For Immediate Release: January 31. 2013

HONOLULU — The Hawaii Energy Office today announced the completion of the state’s successful electric vehicle (EV) rebate and grant program, along with a 700 percent increase in EVs on island roads since the program began.

Funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), the “Hawaii EV Ready” program was administered by the Energy Office, a division of the state’s Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT). From August 2010 through December 2012, the program provided consumer rebates and assisted with the installation of hundreds of EV charging stations statewide. Its purpose was to help accelerate EV adoption across Hawaii by providing rebates and grants to stimulate the demand of EVs and charging infrastructure. At the end of 2012, there were 1,136 EVs registered in the state, compared to 162 when the program began.

“The Hawaii EV Ready program was a critical component in helping Hawaii’s electric vehicle market grow as part of our journey toward a clean transportation future,” said Gov. Neil Abercrombie. “This administration is committed to providing strategic pathways that will lead to more EVs on the road.”

DBEDT partnered with the state Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs (DCCA) to manage the EV Ready Rebate Program, offering rebates up to $4,500 for eligible EVs purchased in Hawaii and up to $500 for the purchase and installation of EV charging equipment. Officially completed in May 2012, the program provided 453 rebates for electric vehicles and 274 rebates for public and private charging stations.

The EV Ready Grant Program awarded grants to six recipients – AeroVironment, Better Place, the County of Kauai, the City and County of Honolulu, GreenCar, and Plug In America. The EV Ready Grant Program was made possible by both private Hawaii business investment and $2.3 million from federal ARRA stimulus funds.

The EV Ready Grant program resulted in:
• Installation of over 230 Level 2 public EV charging sites and six DC fast chargers at more than 100 locations throughout Hawaii
• EV Ready Guidebook for Commercial Electric Vehicle Charging Station Installations, available free online at the Energy Office’s and Plug In America’s websites
• Residential building permits were made available online by the City and County of Honolulu to ease the installation of EV charging stations
• Car sharing company launched on Oahu, serving the hospitality industry with EVs and other fuel efficient vehicles
• Allocation of $475,500 to the state’s Department of Accounting and General Services (DAGS) Automotive Management Division to purchase a total of 10 EVs (Chevrolet Volts and Nissan LEAFs) and install over a dozen Level 2 charging stations at the state motor pool and state-owned public parking lots

“The success can be seen in the increased number of electric vehicles on our roads and available charging stations,” said DBEDT Director Richard Lim. “While we celebrate surpassing the 1,000 registered EV mark, the challenge will be to continue our work toward widespread acceptance of EVs in support of Hawaii’s clean energy goals.”

“We’d like to thank Nissan, Mitsubishi and Toyota for their support in designating Hawaii as one of the flagship states to receive their new electric vehicles,” added Mark Glick, State Energy Administrator. “We would also like to recognize the Hawaii Auto Dealers Association for its support, and DCCA for all of its heavy lifting in approving hundreds of rebate applications.”

The federal government continues to offer Plug-In Electric Vehicle Credits up to $7,500. For more information on the federal credit, visit the IRS website.

For more information on electric vehicles in Hawaii, visit


For more information, contact:

Noreen Kam
Communications Officer
DBEDT’s State Energy Office
Phone: (808) 587-3860


For Immediate Release: December 21, 2012

HONOLULU — A new online mapping tool is now available to showcase the distribution and locations of renewable energy resources throughout the State of Hawaii. Called Renewable EnerGIS (pronounced eh-ner-JIS), the interactive tool was launched by the State Energy Office to help landowners, developers, residents and policy makers assess the renewable energy potential of sites statewide. It can be found at under the “Resources” tab.

“This administration is committed to spurring innovative projects and activities in the energy sector that reduce Hawaii’s reliance on fossil fuels,” said Governor Neil Abercrombie. “Clean energy and technological innovation are key drivers for Hawaii’s economic growth, and this interactive tool combines both to provide a new, valuable resource for parties interested in pursuing renewable energy development opportunities in Hawaii.”

