For Immediate Release: Dec. 27, 2016

HONOLULU – The Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism’s (DBEDT) Hawaii State Energy Office (HSEO) has released its 2016 Energy Resources Coordinator’s Annual Report, which highlights the policies and activities that have advanced the state approximately a quarter of the way toward its target of achieving 100 percent renewable energy by 2045.

The report details the state’s progress toward meeting its goals of energy self-sufficiency, economic growth and carbon reduction.  At the heart of this effort is the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative (HCEI), which brings together stakeholders and provides a framework for realizing the goals through various clean energy programs, regulatory advancements, industry partnerships and policies.

The report documents significant progress statewide toward meeting the 100 percent renewable energy goal in the electricity sector. The Kauai Island Utility Cooperative (KIUC) experienced the largest jump, with its renewable energy portfolio standard (RPS) increasing from 17.5 percent in 2014 to 27.3 percent in 2015. Hawaii achieved a statewide RPS of 23.4 percent in 2015, up from 21.1 percent in 2014, with notable advances in solar and wind energy. The RPS is currently estimated at about 25 percent, thanks to renewable energy resources added to the grids in 2016.

“Hawaii’s push to create a clean energy future is becoming a reality,” said Luis P. Salaveria, director of the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism. “The state made tremendous strides to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels, with about 25 percent of all electricity sales coming from renewable sources. We will continue to work toward our 100 percent renewable energy goal by engaging all stakeholders with collaboration, innovative thinking and a strong entrepreneurial drive.”

There is also good news to report in the effort to reduce petroleum use in the transportation sector. The popularity of electric vehicles (EV) continues to grow, with EV registrations accelerating at a double-digit pace in 2016. By year’s end there were more than 5,000 EVs registered in Hawaii, a 26 percent increase over the same period a year earlier. Hawaii is second in the nation (after California) in per capita EV registrations and a leader in charging facilities.

Hawaii also experienced significant gains in energy efficiency. In addition to progress in the private sector, state and county agencies contributed to the gains by participating in the state’s Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) program, which is coordinated by HSEO. To date, state and local government agencies have signed a total of more than $442.4 million in performance contracts that will save an estimated $1.1 billion over the lifetime of those contracts. These savings are the equivalent to powering 368,426 homes for one year. The projects comprise of more than 96 million square feet in 225 buildings or facilities.

ENERGY STAR certification for public and private buildings throughout Hawaii remained strong in 2016. Honolulu ranked among the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ENERGY STAR Top 25 Cities rankings. A total of 69 buildings became certified, which encompassed 9.6 million square feet with an energy savings equivalent to $23 million a year.

The Energy Resources Coordinator’s Annual Report 2016 is available at



The Hawaii State Energy Office (HSEO) is a division of the state’s Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism.  With the state’s goal to reach 100 percent renewable energy generation by 2045, HSEO is leading the state’s charge toward clean energy independence. HSEO is committed to developing and deploying high impact solutions that will maximize Hawaii’s renewable energy resources and improve efficiency and transportation standards. Through effective policies and innovative programs, HSEO has positioned Hawaii port as a leader in clean energy innovation, which will generate quality jobs, attract investment opportunities and accelerate economic growth. For more information, visit

Media Contact:
Alan Yonan Jr.
Communications Officer
DBEDT State Energy Office
(808) 587-3860
[email protected]


For Immediate Release: Oct. 25, 2016

HONOLULU — GreenBiz Group and the Hawaii State Energy Office (HSEO) have announced the formation of an advisory board for the  VERGE Hawaii 2017: Asia Pacific Clean Energy Summit, returning to Honolulu June 20-22.

VERGE Hawaii explores the innovative clean energy policies, models, technologies and infrastructure that will enable the state to achieve its ambitious goal of 100 percent renewable powered energy in the electricity sector by 2045.

The 15-member VERGE Hawaii advisory board includes a diverse group of influential, engaged leaders across a range of industries and sectors to provide strategic direction on program content and the overarching conference framework.

VERGE Hawaii, produced by GreenBiz Group in partnership with HSEO, convenes nearly 1,000 leaders from the government, military, utilities, solution providers and energy producers to drive Hawaii’s renewable energy transformation and reinforce its position as a model for others in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.

