To Renewable Energy.EEP1/30/25
HB 1182Support Relating To Renewable Energy.LAB1/30/25
HB1302Support Relating To Transportation Demand Management.TRN1/30/25
SB 0133Comments Relating To Energy.EIG-GVO1/30/25
SB 0588Support Relating To Renewable Energy.EIG-GVO1/30/25
SB 0635Comments Relating To Energy Efficiency.EIG-GVO1/30/25
SB 0997Support Relating To Energy.EIG-LBT2/3/25
SB 1341Support Relating To Energy Industry Information Reporting.PSM2/3/25
SB 1395Support Relating To State Funds.AEN2/3/25
HB 0316Support Relating To The Green Jobs Youth Corps.WAL2/4/25
HB 0349Support Relating To Renewable Energy.EEP2/4/25
HB 0461Support Relating To Commuting.EEP2/4/25
HB 0790Support Relating To Renewable Energy.EEP2/4/25
HB 1020Support Relating To A Program To Characterize Carbon Sequestration Potential And Underground Water Resources Statewide.EEP2/4/25
HB 1076Support Relating To State Funds.EEP2/4/25
HB 1077Support Relating To Economic Development.EEP2/4/25
SB 0993Support Relating To Geothermal Energy Exploration.EIG-HRE2/4/25
SB 1588Comments Relating To Nuclear Energy.EIG2/4/25
SB 0586Support Relating To Climate Change.TCA-AEN2/5/25
HB 0242Support Relating To Electric Vehicle Batteries.EEP2/6/25
HB 0344Support Relating To Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure.EEP2/6/25
HB 0733Support Relating To Electric Vehicle Parking.EEP2/6/25
HB1019Support Relating To Long Duration Clean Energy Storage.EEP2/6/25
HB1022Support Relating To Energy Industry Information Reporting.EEP2/6/25
HB 1051Support Relating To Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standards.EEP2/6/25
SB 1339Support Relating To A Program To Characterize Carbon Sequestration Potential And Underground Water Resources Statewide.EIG-AEN2/6/25
SB 1588Comments Relating To Nuclear Energy.EIG2/6/25
SB 0443Comments Relating To Agricultural Lands.WTL-EIG2/7/2025
SB0 391Comments Relating To Recycling.AEN2/10/2025
SB 0396Support Relating To Commuting.TCA2/10/2025
SB 1220Support Relating To Renewable Gas Tariff.CPN-EIG2/11/2025
HB 1161-HD1Support Relating To Transportation.CPC2/11/2025
SB 1088Support Relating To Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure.EIG-TCA2/11/2025
SB 1480Support Relating To Transportation.TCA-EIG2/11/2025
SB 1338Support Relating To Long Duration Clean Energy Storage.EIG-EDT2/11/2025
HB 0346-HD1Support Relating To Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure.HSG2/12/2025
HB 0350-HD1Support Relating To Energy.HSG2/12/2025
SB 1588-SD1Comments Relating To Nuclear Energy.WAM2/12/2025
SB 1669-SD1Comments Relating To Transit Oriented Development.WAM2/12/2025
HB 0976-HD1Comments Relating To Renewable Fuel.ECD2/12/2025
SB 1396Support Relating To Economic Development.EDT-AEN2/12/2025
HB 1161-HD1Support Relating To Transportation.CPC2/12/2025
HB 0332Comments Relating To Recycling.EEP2/13/2025
SB 1396Support Relating To Economic Development.EDT-AEN
HB 0338-HD1Support Relating To Renewable Energy.CPC2/13/2025
SB 1092Support Relating To Transportation Demand Management.GVO-TCA2/13/2025
SB 1093Support Relating To Parking Demand Management.GVO-TCA2/13/2025
SB 0997-SD1Comments Relating To Energy.WAM2/18/2025
SB 1220-SD1Support Relating To Renewable Gas Tariff.WAM2/18/2025
HB 1369Comments Relating To Taxation.FIN2/19/25
HB 0350-HD1Support Relating To Energy.CPC2/19/25
HB 1051-HD1Support Relating To Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standards.CPC2/19/25
SB 1341Support Relating To Energy Industry Information Reporting.CPN2/19/25
SB 0443-SD1Comments Relating To Agricultural Lands.WAM2/19/25
SB 0133-SD1Comments Relating To Energy.CPN2/20/25
SB 0391-SD1Support Relating To Recycling.CPN2/20/25
SB 0588-SD1Support Relating To Renewable Energy.CPN2/20/25
HB 0242-HD1Support Relating To Electric Vehicle Batteries.FIN2/20/25
HB 0344-HD1Support Relating To Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure.FIN2/20/25
HB 1020-HD1Support Relating To A Program To Characterize Carbon Sequestration Potential And Underground Water Resources Statewide.FIN2/20/25
HB 1161-HD2Support Relating To Transportation.FIN2/21/25
SB 0103-SD1Support Relating To Electric Vehicle Batteries.WAM2/27/25
SB 1395-SD1Support Relating To State Funds.WAM2/27/25
SB 1396-SD1Support Relating To Economic Development.WAM2/27/25
SB 0964-SD1Comments Relating To Waste-To-Energy.WAM2/28/25
SB 1669-SD2Comments Relating To Transit Oriented Development.HSG-TRN3/11/25
SB 0588-SD2Support Relating To Renewable Energy.EEP3/11/25
SB 1341Support Relating To Energy Industry Information Reporting.EEP3/11/25
SB 0997-SD3Comments Relating To Energy.EEP-LAB3/11/25
HB1020-HD1Support Relating To A Program To Characterize Carbon Sequestration Potential And Underground Water Resources Statewide.EIG-AEN3/11/25
HB 0242-HD1Comments Relating To Electric Vehicle Batteries.EIG-AEN3/11/25
HB 0350-HD2Support Relating To Energy.EIG-HOU3/11/25
HB 1051-HD1Support Relating To Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standards.EIG3/11/25
HB 1406-HD1Comments Relating To Government Procedures.EIG3/11/25
HB 1161-HD2Support Relating To Transportation.TCA-EIG3/13/25
HB 0316-HD1Support Relating To The Green Jobs Youth Corps.WTL3/14/25
SB 0391-SD1Support Relating To Recycling.EEP3/18/25
SB 1588-SD1Comments Relating To Nuclear Energy.EEP3/18/25
HB 0300-HD1Support Relating To The State Budget.WAM3/18/25
SB 1395-SD2-HD1Support Relating To State Funds.WAL3/18/25
SB 1669-SD2-HD1Comments Relating To Transit Oriented Development.WAL3/18/25
HCR 0058Comments on Requesting The Hawaii State Energy Office To Convene A Geothermal Energy Working Group To Evaluate The Regulatory And Policy Landscape Surrounding Geothermal Energy In Hawaii.EEP3/18/25
HCR 0210Comments on Urging The State To Reject Energy Sources Found To Be Harmful Or Destabilizing To Our Climate System And Environment And To Commit To Renewable Energy And The Values Of Hawaii's Residents.EEP3/18/25
HR 0054Comments on Requesting The Hawaii State Energy Office To Convene A Geothermal Energy Working Group To Evaluate The Regulatory And Policy Landscape Surrounding Geothermal Energy In Hawaii.EEP3/18/25
HR 0102-HCR 0106Comments on Requesting The Hawaii State Energy Office To Conduct A Study Evaluating The Feasibility Of Establishing A Green Bonds Program In The State.EEP3/18/25
HR 0181Support Requesting The Governor, State Agencies, And Other Relevant Stakeholders To Accelerate Hawaii’s Clean Energy Transition And Take Immediate, Decisive Action To Reduce And Eliminate Dependence On Imported Fossil Fuels To Improve Energy Security And Protect Consumers From Rising Energy Costs.EEP3/18/25
HR 202Comments on Urging The State To Reject Energy Sources Found To Be Harmful Or Destabilizing To Our Climate System And Environment And To Commit To Renewable Energy And The Values Of Hawaii's Residents.EEP3/18/25
HB 0344-HD1Support Relating To Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure.EIG-GVO3/18/25
SB 0443-SD1Comments Relating To Agricultural Lands.AGR-EEP3/19/25
SB 1341Support Relating To Energy Industry Information Reporting.JHA3/20/25