Based on available data in the Office of Planning Statewide GIS (Geographic Information Systems) files, also known as “layers,” Renewable EnerGIS displays the location of renewable resources such as solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, hydroelectric, OTEC, and wave. It will also identify related attributes including rainfall, slope, soil characteristics, land use zoning and critical habitats. It does not show existing renewable energy projects, which can be found at the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative website (

“Renewable resources are essential to helping Hawaii achieve our goal of energy independence,” said Richard Lim, Director of the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT). “EnerGIS is part of a suite of products created by our State Energy Office to enhance the overall understanding of renewable energy resources and associated permitting and siting requirements.”

The Renewable EnerGIS tool is designed to be user-friendly without the need for special skills, software or experience. The user can search for renewable resource information utilizing a navigation map, a tax map key number (TMK) or a site address. A user guide is also available on the website with detailed instructions.

“A good reason to use Renewable EnerGIS is to help with ‘first cut’ site decisions,” explained Mark Glick, State Energy Administrator. “Once you determine what renewable resources, if any, are available at a specific location, the next step would be to conduct a site survey to determine actual site attributes. The Renewable EnerGIS mapping tool is part of the portfolio of self-help applications the State Energy Office offers renewable energy producers that can be found at”

The Renewable EnerGIS tool is a joint project between DBEDT’s State Energy Office and Office of Planning Statewide GIS Program.


For more information, contact:

Noreen Kam
Communications Officer
DBEDT’s State Energy Office
Phone: (808) 587-3860


For Immediate Release: October 31, 2012

HONOLULU — The State Office Tower has earned a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold level certification in the category of operations and maintenance of existing buildings. It is Hawaii’s first State-owned and operated building certified as Gold under LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance (EBOM) Program. It has the further distinction of being the only publicly- and/or privately-owned large office building in the State to earn LEED Gold under the EBOM Program.

Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), the LEED rating system is a third-party verification process that is the nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction, and operation of high-performance green buildings.

“Seeking energy independence is a commitment that is made at all levels – government, business, community, family and individual,” said Governor Neil Abercrombie. “I want to thank the state employees at the Leiopapa a Kamehameha Building for setting an example of what can be done collectively as we continue to set ambitious energy goals across the state.”

Located at 235 South Beretania Street in Downtown Honolulu, the State Office Tower, also known as the Leiopapa a Kamehameha Building, currently houses a number of state agencies and is managed by the Department of Accounting and General Services (DAGS).

This distinction awarded to the State of Hawai‘i is a third-party verification that the 161,000-square foot State Office Tower is being operated in a manner that maximizes operational efficiency and positive environmental impacts. With assistance from an energy saving performance contracting firm, NORESCO, and technical assistance from Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT), the certification process guided the State of Hawai‘i’s facilities and energy teams in identifying the following objectives for the State Office Tower:
• Reduce energy, water and resource consumption
• Enhance the indoor environment
• Drive down operations costs

Improvements to the State Office Tower resulted in reduced energy and water use through the following actions:
• Lighting retrofits and controls including efficient light fixtures and lamps to perform beyond the required standards
• Use of environmentally friendly building materials
• Reuse of existing furniture and equipment
• Green training and education for tenants and employees
• Green cleaning policy to decrease the exposure to potentially hazardous chemical, biological and particulate contaminants
• Use of low-flush and low-flow water fixtures, saving an estimated 248,790 gallons a year, a 44% water use reduction savings
• Diversion of over half of its waste stream from the landfill

The State Office Tower has achieved a score of 96 under the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager program. A rating of 96 indicates that the building, from an energy consumption standpoint, performs better than 96% of all similar buildings nationwide, while a rating of 75 indicates that the building performs better than 75% of all similar buildings nationwide. Based on source energy, EPA’s energy performance rating system accounts for the impact of weather variations as well as changes in key physical and operating characteristics of each building. Buildings rating 75 or greater may qualify for the ENERGY STAR label.

Five other buildings (public and privately owned) in the State have received LEED certifications for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance. Of these buildings, two smaller buildings are LEED Gold EBOM. There are ten State of Hawai‘i public buildings that have received other certifications under the LEED New Construction or Commercial Interiors Programs.