“VERGE uniquely brings together the key stakeholders who are building Hawaii’s clean economy,” said Eric Faurot, CEO, GreenBiz Group. “We are thrilled to work with this group of clean-energy leaders and the State of Hawaii to help deliver on the Aloha State’s bold energy goals.”

VERGE Hawaii 2017 advisors include:

  • Catherine Awakuni Colon, Director, Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs;
  • Joseph Boivin, Jr., Senior Vice President of Business Development and Corporate Affairs, Hawaii Gas;
  • Colton Ching, Vice President of Energy Delivery, Hawaiian Electric Company;
  • Celeste Connors, Executive Director, Hawaii Green Growth;
  • Kyle Datta, General Partner, Ulupono Initiative;
  • Brandon Hayashi, Regional Manager, OpTerra Energy Services;
  • Brian Kealoha, Executive Director, Hawaii Energy;
  • Neil “Dutch” Kuyper, President and CEO, Parker Ranch;
  • Sherry Menor-McNamara, President and CEO, Chamber of Commerce Hawaii;
  • Jeff Mikulina, Executive Director, Blue Planet Foundation;
  • Edmund C. Olson, Edmund C. Olson Trust II;
  • Rick Rocheleau, Director, Hawaii Natural Energy Institute;
  • Neil Sheehan, CEO, Sheehan Group-Pacific, LLC; and
  • Jill Sims, Co-Founder & Demonstration Track, Energy Excelerator.

“Grid parity is driving technological innovation and lowers costs that are accelerating the rate of renewable deployment to almost unimaginable levels. We need to act now to ensure Hawaii’s clean energy future,” said Mark Glick, Administrator, Hawaii State Energy Office. “We look forward to welcoming VERGE back to Hawaii and working with these industry leaders to achieve our ambitious mandate.”


The Hawaii State Energy Office (HSEO) is a division of the state’s Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism.  With the state’s goal to reach 100 percent renewable energy generation by 2045, HSEO is leading the state’s charge toward clean energy independence. HSEO is committed to developing and deploying high impact solutions that will maximize Hawaii’s renewable energy resources and improve efficiency and transportation standards. Through effective policies and innovative programs, HSEO has positioned Hawaii port as a leader in clean energy innovation, which will generate quality jobs, attract investment opportunities and accelerate economic growth. For more information, visit

GreenBiz Group’s mission is to define and accelerate the business of sustainability. It does this through a wide range of products and services, including its acclaimed website and e-newsletters, GreenBuzz and VERGE; webcasts on topics of importance to sustainability and energy executives; research reports, including the annual State of Green Business; the GreenBiz Executive Network, a membership-based, peer-to-peer learning forum for sustainability executives; and conferences: the annual GreenBiz forum and VERGE.
For more information, contact:

Alan Yonan Jr.
Communications Officer
DBEDT State Energy Office
(808) 587-3860
[email protected]

Becky Dempsey
Marketing Programs Manager
GreenBiz Group


For Immediate Release: Sept. 29, 2016

HONOLULU — Hawaii was recognized for the fifth consecutive year by the Energy Services Coalition as the nation’s leader for per capita investment in energy performance contracting (EPC), an innovative financing tool that allows government buildings to achieve significant energy efficiency savings without having to pay capital expenses up front.

“It is an honor to be acknowledged for this achievement, which highlights the innovative work being done to transition Hawaii to a clean energy future,” said Gov. David Ige. “Reducing energy use by making our buildings more efficient will help us meet the challenges of energy security and climate change that we face in Hawaii. I’d like to thank the Energy Services Coalition for this recognition, and for its work in championing energy performance contracting,” Ige said.

EPC uses the savings from upgrades such as digital controls for energy systems, and lighting, plumbing and air conditioning improvements to repay the cost of the equipment. The costs are borne by the performance contractor and paid back out of the energy savings. The nonprofit Energy Services Coalition in its annual “Race to the Top” program ranks the 50 states based on the per capita amount invested in performance contracts for government buildings. Hawaii’s investment of $325.25 per capita in 2016 earned the state a fifth consecutive No. 1 ranking.