The Hawai‘i Public Utilities Commission (PUC) regulates utilities in Hawai‘i including the review and approval of certain renewable energy projects and programs. In keeping with its mission, the Hawai‘i State Energy Office provides comment and testimony before the commission on matters of energy assurance, security, and policy.

DateDocket NumberTitle
9/5/20242021-0173HSEO Comments Regarding HECO’s application to commit funds in excess of $2,500,000 for the Public EV Charger Expansion Project and to recover the project costs through the Exceptional Project Recovery Mechanism
6/2/20222017-0352HSEO Comments Regarding Hawaiian ElectricCompanies’ Draft Stage 3 Request for Proposals for Oahu and Maui (“RFPs”)
5/19/20222022-0009Independent Facilitator's Advisory Group Report: Advisory Group Comments on Hawaii Gas' Proposed Work Plan
2/22/20222022-0014Division of Consumer Advocacy's Response to the Hawaii State Energy Office's Motion to Participate Without Intervention
1/11/20222020-0218Attachment to Letter From: G. Kinkley To: Commission Re: Refiling of Attachment to Hawaii State Energy Office's Reply to Alliance's Motion for Reconsideration filed January 10, 2022
1/10/20222020-0218The Hawaii State Energy Office's Reply to Po‘ai Wai Ola/West Kauai Watershed Alliance Motion for Reconsideration of the Commission's Order No. 38095, Filed 12-13-21.
1/27/20212020-0218Division of Consumer Advocacy's Response to the Hawaii State Energy Office's Motion to Participate
11/24/20212021-0173Division of Consumer Advocacy's Response to the Hawaii State Energy Office's Motion to Participate
11/17/20202020-0158Hawaii Gas for Approval of Petroleum Feedstock with Par Hawaii; Information Requests


This table displays testimony and comments made before Senate and House Committees.

DateHearing CommitteeTitle
2/10/2014 US Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, Senate Subcommittee on EnergyHearing on Lessons from State Efficiency and Renewable Programs
7/14/2015U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural ResourcesHearing on Islanded Energy Systems, Focusing on Hawaii, Alaska and U.S. Territories
9/19/2023US House Committee on Energy and CommerceHSEO response to Committee's letter regarding the Lahaina fire
09/28/2023US House Committee on Energy and CommerceInvestigating the Role of Electric Infrastructure in the Catastrophic Maui Fire