For more information, contact:

Noreen Kam
Communications Officer
DBEDT’s State Energy Office
Phone: (808) 587-3860


For Immediate Release: October 10, 2012

HONOLULU — The Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism’s (DBEDT) State Energy Office took home a top award on behalf of the State of Hawaii in the 2012 “Race to the Top” energy savings per capita competition, recently presented by Energy Services Coalition (ESC) in Nashville, TN.

The ESC “Race to the Top” ranks states by investment per capita in energy savings performance contracting, which enables building owners to use future energy savings to cover upfront costs for energy saving projects, eliminating the need to dip into capital budgets.

“This honor is recognition that Hawaii is on track to meeting our energy goals and taking control over the high cost of powering our state,” said Governor Neil Abercrombie. “My administration remains committed to reducing our dependence on imported oil and stabilizing energy costs, both of which are essential to establishing a sustainable economy for the people of Hawaii.”

The State of Hawaii has invested $132.25 per capita, an increase from its previous figure of $117.09 per capita. Ohio came in second with a $108.58 investment per capita, with Kansas, Idaho and Massachusetts rounding out the top five. The award recognized Hawaii for its outstanding commitment to energy efficiency, environmental stewardship and economic development through Energy Savings Performance Contracting.

“We are honored to have been nationally recognized for our energy efficiency investments at public facilities, which is a key part of achieving our 70 percent clean energy goal by 2030,” said Richard Lim, Director of DBEDT. “Such an investment also provides economic benefits in energy cost savings and the creation of clean energy jobs.”

The State Energy Office has been providing technical assistance on performance contracting to state agencies and counties since 1996. Hawaii’s investment of $171.3 million will offer an estimated savings of more than $306 million over the life of the contracts and is expected to create or maintain 3,650 jobs.

“We are moving forward on other energy savings performance contracting projects to further increase efficiency and reduce costs at State government buildings and facilities,” said Mark Glick, Energy Administrator of DBEDT

ECS is a national nonprofit organization composed of a network of experts who collaborate to increase energy efficiency and building upgrades through energy savings performance contracting.

For more information on the State Energy Office, visit


For more information, contact:

Mark Glick
State Program Administrator
DBEDT’s State Energy Office
Phone: (808) 587-3812

Noreen Kam
Communications Officer
DBEDT’s State Energy Office
Phone: (808) 587-3860


For Immediate Release: October 3, 2012

HONOLULU — The Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism’s (DBEDT) State Energy Office has released a new guidebook designed to be a resource for commercial properties interested in installing an electric vehicle (EV) charging station.

Called “Hawaii EV Ready Guidebook for Commercial Electric Vehicle Charging Station Installations,” the free guide is available online at the State Energy Office’s website ( and on Plug In America’s website (

“This guidebook is an example of Hawaii’s continued leadership in vehicle electrification, which plays a role in Governor Abercrombie’s New Day initiative to further enable renewable energy use and meet our energy goals,” said Richard Lim, Director of DBEDT. “It is one of the many tools our State Energy Office provides to those interested in tapping into Hawaii’s EV market.”

The guidebook serves as an introduction for installing and hosting EV charging stations at retail stores, hotels, businesses and multiple-use dwellings (i.e., apartments, townhouses and condominiums), as well as both privately- and publicly-owned parking lots.

“The guide illustrates a logically planned process that can result in successful charging installations to meet the needs of Hawaii’s EV drivers and property owners,” said Mark Glick, Energy Administrator of the State Energy Office. “This type of investment is vital to helping the State reach our goal of 70 percent clean energy by 2030.”

The guide was produced by Plug In America, which was awarded $50,000 last year by DBEDT’s EV Ready Grant Program. Plug In America was one of six EV Ready grant recipients announced in March 2011 with a goal to accelerate Hawaii’s adoption of EVs and related charging equipment.

“We are proud to have developed a comprehensive resource to help further the growth of the electric vehicle sector in Hawaii,” said Dan Davids, Board Chairman and Project Manager for Plug In America. “We are particularly pleased that our Hawaii guidebook contains the very latest industry best practices across a range of topics, including signage, accessibility, and charging business models.”