“Investing in energy efficiency not only lowers harmful carbon emissions, it reduces home and business energy costs, stimulates economic growth, and improves energy system reliability,” said Luis Salaveria, director of the State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT). “By reducing government spending on energy we are able to free up valuable taxpayer dollars for other essential programs.”

The Hawaii State Energy Office (HSEO), a division of DBEDT, provides technical assistance to state and county agencies entering into energy performance contracts. The EPC projects vary widely and include courthouses, community colleges, airports and prisons. HSEO Administrator Mark Glick noted that the $442.4 million of energy performance contracts put in place since 1996 will save the state an estimated $1.1 billion in electricity costs over the life of the contracts.

“It’s gratifying that among Hawaii’s largest energy consumers, state and county agencies have helped drive Hawaii’s No. 1 per capita ranking in EPC contract value for each of the five years I have been energy administrator,” Glick said. “Efficiency gains from these major projects are playing a significant role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions while providing a healthy return on investment.” Glick cited the $158 million energy performance contract recently undertaken by the State Department of Transportation (DOT) at 12 of Hawaii’s 15 airports, which will cut energy use in half and save the state about $500 million over 20 years. The project, being carried out under the leadership of DOT Director Ford Fuchigami, is the largest single EPC in the nation.

Hawaii’s EPC performance in 2016 was well ahead of second place Kentucky with investment of $172.48 per capita and third place Delaware at $154.47 per capita. The national EPC average is $53.93 per capita. Performance contracts signed by state and local government agencies in Hawaii since 1996 include 225 buildings and facilities covering 96 million square feet. The savings are the equivalent of powering 368,426 homes for one year.


The Hawaii State Energy Office (HSEO) is a division of the state’s Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism.  With the state’s goal to reach 100 percent renewable energy generation by 2045, HSEO is leading the state’s charge toward clean energy independence. HSEO is committed to developing and deploying high impact solutions that will maximize Hawaii’s renewable energy resources and improve efficiency and transportation standards. Through effective policies and innovative programs, HSEO has positioned Hawaii port as a leader in clean energy innovation, which will generate quality jobs, attract investment opportunities and accelerate economic growth.

For more information, visit

For more information, contact:
Alan Yonan Jr.
Communications Officer
DBEDT State Energy Office
(808) 587-3860
[email protected]


For Immediate Release: Aug. 30, 2016

HONOLULU — The Hawaii State Energy Office (HSEO) has been selected to receive a competitive grant from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to create a data visualization tool that will help stakeholders better understand the policy choices needed to move toward a 100 percent renewable energy system.

HSEO sought the $225,000 grant under the DOE’s State Energy Program to develop the Hawaii Advanced Visualization Environment Nexus, or HAVEN, which is being undertaken in partnership with the University of Hawaii at Manoa’s Laboratory for Advanced Visualization & Applications (LAVA), and the Hawaiian Electric Companies.

“HAVEN represents the kind of innovative thinking we will need to become energy independent,” said Luis P. Salaveria, director of the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism, which oversees HSEO. “Through pioneering programs and effective policies, Hawaii is a leader in clean energy innovation, which will generate quality jobs, attract investment opportunities, and diversify our economy.”

The HAVEN project will create a platform to help policymakers analyze and make informed decisions regarding Hawaii’s clean energy transformation. The HAVEN platform coordinates environmental, reliability, resiliency and economic goals using data visualization tools to clarify complex problems.

“Planning to achieve a 100 percent renewable portfolio standard is a complex and iterative process. Understanding the economic, environmental and energy security impacts of the key decision points in various planning scenarios is essential for decision makers to have a complete picture of the energy landscape proposed in each scenario,” said Mark Glick, HSEO administrator. “With the issues in the energy sector becoming increasingly complicated and impactful to customers, it is critical that stakeholders are engaged and informed on the impacts of significant decisions that must be made to transform the energy sector.”

HAVEN will foster a new level of collaboration, bringing together HSEO, HECO, LAVA, and key external stakeholders. Collaboration with LAVA provides HSEO with access to advanced computing infrastructure and state-of-the-art visualization cyber-infrastructure such as LAVA’s Cyber-enabled Collaboration Analysis Navigation and Observation Environment (CyberCANOE). HAVEN will use high-resolution visual imagery of the CyberCANOE and large-scale simulation data to visually illustrate the interrelationship of renewable energy penetration, energy efficiency measures, electricity demand and consumption, distributed energy resources (DER), demand response (DR) programs, and electricity generation in Hawaii’s complex energy ecosystem.

The collaboration with HECO offers access to HECO’s complex, integrated data sets for joint planning exercises for future utility investments toward achievement of Hawaii’s energy policy agenda.


The Hawaii State Energy Office (HSEO) is a division of the state’s Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism.  With the state’s goal to reach 100 percent renewable energy generation by 2045, HSEO is leading the state’s charge toward clean energy independence. HSEO is committed to developing and deploying high impact solutions that will maximize Hawaii’s renewable energy resources and improve efficiency and transportation standards. Through effective policies and innovative programs, HSEO has positioned Hawaii port as a leader in clean energy innovation, which will generate quality jobs, attract investment opportunities and accelerate economic growth.

For more information, visit

For more information, contact:
Alan Yonan Jr.
Communications Officer
DBEDT State Energy Office
(808) 587-3860
[email protected]


For Immediate Release: April 22, 2016

HONOLULU — The state honored 16 businesses and five events today for their innovative work to conserve energy and implement sustainable practices that will protect the environment and help Hawaii meet its clean energy goals.

“These businesses are demonstrating that you can improve your bottom line while supporting the transformation to a more sustainable Hawaii,” Gov. David Ige said. “Through a host of innovative measures, such as installing high-efficiency lighting systems and utilizing rain catchment systems, these businesses are doing their part to reduce our impact on the environment and help end our reliance on imported fossil fuels.”

The businesses and events were recognized during the 2016 Hawaii Green Business Program (HGBP) awards ceremony. HGBP provides assistance to businesses committed to operating in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. The awards were presented by Gov. Ige and hosted by the Hawaii State Energy Office (HSEO) of the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT), Department of Health and the Hawaii Lodging and Tourism Association.

“We commend the leadership shown by these businesses to reduce their impact on our environment and energy systems,” said DBEDT Director Luis P. Salaveria. “In Hawaii, the continued push for sustainability and carbon reduction are widely embraced across the state from the smallest towns to the urban core of Honolulu.”

Recognizing the state’s commitment to conservation and sustainable development, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Council selected Hawaii as the venue for the 2016 IUCN World Conservation Congress – the world’s largest conservation event.  This will be the first time the World Conservation Congress will be held in the United States.  A number of this year’s Hawaii Green Business awardees will host some of the 6,000-8,000 delegates who will be in Honolulu this September for the conference.

The businesses and events honored at this year’s HGBP awards ceremony undertook a wide array of green initiatives that included installing LED and CFL lighting, recycling food scraps, growing their own organic produce, taking steps to reduce water use, and equipping dishwashers with heat recovery units. The businesses can be viewed in an interactive map on HSEO’s Green Business Program website:

The honorees of the 2016 Hawaii Green Business Awards are:

  • Ala Moana Hotel
  • Aqua Palms Waikiki
  • DoubleTree by Hilton Alana-Waikiki
  • Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki
  • Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki
  • OHANA Waikiki East by Outrigger
  • OHANA Waikiki Malia by Outrigger
  • Outrigger Waikiki Beach Resort
  • Trump International Hotel Waikiki
  • The Kahala Hotel and Resort
  • Hyatt Regency Maui Resort and Spa
  • Mariott’s Maui Ocean Club
  • The Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua
  • Valley Isle Excursions
  • Lanikai Juice – Kakaako
  • Honeywell Energy Solutions

The Hawaii Green Business Awards also honored five green events:

  • Honolulu Museum of Art – Plastic Fantastic?
  • UH Manoa – 4th Annual Sustainability in Higher Education Conference
  • Hawaii Tourism Authority – 2016 Hawaii Tourism Conference
  • HPU – Presidential Lecture Series on Global Leadership and Sustainability
  • Sony – 2016 Sony Open in Hawaii

For a description of the awardees and their energy efficiency accomplishments, please see separate Awardee Accomplishments document.
Awardee Accomplishments (PDF)


The Hawaii State Energy Office (HSEO) is a division of the state’s Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism.  With the state’s goal to reach 100 percent renewable energy generation by 2045, HSEO is leading the state’s charge toward clean energy independence. HSEO is committed to developing and deploying high impact solutions that will maximize Hawaii’s renewable energy resources and improve efficiency and transportation standards. Through effective policies and innovative programs, HSEO has positioned Hawaii port as a leader in clean energy innovation, which will generate quality jobs, attract investment opportunities and accelerate economic growth.