The grants, provided through DBEDT’s EV Ready Grant Program, is helping to contribute to the state’s energy goal of 70 percent clean energy by 2030 by reducing consumption of imported petroleum fuels for ground transportation. DBEDT’s EV Ready Grant Program is part of the Transportation Energy Diversification Project, which is supported by funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).

For more information on Hawaii’s EV programs, including a statewide database of installed public EV charging locations, please visit

About Plug In America
Plug In America is the preeminent advocacy organization leading the plug-in vehicle movement. The nonprofit organization works to accelerate the shift to plug-in vehicles powered by clean, affordable, domestic electricity to reduce our nation’s dependence on petroleum and improve the global environment. For more information:


For more information, contact:

Mark Glick
State Program Administrator
DBEDT’s State Energy Office
Phone: (808) 587-3812

Noreen Kam
Communications Officer
DBEDT’s State Energy Office
Phone: (808) 587-3860


For Immediate Release: August 24, 2012

HONOLULU — Showcasing the State of Hawaii’s abilities as a model for innovative clean energy test beds, the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism’s (DBEDT) State Energy Office successfully wrapped up its 2012 Asia Pacific Clean Energy Summit and Expo (APCESE) last week in Waikiki.

Approximately 780 attendees representing 19 countries, including the United States, Japan, South Korea, China and Australia, packed the Hawaii Convention Center for the three-day conference, which included informative panel discussions, an interactive expo and networking opportunities.

“We strived to focus the Summit on providing Hawaii-based clean energy projects with business and economic development opportunities by linking them with global partners and investors,” said Richard Lim, Director of DBEDT.

“This year’s Summit was tremendously successful in bringing together all the stakeholders in clean energy, not only in the State of Hawaiʻi, but also internationally,” said George Kailiwai III, Director, Resources and Assessments (J8), United States Pacific Command. “I particularly found the Defense Energy Technology Challenge presentations useful in identifying new, refreshing, innovative and promising solutions.”

“We accomplished our mission to showcase Hawaii as the ideal location for clean energy test bed projects by sharing our successes and challenges with others,” said Mark Glick, Energy Administrator of DBEDT, co-organizer of the event. “These projects will help Hawaii achieve our 70 percent clean energy goal by the year 2030.”

On August 13, APCESE kicked off with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the State of Hawaii and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) signifying the start of a clean energy investment and deployment program in Hawaii. Interested Hawaii clean energy companies can begin the matchmaking process with Chinese investors and developers by filling out the Hawaii State Energy Office’s online form at

APCESE also highlighted the State’s partnership with the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) of Japan on a $37 million smart grid demonstration project on Maui that will position Hawaii as an international clean energy leader. The project is scheduled to begin the installation of an EV (electric vehicle) charging control system later this year and become operational in Fall 2013.

The 5th Annual Asia Pacific Clean Energy Summit and Expo is tentatively scheduled for September 9-11, 2013, at the Hawaii Convention Center.


For more information, contact:

Mark Glick
State Program Administrator
DBEDT’s State Energy Office
Phone: (808) 587-3812

Noreen Kam
Energy Analyst/Communications
DBEDT’s State Energy Office
Phone: (808) 587- 9006


For Immediate Release: August 13, 2012

HONOLULU — Governor Neil Abercrombie and Secretary General Xu Hubin of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signifying the partnership to start a clean energy investment and deployment program in Hawaii. The program will allow CCPIT to refer interested Chinese clean energy investors and developers to the Hawaii State Energy Office in the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT) to facilitate the matchmaking process with clean energy project partners in Hawaii in need of capital or development partners.

This definitive MOU follows the Letter of Intent (LOI) signed by Governor Abercrombie and Mr. Yu Ping, Vice Chairman of CCPIT, last November at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Hawaii-China CEO Forum, “Transforming to Clean Energy.” The letter stated, “there was invoked a spirit of collaboration between China and Hawaii on clean energy development efforts, as passionately presented by esteemed panelists from Hawaii and China.”