For more information, visit

For more information, contact:
Alan Yonan Jr.
Communications Officer
DBEDT State Energy Office
(808) 587-3860
[email protected]


For Immediate Release: Dec. 14, 2015

HONOLULU — The Hawaii State Energy Office (HSEO) has released its “Energy Resources Coordinator’s Annual Report 2015” documenting Hawaii’s progress and leadership on its clean energy objectives.

The report details Hawaii’s new energy policies, including the nation’s first-ever landmark goal of reaching 100 percent renewable energy by 2045, and numerous clean energy initiatives in various areas such as renewable energy, efficiency, transportation, grid modernization, utility reform and innovative programs.

Since the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative (HCEI) was established in 2008 Hawaii has significantly increased both its renewable energy portfolio standard (RPS) levels and its energy efficiency portfolio standard (EEPS) levels. Under the RPS, renewable energy accounted for 21.1 percent of utility electricity sales in 2014, up from 9.4 percent in 2008. Over the same period the amount of electricity saved from efficiency measures under the EEPS increased to 1,575 gigawatt-hours from 870 gigawatt-hours.

“Hawaii is at the forefront of a growing national and global clean energy movement,” said Luis P. Salaveria, director of the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism. “Our 100 percent renewable energy goal and clean energy initiatives allow Hawaii to serve as a model for the rest of the world.”

The report also details the renewed effort to reduce petroleum use in transportation, which accounts for nearly two-thirds of Hawaii’s energy mix. A recent transportation energy analysis done for HSEO included nearly two dozen tactics to be tackled now, as well as enabling actions and further analysis to develop additional petroleum-reducing tactics to be pursued in the long term. The next step will feature a reconvening of stakeholders to collaborate on the development of an energy in transportation roadmap that will most certainly be a major focus of HCEI for many years to come.

“In the past few years Hawaii’s has made substantial progress in deploying low-cost renewable energy and efficiency solutions that match or exceed our energy policy objectives,” said Mark B. Glick, administrator of the Hawaii State Energy Office. “With Hawaii driving towards the ultimate limits on energy self-sufficiency, the ERC report accounts for how the Hawaii State Energy Office and other energy stakeholders are faring in making the necessary changes to our regulatory and planning framework to achieve an optimal pathway to meet our lofty policy objectives.”

In addition to the 100 percent RPS by 2045 target (Act 97), 2015 marked other notable developments in clean energy policy that included:

  • Community-Based Renewable Energy Program (Act 100) – Helps democratize renewable energy by allowing renters, condo owners and others who have been shut out of Hawaii’s clean energy transformation to purchase electricity generated at an off-site renewable energy facility.
  • University of Hawaii Net Zero Goal (Act 99) – Requires the University of Hawaii to become a net zero user of energy (total amount of energy used being the equivalent to the amount of renewable energy created) across all campuses by Jan. 1, 2035.
  • Hydrogen Energy Infrastructure (Act 98) – The Legislature designated the director of the Hawaii Center for Advanced Transportation Technologies as the state hydrogen implementation coordinator to establish infrastructure across state agencies to promote the expansion of hydrogen-based energy.
  • Ethanol Repeal (Act 161) – Removed the state’s mandate that required transportation fuels sold in the state to include ethanol.
  • Charging Multi-Unit Dwellings (Act 164) – Establishes a working group to examine issues regarding the installation of EV charging systems at multi-unit dwellings, which includes condominiums, cooperative housing and community associations that account for an estimated 38 percent of Hawaii’s housing units.

The Energy Resources Coordinator’s Annual Report 2015 is available to download at


The Hawaii State Energy Office is leading the state’s charge toward clean energy independence. HSEO is committed to developing and deploying high impact solutions that will maximize Hawaii’s renewable energy resources and improve efficiency and transportation standards. Through effective policies and innovative programs, HSEO has positioned Hawaii as a leader in clean energy innovation, which will generate quality jobs, attract investment opportunities and accelerate economic growth. The State Energy Office is a division of the state’s Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism.

For more information, visit

Alan Yonan Jr.
Communications Officer
DBEDT State Energy Office
(808) 587-3860
[email protected]


For Immediate Release: August 13, 2015

HONOLULU – The Hawaii State Energy Office has selected California-based GreenBiz Group to bring its annual VERGE event series to Hawaii. Long regarded as ground-zero for next-generation energy issues, the island state will serve as host in 2016 and 2017 as the best minds in energy identify and advance next-generation practices for sustainable energy solutions in Hawaii and beyond.

“VERGE Hawaii gives Hawaii a unique opportunity to leverage its role as an energy innovation leader and international test bed,” said Luis Salaveria, director of the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism. “We are excited about the opportunity to bring together some of the brightest minds in the clean energy and sustainability movements.”

The recent passage of three ambitious energy bills have made Hawaii the first state to adopt a 100 percent renewable energy portfolio standard and have cemented it at the forefront of global renewable energy efforts. Offering a real-world glimpse into our future as a more resilient world, the VERGE Hawaii: Asia Pacific Clean Energy Summit, June 21-23 at the Hilton Hawaiian Village in Honolulu, will gather influencers from the world’s largest corporations, as well as entrepreneurs, utility executives, public officials and representatives of nonprofits and academia.

“Hawaii represents the transformational change we’d all like to see and be a part of. With a well-defined goal of accelerating renewable energy to 100 percent, Hawaii is the perfect place for bringing together innovators, policymakers and market leaders for next-generation climate solutions,” said Eric Faurot, CEO of GreenBiz Group. “We see VERGE Hawaii playing an instrumental role in providing the platform for ideating and sharing best practices that others can replicate.”

Mark Glick, Hawaii State Energy Office Administrator, said bringing VERGE to Hawaii highlights the state’s emergence as a global clean energy leader. “”Hawaii has been able to attract international investment from governments and corporations that see the state as a bellwether for clean energy, and a place where the next generations of energy solutions will be born.”

VERGE takes the premise of sharing insights, promoting collaborative learning, and inspiring higher rates of renewable energy and energy efficiency. With a focus on practical, scalable solutions, VERGE Hawaii program tracks will include: Grid 2.0, Next- Gen Buildings, Circular Economy, Connected Transportation, Intelligent Supply Chains, Food & Ag Tech, and Sustainable Water Systems. The conference also will provide an opportunity to showcase Hawaii’s rich portfolio of renewable resources, clean-energy projects, sustainable development and investment opportunities.

# # #

The Hawaii State Energy Office is leading the state’s charge toward clean energy independence. The State Energy Office is committed to developing and deploying high impact solutions that will maximize Hawaii’s renewable energy resources and improve efficiency and transportation standards. Through effective policies and innovative programs, the State Energy Office has positioned Hawaii as a leading proving ground for clean energy innovation, which will generate quality jobs, attract investment opportunities and accelerate economic growth. The State Energy Office is a division of the state’s Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism. For more information, visit

For more information, contact:

Alan Yonan Jr.
Communications Officer
DBEDT State Energy Office
(808) 587-3860
[email protected]


For Immediate Release: July 17, 2015

HONOLULU — Businesses and event organizers across Hawaii have taken their commitment to reduce, reuse and recycle to a new level. From replacing polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles with glass bottles to building bee colonies for honey to rewarding employees for carpooling, local enterprises are finding innovative ways to keep their utility costs down and preserve natural resources all while helping the state meet its clean energy goals.

Twenty-four of these renewable energy and efficiency stewards were honored today by the state for their outstanding clean energy efforts at the 2015 Hawaii Green Business Awards. The awards were presented by Gov. David Y. Ige and hosted by the Hawaii State Energy Office of the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT), Department of Health and The Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii. The annual awards program recognizes achievements by Hawaii businesses and entities in the area of energy efficiency.

“Today’s honorees have gone beyond environmental compliance. They’ve taken bold and creative steps to incorporate green practices into multiples aspects of their business operations and events. Collectively, they’re helping move Hawaii to the forefront of renewable energy efforts,” said Gov. Ige.