“That spirit of collaboration initiated during APEC continues today with a common goal,” stated Governor Abercrombie. “Hawaii’s expansive mix of renewable energy resources, coupled with our aggressive approach to achieve energy sufficiency, is attracting these kinds of global partnerships for clean energy research, development and deployment.”

Today’s signing ceremony took place at the 4th Annual Asia Pacific Clean Energy Summit and Expo at the Hawaii Convention Center. This international summit is being attended by local, national and international participants, including government, private-sector and energy industry leaders and officials from 20 countries.

“Hawaii’s clean energy sector has catapulted over other states when it comes to the development of its clean energy industry,” said Richard Lim, director of DBEDT. “The MOU that sets our program with CCPIT will create an efficient process for foreign investors and developers to partner with clean energy companies here is Hawaii leading to the economic growth of our State.”

Founded in 1952, CCPIT is the official trade organization for Chinese state-owned companies and has 16 Commercial Promotion offices outside China.

The Hawaii State Energy Office has created an online form at where interested clean energy companies in Hawaii can register to begin the matchmaking process with Chinese investors and developers.


For more information contact:

Donalyn Dela Cruz
Deputy Director of Communications
(808) 586-0012


For Immediate Release: August 6, 2012

HONOLULU — The Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism’s (DBEDT) State Energy Office is now offering commercial facilities the opportunity to evaluate their existing buildings for energy and resource efficiency. This program will provide eligible building owners and facility managers with the technical assistance needed for evaluating their existing buildings using the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Existing Building: Operations and Maintenance (EB: O&M) scorecard.

Interested parties must submit an application to participate in this program. Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis; and all applications will be evaluated to determine eligibility.

At the conclusion of the program, participants will receive a LEED EB: O&M scorecard and summary notes indicating their potential to achieve credits under the U.S. Green Building Council’s (USGBC) LEED EB: O&M program.

Applicants most likely to qualify possess the following characteristics:
1. Facility recently earned the ENERGY STAR award/certification.
2. Air conditioning system has been upgraded in the past seven years.
3. Lighting system has been upgraded in the past seven years.
4. Water heating system has been upgraded in the past five years.
5. For hotels, guestrooms have been renovated in the past five years.
6. Lobby has been renovated in the past five years.
7. All energy sources (electricity, gas, diesel, etc.) to the facility are metered.

The LEED and ENERGY STAR Building programs support the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative, which sets a 70 percent clean energy goal by the year 2030: 30 percent from energy efficiency and 40 percent from renewable energy. Energy efficiency is one of the most cost-effective approaches for a facility to reduce its energy costs as well as its carbon footprint. There are four buildings in the State of Hawaii that are LEED EB: O&M-certified, out of more than 50 LEED-certified and more than 60 ENERGY STAR buildings statewide.

Property owners and managers interested in applying for the LEED EB: O&M evaluation assistance may contact Gail Suzuki-Jones at [email protected] or (808) 587-3802. Applications must be received by the State Energy Office by August 20, 2012. This program is being offered for a limited time due to funding limitations.

For more information on the USGBC and Green Building Certification Institute’s LEED programs, visit the website at and

The LEED Existing Building: Operations and Maintenance Program
LEED EB: O&M tracks operations and maintenance performance. LEED EB: O&M provides building owners and operators a green building rating system to capture the sustainable operations and reduce the building’s environmental impact over its lifetime. This program is an on-going process which, after initial evaluation, and a scorecard with notes, requires further follow-up and registration and certification as well as, updates on any changes in performance data. There are four levels of certification — Certified, Silver, Gold and Platinum — depending on the number of points the project accrues.


For more information, contact:

Mark Glick
State Program Administrator
DBEDT’s State Energy Office
Phone: (808) 587-3812

Kathy Yim
Renewable Energy Project Assistant
DBEDT’s State Energy Office
Phone: (808) 587- 9003


For Immediate Release: July 30, 2012

HONOLULU — Oahu will again serve as the preeminent gathering place of leaders and experts of the global clean energy movement when the 4th Annual Asia Pacific Clean Energy Summit and Expo is held from August 13 to 15 at the Hawaii Convention Center.