Luis Salaveria, director of the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, praised the awardees for their commitment to sustainability.

“Not only are they operating in an environmentally and socially responsible manner, they are reducing our reliance on imported fossil fuels, which helps with our economic and energy security,” Salaveria said.

Recognizing the state’s commitment to conservation and sustainable development, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Council selected Hawai’i as the venue for the 2016 IUCN World Conservation Congress – the world’s largest conservation event. This will be the first time the World Conservation Congress will be held in the United States. A number of this year’s Hawai’i Green Business awardees will host some of the8,000-10,000 delegates who will be in Honolulu next September for the conference.

The Hawai’i Green Business Program (HGBP) assists and recognizes businesses that strive to operate in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. When launched in 2002, the HGBP initially focused on Resorts & Hotels due to the large number of visitors in Hawaii, and the potential for significant resource reduction through conservation.

The program, with Green Interns funded in part by the federal Environmental Protection Agency Pacific Southwest Region IX, has expanded over the years and now includes four categories: Resorts & Hotels, Offices & Retail, Restaurant & Food Service Facilities, and Green Events. This year’s awards features a new category: Grocery Stores.

Businesses that have been recognized for their green practices can be viewed in an interactive map on the Hawaii State Energy Office’s Green Business Program website:

The honorees of the 2015 Hawaii Green Business Awards are:

  • Hyatt Regency Waikiki
  • Kahala Resort and Spa
  • Turtle Bay Resort and Spa
  • Volcano House
  • Bills Sydney
  • Lanikai Juice
  • the nook neighborhood bistro
  • Whole Foods Market, Kahala Mall
  • Hawai’i Pacific University
  • Sustainable Island Products
  • Honeywell Energy Solutions
  • Kapolei Fire Station
  • Patagonia, Honolulu
  • East-West Center

The Hawaii Green Business Awards also honored nine green events held in 2015:

  • Green Hotel Forum by Outrigger Reef Waikiki Beach Resort
  • Concert on the Lawn by East-West Center
  • Sustainability Council Retreat by Kamehameha Schools
  • The Chaos of SustAINAbility by HISCI
  • Annual Sustainability Higher Education Summit – University of Hawaii
  • E-Drive Charrette by DBEDT
  • Pop-Up Pupus by Hawaii Theatre
  • Sustainability Unconference by Important Media
  • TEDx Paradigm Shift by TEDxHonolulu


The Hawaii State Energy Office is leading the state’s charge toward clean energy independence. With a goal to meet and exceed Hawaii’s 70 percent clean energy targets by 2030, the State Energy Office is committed to developing and deploying high impact solutions that will maximize Hawaii’s renewable energy resources and improve efficiency and transportation standards. Through effective policies and innovative programs, the State Energy Office has positioned Hawaii as a leading proving ground for clean energy innovation, which will generate quality jobs, attract investment opportunities and accelerate economic growth. The State Energy Office is a division of the state’s Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism. For more information, visit

For more information, contact:
Alan Yonan Jr.
Communications Officer
DBEDT State Energy Office
(808) 587-3860
[email protected]



For Immediate Release: July 3, 2015

HONOLULU — Powered only by the sun’s rays, the Solar Impulse 2 airplane brought its messages of innovation and clean energy to Hawaii as it neared the halfway point of its around-the-world flight without using fossil fuel.

The Swiss-made aircraft landed safely at Kalaeloa Airport Friday, completing a five-day trans-Pacific crossing from Japan, the longest leg of the historic flight. Solar Impulse 2 incorporates a host of innovative solutions into its design that make it lighter and allow it to consume far less energy than a traditional airplane.

“It is fitting that Solar Impulse 2 made its first U.S. stop in Hawaii, which is becoming one of the world’s leading test beds for clean energy development,” said Mark Glick, Hawaii State Energy Office administrator. “We understand the value of the research and development that went into Solar Impulse 2 as we work to attract investment and create a clean energy sector that we believe has tremendous economic potential for Hawaii”

Solar Impulse 2 began its epic journey on March 9, 2015, departing from Abu Dhabi, where it will return. Over the course of its journey Solar Impulse 2 will fly for 500 hours, travel 19,000 nautical miles and cross two oceans and four continents. The highly efficient solar panels and lightweight lithium batteries developed specifically for the Solar Impulse 2 are examples of technological advances that can have a direct impact on efforts to reduce fossil fuel use in the electricity sector.