With plenary addresses from Governor Neil Abercrombie, Senator Daniel Inouye, and representatives from the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Navy, this pivotal event will attract an estimated 1,200 local, national and international participants representing government, military, the private sector, and energy industry officials from more than 20 countries.

“Hawaii, as the test bed of the Asia-Pacific region for clean energy, hosts this international summit to serve as a platform for the exchanging of ideas, partnership opportunities and forging alliances between domestic and international corporations, investors and policy makers,” said Mark Glick, energy administrator of the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT) State Energy Office, co- organizer of the Summit. “These efforts directly support Hawaii’s statutory target of achieving 70 percent clean energy by 2030 and its desire to expand economic activity, entrepreneurship, and public participation.”

As in previous years, the Summit provides the venue to share experiences and discover solutions toward the goal of developing clean energy industries in countries throughout the Asia- Pacific region.

“Hawaii is the ideal location for research, development and demonstration,” said Richard Lim, director of DBEDT. “More than $1.2 billion is being invested here by clean energy companies attracted by renewable energy incentives and our open and welcoming environment. It is our mission to ensure that clean energy will be the cornerstone of Hawaii’s economy for generations.”

Panel discussions will focus on innovative approaches to accelerate the use of renewable energy resources such as solar, wind, geothermal and biofuels; global project and test bed opportunities; and prioritizing investments in energy efficiency.

This year’s Summit will also feature a special symposium, “Inside the Test Bed — Innovative Clean Energy Solutions for Island Communities.” A keynote panel will discuss the vulnerability of island communities dependent on fossil fuels and the abundant renewable energy resources that could meet their needs.

The Summit’s expo will feature companies with innovative clean energy technologies and solutions in smart grid, fuel cells, water clean-tech and energy storage.

For registration and program information, go to


For more information, contact:

Mark Glick
Energy Program Administrator
DBEDT’s State Energy Office
Phone: (808) 597-3812

Kathy Yim
Renewable Energy Project Assistant
DBEDT’s State Energy Office
Phone: (808) 587-9003


For Immediate Release: July 11, 2012

HONOLULU – Now there’s more than one way to refuel at Aloha Island Mart and Shell stations on Oahu. Today, AeroVironment (NASDAQ: AVAV) and Aloha Petroleum, Ltd. unveiled Electric Vehicle (EV) DC fast chargers at three locations across the island:

  • Aloha Island Mart Kahala (4339 Waialae Ave.)
  • Aloha Island Mart Waipio-Gentry (94-826 Ukee St.)
  • Kailua Shell (434 Kuulei Rd.)

For a limited time, electric vehicles equipped with a CHAdeMO fast-charging outlet, such as on some models of the Nissan Leaf and Mitsubishi i-MiEV, can be charged for free at these Aloha stations. CHAdeMO is short for “CHArge de Move” or “charge for moving.” DC fast chargers can deliver a full charge to a nearly depleted EV battery in less than 30 minutes.

“Use of electric vehicles is steadily increasing across Oahu,” noted Richard Parry, Aloha Petroleum’s president and CEO. “As our customers’ driving habits evolve, we’re proud to provide innovative, clean and reliable ways to fuel their vehicles, whether it’s gas-powered or electric.”

The Aloha Petroleum charging stations are part of the Hawaii EV Ready Grant Program, which received American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles and limit Hawaii’s dependence on petroleum. As part of this program, the Hawaii Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism Energy Office is managing installation of 200 new EV charging stations at more than 80 locations statewide.

“Conservation and environmental stewardship is part of our way of life and indeed our livelihood,” said Lt. Gov. Brian Schatz. “Partners like Aloha Petroleum and AeroVironment, working with Hawaiian Electric Company, provide clean transportation solutions that make environmental responsibility a convenient part of everyday life and keep Hawaii at the forefront of the clean energy movement.”

“We are proud to partner with Aloha Petroleum and AeroVironment to make Hawaii a national leader for Electric Vehicle adoption,” said Scott Seu, Hawaiian Electric vice president for energy resources. “Now Hawaii residents and visitors driving electric vehicles from Kaena Point on Oahu’s north shore to Sandy Beach on the island’s south shore can motor with confidence knowing a fast charger is along the route to and from home or scenic locations.”

In March 2011, the Hawaii EV Ready Grant Program awarded AeroVironment an $820,000 contract to fund deployment of charging stations throughout the islands. AeroVironment has already installed more than 80 public Level 2 (240-volt) chargers at hotels, shopping centers and office buildings, and DC fast chargers at the Grand Hyatt in Kauai and Wyndham Hotel on Oahu. AeroVironment plans to continue deploying state-of-the-art EV charging infrastructure throughout the islands. Offering DC fast chargers at Aloha Petroleum stations will help speed adoption of electric vehicles by individuals, auto rental firms and fleets on Oahu.

“Hawaii shares our vision of an electric vehicle driving experience that is safe, reliable and easy,” said Wahid Nawabi, Senior Vice President of Efficient Energy Systems for AeroVironment. “With the opportunity to recharge in less than 30 minutes, it’s easy for drivers to stop at one of Aloha’s convenient locations, plug in and charge up while grabbing a snack or a cup of coffee.”

About AeroVironment, Inc.
AeroVironment is a technology solutions provider that designs, develops, produces and supports an advanced portfolio of electric transportation solutions and electric-powered Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). AeroVironment’s comprehensive EV charging solutions include EV home charging, public charging, fast charging, data collection, grid-integrated communications and complete installation, training and support services for consumers, automakers, utilities, government agencies and businesses. AeroVironment’s industrial electric vehicle charging systems support thousands of electric materials handling vehicles in mission critical supply chains for Fortune 500 enterprises. AeroVironment’s power cycling and test systems provide EV developers and EV battery manufacturers with market-leading simulation and cycling capabilities. Agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense and allied military services use the company’s electric-powered, hand-launched unmanned aircraft systems to provide situational awareness to tactical operating units through real-time, airborne morereconnaissance, surveillance and communication. More information is available at and

About Aloha Petroleum, Ltd.
Aloha Petroleum, Ltd. is the largest gasoline marketer in the state; and is the leading convenience store operator with a history in Hawaii that dates back to the early 1900’s. Aloha employs approximately 480 Hawaii residents and markets through more than 100 Shell, Aloha, and Mahalo branded fueling stations in the state. More information is available at

About Hawaiian Electric Company
Hawaiian Electric and its subsidiaries, Hawaii Electric Light Company and Maui Electric Company, serve more than 95% of the population of Hawaii on the islands of Oahu, Hawaii, Maui, Lanai and Molokai. Hawaiian Electric is a subsidiary of Hawaiian Electric Industries (NYSE: HE). In a changing world, the Hawaiian Electric companies are taking the lead in adding renewable energy and helping customers use energy more efficiently to achieve a clean energy future for Hawaii. For more information, visit

Safe Harbor Statement
Certain statements in this press release may constitute “forward-looking statements” as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are made on the basis of current expectations, forecasts and assumptions that involve risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, economic, competitive, governmental and technological factors outside of our control, that may cause our business, strategy or actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to; the activities of competitors; failure of the markets in which we operate to grow; failure to expand into new markets; failure to develop new products or integrate new technology with current products; and general economic and business conditions in the United States and elsewhere in the world. For a further list and description of such risks and uncertainties, see the reports we file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. We do not intend, and undertake no obligation, to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


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Media Contacts:

Steve Gitlin
AeroVironment, Inc.
(626) 357-9983 x. 246
[email protected]

John Soriano and Lauren Karasek
For AeroVironment, Inc.
(310) 482-4280
[email protected]
[email protected]

Aloha Petroleum, Ltd.
Kris Tanahara
Becker Communications
(808) 533-4165
[email protected]

Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism
Hawaii State Energy Office
Kathy Yim
(808) 587-9003
[email protected]

Hawaiian Electric Company
Peter Rosegg
(808) 543-7780
[email protected]