“Solar Impulse 2 utilizes pieces of technology that are a significant part of Hawaii’s energy portfolio,” Glick said. “The solar cells that cover the wings of the Solar Impulse 2 are a familiar sight  here in Hawaii, which leads the nation in installed PV capacity per person.”

The Solar Impulse project is supported by several global technology companies, including ABB Inc., a leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility, industry and transport companies to improve their performance while lowering environmental impact. The ABB Group of companies operates in roughly 100 countries and employs about 140,000 people worldwide.

“ABB is pleased to join our technology and innovation partner, Solar Impulse, on this historic ‘around the world’ journey and extremely pleased to cross the Pacific Ocean and bring our message of building a better world to the United States,” said Greg Scheu, president, Americas region, ABB. “We’d like to say a special thank you to Hawaii, a state bursting with natural beauty and resources, for being an excellent example of why ABB’s focus on efficient and sustainable technologies is so important. We can power world the world without consuming the earth.”

The Solar Impulse 2 aircraft, a larger version of a single-seat prototype that first flew five years ago, has a wingspan of about 235 feet, larger than that of the Boeing 747. Built into the wings are 17,248 ultra-efficient solar cells that transfer solar energy to four electrical motors that power the plane’s propellers. The solar cells also recharge four lithium batteries that power the plane at night.


The Hawaii State Energy Office is leading the state’s charge toward clean energy independence. With a goal to meet and exceed Hawaii’s 70 percent clean energy targets by 2030, the State Energy Office is committed to developing and deploying high impact solutions that will maximize Hawaii’s renewable energy resources and improve efficiency and transportation standards. Through effective policies and innovative programs, the State Energy Office has positioned Hawaii as a leading proving ground for clean energy innovation, which will generate quality jobs, attract investment opportunities and accelerate economic growth. The State Energy Office is a division of the state’s Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism. For more information, visit

For more information, contact:

Alan Yonan Jr.
Communications Officer
DBEDT State Energy Office
(808) 587-3860
[email protected]


For Immediate Release: June 30, 2015

HONOLULU — The Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority, an attached agency of the state Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, announced today that it has begun accepting loan applications from consumers seeking to finance solar photovoltaic systems under the state’s Green Energy Market Securitization (GEMS) program.

The GEMS Residential Financing Product is aimed at consumers who want to install PV systems, but cannot afford the high upfront costs or do not qualify for traditional financing. The loan program is designed to enable more consumers to realize energy cost savings and participate in Hawaii’s clean energy transformation.

The Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority is working with Energy Finance Solutions (EFS), a division of WECC. EFS is a loan originator with more than 30 years of experience arranging financing for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Loan servicing will be provided by Concord Servicing, which handles more than 650,000 servicing accounts totaling $3 billion.

GEMS provides consumers the opportunity to save money on their electric bills from Day 1 of PV system installation, with no money down. Twenty-year fixed-rate loans are available for the purchase of a PV system installed at a single-family residence within the service areas of the Hawaiian Electric Companies.

The Residential Financing Program is the second financing product offered by GEMS. In March, GEMS began offering clean energy loans to nonprofit organizations.

GEMS may approve additional consumer financing options in the future, such as loans for other equipment that support PV interconnection, financing for prepaid leases and power purchase agreements, and the financing of loans with on-bill repayment options.

To apply for a GEMS loan, visit:


The Hawaii State Energy Office is leading the state’s charge toward clean energy independence. With a goal to meet and exceed Hawaii’s 70 percent clean energy targets by 2030, the State Energy Office is committed to developing and deploying high impact solutions that will maximize Hawaii’s renewable energy resources and improve efficiency and transportation standards. Through effective policies and innovative programs, the State Energy Office has positioned Hawaii as a leading proving ground for clean energy innovation, which will generate quality jobs, attract investment opportunities and accelerate economic growth. The State Energy Office is a division of the state’s Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism. For more information, visit

For more information, contact:

Alan Yonan Jr.
Communications Officer
DBEDT State Energy Office
(808) 587-3860
[email protected]
